City of Paxton City Council met Dec. 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge Of Allegiance (Please Stand)
4. Minutes Of Last Meeting - Approval (Voice Vote)
5. List Of Claims – Approval (Roll Call)
6. Treasurers Report And Investment Register - Approval (Voice Vote)
7. Committee Reports:
Finance/Budget – Alderman Wilson:
Discuss and Approve Tax Levy Ordinance.
Discuss and Approve Health Insurance changes
Public Works – Alderman Withers:
Public Safety – Alderman Pacey:
Discuss and approve changes to Ordinance 96.01 - Running at Large Prohibited
Discuss and approve purchase of Christmas Hams for ERS volunteers
City Property – Alderman Evans:
Discuss and Approve sale of city property
Discuss and Approve purchase of city property
License, Permit, Zoning & Insurance – Alderman Satterlee:
Discuss and Approve recommendation from the Committee meeting
Community – Alderman Hoedebecke:
Economic Development – Alderman Geiken:
Long Term Planning:
Other Business:
Public Comment:
If you are in the audience and have comments to bring before the City Council regarding one of the committees, please advise the Clerk or Mayor of your desire to address the Council, stand, give your name and the nature of business during that particular committee report. Unless otherwise requested of, or allowed by the Mayor, remarks or presentations by the audience will be held to 3-5 minutes.