Village of Rossville Village Board Met Sept. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Queen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the Rossville Municipal Building located at 120 East Attica Street in Rossville, Illinois.
Roll call was taken. A quorum was established with Mayor Queen and Trustees Cornell, Black, Leaver, Sturm and Mahorney physically present.
Guests present were Clerk White, Rosella Ray, Doug O’Toole from the Vermilion County Health Department and Keep Vermilion County Beautiful and Brenda Adams from Keep Vermilion County Beautiful.
Minutes of the regular board meeting held August 17, 2020 were presented. Motion was made by Black, seconded by Leaver to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes as presented. All members voted yes.
Treasurer Ault’s written report for August 2020 was presented. Trustee Leaver noted balance discrepancies on the WTP and Sewer Premier Accounts. Balances will be reviewed and an amended treasurer’s report will be copied in next month’s packet. Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Cornell to accept the August treasurer’s report with the necessary corrections. Vote: Sturm, yes; Mahorney, yes; Leaver, yes; Black, yes; Cornell, yes.
Current bills – Current bills were reviewed earlier in the Finance & Purchasing Committee meeting. Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Sturm to approve the bills as presented. Vote: Mahorney, yes; Leaver, yes; Black, yes; Cornell, yes; Sturm, yes.
Superintendent Lusk’s report – Mayor Queen noted on Superintendent Lusk’s report that Reffett Construction will begin the Gilbert Street Sidewalk Project the first part of October.
It was asked if the Village was going to make repairs to the sidewalk in front of the post office. Mayor Queen had not contacted the owners yet.
Superintendent Lusk reported repairs were needed for well 4A again. Mayor Queen stated Superintendent Lusk has ordered a new pump which will cost approximately $10,000 to repair the well.
Sewer Operator Price’s report – Trustee Leaver asked what the Mezzo-DB Hydro Sioscience Ultrasonic Transducer Algae Control System is and if it was approved to purchase. Matt Price indicated on his report the description of the item. No one knew if it had be approved to purchase prior to ordering.
Police Chief Kelnhofer’s report – Chief Kelnhofer has been off work so no report was received.
Doug O’Toole, representing the Vermilion County Health Department and Keep Vermilion County Beautiful, gave board members information regarding a FREE Electronics Collection Day to be held October 17, 2020 from 9-11 a.m. at the DACC parking lot in Danville. No more than 7 items per vehicle will be accepted.
A tire collection date is also being planned for townships and municipalities to bring unwanted tires to Danville.
Mr. O’Toole also presented a Flu Clinic schedule.
Brenda Adams, also representing Keep Vermilion County Beautiful, announced the Great American Cleanup that is usually scheduled the first Saturday in May, has been rescheduled for October 10th from 9-12. Volunteers are needed and are asked to meet at the Palmer Arena.
Ms. Adams also stated it is time for membership dues to be paid. Ms. Adams encouraged Village members to attend the monthly meetings that are held every 4th Monday of every month at Charlotte’s in Danville at noon. Dues are to be paid prior to January 1st.
Accounts Receivable -Collector White reported the utility accounts receivable total as $14,611.07. There was 1 miscellaneous invoice for $157.20 making the total accounts receivable as $14,768.27. There were no utility disconnects or reconnects last month.
Corvette Sale – At last month’s regular board meeting, the Village Board voted to sell the 2002 Corvette to Kenny Vaughn and accept his bid of $11,300 if he was still interested. Mr. Vaughn accepted and paid for the vehicle. Enclosed in the packets is a copy of the signed ordinance authorizing the sale of the Corvette to Mr. Vaughn.
Ordinance Not Increasing the Salaries of Newly Elected Officials of the Village of Rossville in the Spring of 2021 – An ordinance NOT increasing the salaries of newly elected official of the Village of Rossville in the spring of 2021 was presented. The proposed ordinance would retain the salaries of newly elected officials at the Consolidated Election in April, 2021 to remain at the following:
Mayor $3,000 annually (Paid in April annually)
Clerk $2,400 ($100 each pay period)
Trustees $50 month (Paid in April annually)
Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Sturm to adopt the Newly Elected Salary Ordinance as stated with no increase. Vote: Leaver, yes; Mahorney, yes; Sturm, yes; Black, yes; Cornell, yes. Ordinance 2020-13 passed.
Superintendent Lusk received 2 bids from engineers for the East Attica Street Water Main Replacement Project. Both bids were in the amount of $26,200. The bids were from Fuhrmann Engineering and Donohue Engineering Services. The bid from Donohue Engineering was more detailed on costs. Motion was made by Black, seconded by Leaver to accept the bid from Donohue Engineering for $26,200 for the water main project on East Attica Street. Vote: Cornell, yes; Sturm, yes; Mahorney, yes; Black, yes; Leaver, yes.
Façade Grant Application – Kelsey Daniel is starting a new business at 111 & 113 S. Chicago. Ms. Daniel amended her cost of project to $2,000 and is requesting reimbursement of $1,000 for her project. Her list of improvements include painting the exterior, replacing the paneling, replacing the canopies, signage and tuck point the brick. The funds would be reimbursed from the TIF Fund. Motion was made by Mahorney, seconded by Leaver to approve the façade grant and authorize issuing a check for reimbursement of up to $1,000 for her project upon receipt of the receipts for expenses. Vote: Sturm, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Black, yes; Leaver, yes.
106 E. Attica – Mayor Queen reported the building at 106 E. Attica is approximately 90% cleaned out except the printing press and cases of paper. The temporary help will be available again on Monday to clean out the rest of the building, tear the ceiling off, tear the floor out and make a back wall out of block. When that work is complete, a decision can be made regarding the roof. Trustee Sturm stated the building will need to be secured again so nobody can get in and get hurt during this process. Trustee Sturm suggested installing construction fencing in the back of the property. Trustee Black stated that Superintendent/Building Inspector Lusk needs to prepare a plan to include projected costs and a timeline for the project to present to the Board. Mayor Queen will speak with Superintendent Lusk regarding the development of a plan and projected costs and timeline.
Donation Requested from RCO – A request was received from RCO (Rossville Community Organization) for $500 for Christmas decorations. Since the Village did not expend the $500 allotted for the Street Dance, RCO would like $500 to purchase lights to place on homemade snowflakes to put on the antique streetlights at Christmas time. Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Sturm to approve the donation of $500 to the RCO for Christmas decorations and authorize a check to be issued for $500 to RCO. Vote: Black, yes; Cornell, yes; Leaver, yes; Mahorney, yes; Sturm, yes.
Election Packets for the Consolidated Election to be held April, 2021 – Clerk White announced the petition packets will be available in the village office tomorrow, Sept. 22nd, for residents who wish to run for an elected position for the Village of Rossville at the Consolidated Election to be held on April 6, 2021. There are 7 positions available, which are as follows:
Mayor 4 year term
Clerk 4 year term
Trustee (3) 4 year term
Trustee (2) 2 year term
Office hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30-12, 12:30-5 p.m. Petition packets must be filed in the village office, located at 120 E. Attica Street, Rossville, IL 60963, between December 14-22, 2020.
Rosella Ray stated she has purchased one of the stain glass windows titled, “The Sower”, formerly located in the former Presbyterian Church building. Ms. Ray is going to install the window at Mustard Seed Daycare. The window will be lit at night so people can view it.
Rosella Ray also announced she is selling her buildings downtown to Kelsey Daniel. Ms. Daniel will have a coffee shop on one side and vendors with a variety of goods on the other side. The grand opening is being planned for October 3rd.
Finance & Purchasing Committee – Chairman Leaver had nothing further to report. Clerk White announced the fiscal year 2020 audit should be complete soon. The auditor is planning to present the audit at next month’s meeting.
Streets & Alleys Committee – Chairman Cornell reported the pond could not be treated on September 14th due to the oxygen level being too low. Trustee Mahorney suggested discussing the aeration system, as previously discussed but the pond is not deep enough. Trustee Mahorney suggested dredging the pond around the edges about 10’-15’. Clerk White asked if estimates for the dredging could be obtained so the Village could apply to the Cadle Foundation for assistance with the project. No further discussion evolved.
Police, Health & Safety Committee – Chairman Black reported the committee will begin regular committee meetings on the 2nd Thursday of every month, beginning October 8th at 5 p.m. Chairman Black, Mayor Queen and Chief Kelnhofer will begin meeting every other week to discuss the police department.
Water & Sewer Committee - Chairperson Maden was absent so no report was given.
Gas Committee - Chairman Sturm had nothing to report at this time.
Public Improvements - Trustee Mahorney requested estimates from a couple of companies for costs to make parking lots at 121 & 122 E. Attica Street. The lot on 121 E. Attica is 34’x127’ and the lot at 122 E. Attica is 90’x54’. Drains will need to be installed. The estimate for 121 E. Attica was approximately $25,000 and the estimate for 122 E. Attica was approximately $27,000. Trustee Black suggested tabling the discussion until after COVID-19 is over. Trustee Black suggested that Superintendent Lusk prepare a plan for both parking lots so the Village can advertise for bids.
The person living at 103 S. Chicago had a lit firepit. Trustee Sturm stated a firepit is not allowed in the downtown area. The matter will be investigated.
New Business – Trustee Black asked whose jurisdiction would it be to address painting crosswalks at the corners of Attica and Chicago in the stoplight area. Trustee Black sees kids crossing Route 1 and Attica Streets from stoplight to stoplight but there are no crosswalks painted for them to walk. Mayor Queen will contact the County Highway department and IDOT to find out the answer.
Trustee Black suggested establishing the Trustees with a secure email address so the public can communicate easier with the elected officials. Trustee Black stated Microsoft offers secure email addresses for approximately $10 per address per month. Deputy Clerk/Collector Kathy Rife stated the mayor and clerk already have email addresses established through a 1and 1 subscription. Ms. Rife offered to see how to set up new email addresses and review possible costs to be incurred. Trustee Black will check with Microsoft to verify costs also.
Trustee Black asked for board members’ opinions about possibly purchasing each trustee and the mayor a device such as an IPAD so board information can be directed to the trustees, such as board packets, and other communications with ease. Trustee Sturm and Trustee Leaver were in favor of the idea. Others did not voice an opinion. Clerk White would prefer to remain with the printed board packets. Trustee Black estimated the cost of one IPAD, if on sale, to be approximately $600 each. Clerk White stated the idea may be researched for next year’s budget but the budget needs to be monitored closely since the effect of COVID-19 has reduced sales and monies received from the State of Illinois, which are deposited in the General Fund. Assuming the expense would be expended in the General Fund since it may be considered an administrative expense, Clerk White cautioned board members to monitor expenses versus revenues. Trustee Black will investigate costs and present them to the Board.
Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Mahorney to leave regular session and enter executive session to discuss Employee Employment, Dismissal, Performance and Compensation under 5 ILCS 120/2 C1. Vote: Cornell, yes; Leaver, yes; Black, yes; Sturm, yes; Mahorney, yes. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:43 p.m.
Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Sturm to leave executive session and return to regular session. Vote: Leaver, yes; Black, yes; Sturm, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes. The meeting returned to regular session at 8:58 p.m.
No action was taken.
Motion was made by Mahorney, seconded by Sturm to adjourn the meeting. Vote: Black, yes; Sturm, yes; Mahorney, yes; Leaver, yes; Cornell, yes. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.