
Chambana Sun

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Champaign County Board met Nov. 18

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Champaign County Board met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The County Board of Champaign County, Illinois met at a Regular Meeting at 6:33 PM in the Brookens Administrative Center, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana, Illinois with County Executive Darlene Kloeppel presiding and Matthew Cross as Clerk of the meeting.


Roll call showed the following members present: Straub, Summers, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wolken, Carter, Cowart, Esry, Fortado, Goss, Harper, King, Lokshin, McGuire, Michaels, Passalacqua, Paul, Rodriguez, Stohr and Patterson – 21; absent: none. County Executive Kloeppel declared a quorum present and the Board competent to conduct business.


County Executive Kloeppel noted the upcoming holiday season and wished the county happy holidays and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


The Clerk read the Notice of the Meeting, said Notice having been published in the News Gazette on October 28, November 4, and November 11, 2021.


County Executive Kloeppel noted the appointment to the vacant District 11 seat had been struck from the agenda, Addendum Items Va and Vb, due to a recent decision by the Sixth Circuit Appellate Court, the State’s Attorney’s Office, and the Champaign County Democratic Central Committee. Board Member Esry offered a motion to approve the Agenda/Addenda without Addendum Items Va and Vb; Board Member Passalacqua seconded. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Standing Committees:

A. County Facilities Committee Meeting

Monday, December 7, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

B. Environment & Land Use Committee

Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

C. Highway and Transportation Committee Meeting

Friday, December 10, 2021 at 9 AM

1605 E Main Street, Urbana

Committee of the Whole:

A. Justice & Social Services; Policy, Personnel, & Appointments; Finance Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

County Board:

A. Regular Meeting

Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room


Sherry Steigmann of Urbana asked the Board about the cost to borrow the funds to pay for the County Jail renovation and expansion.

Rob Dalhaus of C-U at Home spoke about homeless shelters in the county and requested American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funding for emergency shelters.

Mark Enslin of Urbana spoke in opposition to jail funding.

Matt Soyland of the Party of Socialism and Liberation spoke in opposition to jail funding and urged the funding of social services instead.

Captain Karee Voges, Champaign County Correctional Superintendent, spoke about a recent evaluation of the jail facilities by the state, noting the downtown jail is wholly inadequate; she urged the board to pass jail funding.

Micah McMahon, Correctional Officer, spoke in support of jail funding.

Brian Dunn of Champaign spoke in opposition to jail funding and urged funding social services instead.

Drake Materre, University of Illinois Master of Public Health candidate, spoke in opposition to jail funding and urged funding social services instead.

Allan Axelrod of Urbana spoke in support of funding social services. Brian Dolinar of Urbana spoke in opposition to jail funding.

David Cisneros of Urbana spoke in opposition to jail funding and urged funding social services instead.

Chelsea Birchmier of the Champaign County Bailout Coalition spoke in opposition to jail funding and noted that since the passage of the cash bail reform in the state legislature, to take effect January 2023, there has been a steady increase in bail amounts.

Hiba Ahmed of the Illinois Network for Pretrial Justice read a statement in opposition to jail funding and urged funding social services instead.

Luke Lee of Champaign spoke in opposition to jail funding.


Board Member Michaels offered a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, comprising 14 resolutions (Nos. 2021-330, 2021-331, 2021-332, 2021-333, 2021-334, 2021-335, 2021-336, 2021-337, 2021-338, 2021-339, 2021-340, 2021-341, 2021-342, and 2021- 343) and two ordinances (Nos. 2021-11 and 2021-12); Board Member Cowart seconded. Motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.

Yeas: Straub, Summers, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wolken, Carter, Cowart, Esry, Fortado, Goss, Harper, King, Lokshin, McGuire, Michaels, Passalacqua, Paul, Rodriguez, Stohr and Patterson – 21

Nays: None


Board Member Summers spoke about the recently deceased Janice Mitchell.

Board Member Rodriguez read a statement from Cunningham Township Supervisor Danielle Chynoweth regarding the jail funding stating the public had not been sufficiently informed with no public hearings and the plan needed more input from both the public and experts.


Board Member Goss offered a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the County Board of October 21, 2021; Board Member King seconded. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


County Executive Kloeppel noted the Highway and Transportation Committee Summary of Action Taken November 5, 2021 Meeting and the Facilities Committee Summary of Action Taken November 8, 2021 Meeting were received and placed on file.


County Executive Kloeppel noted the Committee of the Whole (Justice and Social Services; Finance; Policy, Personnel, and Appointments) Summary of Action Taken November 9, 2021 Meeting was received and placed on file.

Board Member Stohr offered an omnibus motion to adopt Resolutions No. 2021-344 appointing Kelly Dillman to the Sadorus Fire Protection District unexpired term ending 4/30/2024, No. 2021-345 appointing James Randol to the Zoning Board of Appeals term 12/01/2021-11/30/2023, No. 2021-346 appointing Andy Quarnstrom (D) to the Public Aid Appeals Committee term 12/01/2021-11/30/2023, No. 2021-347 appointing Danielle Chynoweth (D) to the Public Aid Appeals Committee term 12/01/2021-11/30/2023, and No. 2021-348 appointing Norman Davis (R) to the Public Aid Appeals Committee term 12/01/2021-11/30/2023; Board Member Thorsland seconded. Motion Carried by voice vote.

Board Member Stohr offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-349 approving the 2022 Holiday Calendar; Board Member Lokshin seconded. Board Member Rodriguez noted resolution texts designates the holiday of October 10, 2022 as “Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day” where the Committee of the Whole had designated the holiday as solely “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” Various board members, Board Chair Patterson, and County Executive Kloeppel discussed potential effects of naming the holiday solely as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” when current bargaining contracts refer to the holiday solely as “Columbus Day;” it was determined that the change would cause no problems since the date of the holiday is also designated.

Board Member Straub offered an amendment to rename the holiday of October 10, 2022 “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” instead of “Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day;” Board Member King seconded. Board Member Michaels noted that Bloomington is the only government entity in Illinois that has changed the name from “Columbus Day” to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” Board Member McGuire voiced opposition to renaming the holiday. Board Member Carter voiced support for renaming the holiday, noting that the titular Christopher Columbus was “a thief and a liar,” alluding to the atrocities perpetrated by and on behalf of Columbus in the Americas. The motion to amend the resolution carried by voice vote.

The motion to adopt the resolution as amended carried by voice vote.

Board member Fortado offered a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-13 FY2022 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance Champaign County, Illinois; Board Member Summers seconded. Motion carried by roll-call vote.

Yeas: Straub, Summers, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Carter, Cowart, Fortado, Harper, King, Lokshin, Michaels, Paul, Rodriguez, Stohr and Patterson – 16

Nays: Wolken, Esry, Goss, McGuire, and Passalacqua – 5


County Executive Kloeppel noted the Jail Facilities Committee Summary of Action Taken November 3, 2021 Meeting was received and placed on file.

Board Chair Patterson offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-350 approving the construction plan and funding strategy for the Champaign County jail facilities; Board Member Stohr seconded. Board Member Stohr noted rehabilitation of current medical facilities was not included in the plan for the architect’s modification of the Pope Jail. However, the committee discussed and acknowledged the need for additional space for programs, education and staff training. The committee general agreed that the architectural places should include the relatively low-cost modification. Board Chair Patterson noted a discrepancy in the documents and stated the final total should be $20,401,408. Board Member McGuire noted the state mandate to provide safe and secure jails and stated his opinion that the jail size should be expanded beyond the plans outlined in the resolution.

Board Member McGuire offered an amendment to the resolution to increase the funding by $25 million, all drawn from ARPA funds; Board Member Harper seconded. County Sheriff Heuerman was invited to join the discussion. County Sheriff Heuerman spoke on the increased jail population, 260 as of November 18, 2021 and, while he expects the number to decrease, he does not anticipate a drastic reduction, even after the cash bail reform goes into effect in 2023. Board Member King asked about housing inmates at facilities outside of the county; County Sheriff Heuerman stated the plan had been to discontinue use of the downtown jail by housing inmates outside of the county, but the recent increase in the jail population necessitated the continued use of the downtown jail and that he did not anticipate the population to decline to the point that the current satellite jail could accommodate the entire inmate population. Board Member Fortado praised the county’s efforts to reduce the inmate population and asked of any issues with housing inmates at other counties; County Sheriff Heuerman stated that the other counties are not required to accept any inmates, noting that one county refused to house a specific inmate. County Sheriff Heuerman also expressed concern that housing inmates outside the county hampers attorney and family visits due to the increased travel distance. Board Member Fortado asked Board Member McGuire about funding specifics in his amendment to the resolution; Board Member McGuire stated it would eliminate the $13 million bond and use $25 million of ARPA funding ($5 million from 2021 funds and $20 million from 2022 funds). Board Member McGuire asked the cost to rehabilitate the medical facility and to install the geothermal heating system; Board Chair Patterson stated the HVAC cost is approximately $500,000 and the rehabilitation of the medical facility would be minimal. Board Member Summers called the question on the amendment debate; Board Member King seconded. The debate was closed by roll-call vote.

Yeas: Straub, Summers, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wolken, Carter, Cowart, Esry, Fortado, Goss, Harper, King, Lokshin, Michaels, Paul, Rodriguez, Stohr and Patterson – 19

Nays: McGuire and Passalacqua – 2

The motion to amend the resolution failed by roll-call vote.

Yeas: Esry, Goss, Harper, McGuire, and Passalacqua – 5

Nays: Straub, Summers, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wolken, Carter, Cowart, Fortado, King, Lokshin, Michaels, Paul, Rodriguez, Stohr and Patterson – 16

Board Member Wolken stated her support for the resolution, noting its necessity. Board Member Harper stated his support for the resolution but wished for a greater expansion in capacity; he noted the jail has been a long-standing issue in the county. Board Member Carter asked County Sheriff Heuerman about the approximately $9 million collected in bond money; County Sheriff Heuerman stated he had no knowledge of the bond money as that is under the purview of the courts. Board Member Carter asked about the capacity increase at the satellite jail; County Sheriff Heuerman stated it reflects the closure of the downtown jail and is the bare minimum. Board Member Carter asked about conflict resolution initiatives and outdoor space for inmates; County Sheriff Heuerman confirmed both are available to inmates. Board Member Goss expressed his disappointment in the use of bond instead of ARPA. Board Member Rodriguez expressed a desire to slow the planning process to get more community input and asked about the elimination of visitor spaces form the plan; County Sheriff Heuerman stated the ARPA funds could not be used for that construction. Board Member Rodriguez stated the plans reflect an assumption of a 20% reduction in the jail population; Board Member Fortado corrected at 14.9% reduction. Board Member Passalacqua expressed concern that the resolution was not written collaboratively within the Jail Facilities Committee; Board Chair Patterson stated the resolution was based on proposals approved by the committee. Board Member Fortado stated that ARPA funds have strict regulations on what they can and cannot be used, and it cannot be used for anything and everything in the county, stating she was unsure if all the $5 million ARPA funds budgeted in the project would be eligible. Board Member Fortado stated her respect for the public speakers despite their disagreements over the project. Board Member Paul expressed his support for the project stating that it would be necessary whether or not ARPA funds were available. Board Member Esry stated the necessity of the project and expressed his support despite his aversion to spending money. Board Member McGuire asked about the costs of the medical facility rehabilitation and the geothermal heating system. County Facilities Director Dana Brenner was invited to join the discussion; he stated he did not have the figures off hand for the medical facility and the geothermal heating system would cost $550,000 for the new construction of the jail facility, noting the satellite jail is currently being fitted for geothermal heating. Board Member Lokshin asked that the spending be itemized to ensure APRA compliance; Facilities Director Brenner confirmed. The motion carried by voice vote.


Board Member Michaels offered a motion to renew to Recreation & Entertainment License for Gordyville LLC, 2205 CR 3000N, Gifford, 1/1/22-12/31-22; Board Member Goss seconded. Board Members Esry and Thorsland explained that since this was the only item for the Environment and Land Use Committee for the month, they opted to cancel the meeting and not take this item before the Committee of the Whole for inclusion in the Consent Agenda. Board Member Esry noted that the Agenda Packet contained information about Curtis Orchard instead of Gordyville; Board Member Thorsland reiterated that the item to be voted upon was Gordyville not Curtis Orchard. Board Chair Patterson noted the posting requirements for such items, and the error may mean the resolution was not in compliance; he suggested the board wait to vote on the issue until next month. Board Member Michaels offered a motion to send the Gordyville LLC license item back to the Environment and Land Use Committee; Board Member Lokshin seconded. The item was sent back to committee by unanimous voice vote.

Board Member Summers offered an omnibus motion to adopt Resolutions No. 2021- 351 authorizing payments of claims and No. 2021-352 authorizing purchases not following purchasing policy; Board Member Straub seconded. Board Member Stohr noted the RPC expenditure of $151,125 may represent a new high in purchases not following purchasing policy. The motion carried by voice vote.


ARPA Project Manager Kathy Larson noted the memo in the handout which summarized the ARPA Project updates.

County Executive Kloeppel noted County Auditor Danos’ memo was included in the Agenda Packet.

County Executive Kloeppel noted the County Treasurer Johnson’s memo in response to the Auditor’s update was included in the Agenda Packet.

County Executive Kloeppel stated that C-U at Home Community Outreach and Development Director Rob Dalhaus was present to discuss the C-U at Home year round emergency shelter proposal. Director Dalhaus was invited to join the discussion. Board Member Harper asked if the cities of Champaign and Urbana were financial contributors to CU at Home emergency shelter operations; Director Dalhaus confirmed both Champaign and Urbana and others contribute. Board Chair Patterson asked about the 2022 funding budgeted for CU at Home in relation to the present needs; Director Dalhaus stated that while the current funding would carry operations through to January 2022, but immediate contributions would be beneficial. County Executive Kloeppel noted that funding is already allocated for 2022. Director Dalhaus stated there are currently one men’s shelter, one women’s shelter, and two shelters located at churches in the county. Board Member Fortado, supported by Board Member McGuire, suggested using funds allocated for affordable housing. With board member backing via straw poll, County Executive Kloeppel stated she will work on arranging the funding and present it to the County Board at the December meeting.


County Executive Kloeppel stated she was adjourning open portion of the meeting at 9:20 PM.

County Executive Kloeppel adjourned to a closed session of the County Board at 9:27 PM.
