
Chambana Sun

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Champaign Community Unit School District 4 Board of Education met Oct. 28

Webp meeting41

Champaign Community Unit School District 4 Board of Education met Monday, Oct. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Regular Meeting

Board President Amy Armstrong called the Regular Meeting of the Board to order at 5:30 p.m.

Board Members Present

Amy Armstrong, Gianina Baker (arrived at 5:31 p.m.), Bruce Brown, Kathy Shannon, Elizabeth Sotiropoulos (arrived at 5:31 p.m.), Heather Vazquez

Board Member Absent

Chris Kloeppel

Staff Members Present

Superintendent Susan Zola, Deputy Superintendent Laura Taylor, Assistant Superintendent

Angela Ward, Executive Director of Human Resources Ken Kleber, Executive Director of Operations Paul Douglas

Approval of Agenda

Member Vazquez moved, with a second by Member Shannon to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried on voice vote. Ayes 4. Nays 0.

Executive Session Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Vazquez, to adjourn into Closed Session in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2c) to consider Personnel 120/2(c)(1), Negotiations 120/2(c)(2) and Student Discipline 120/2(c)(9). The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

The Board convened into Closed Session at 5:32 p.m.

Open Session

The Board convened into Open Session at 6:01 p.m.


Representatives from CFT, local media and other interested persons

Public Comments

Sharlene Denos, PTA President of IPA – She would like to expand IPA to a K-8 school.

M. Yanina Pepino de Gruer – She would like to expand IPA to a K-8 school.

Olga Halpern – Talked about the importance of a K-8 dual language school.

Susan Faivre – Talked about the dual language program at IPA.

Lisa Martinez – In support of a K-8 dual language program at IPA.

Noah C. Ward – Talked about IPA K-8 programming.

Reports: New Business

International Prep Academy – Preliminary Programming Update: Elizabeth Stegmaier In November 2016, District voters approved a facilities referendum to undertake facility improvement projects at several District facilities. On September 9, 2019, the Board approved an agreement with BLDD Architects for programming services related to the International Prep Academy project. Administration provided an update to the Board regarding the programming phase of this project.

This was an informational item and no action was required by the Board.

Action Agenda: New Business

Ratification of CESP Tentative Agreement: Ken Kleber

Member Sotiropoulos moved, with a second by Member Shannon for the Ratification of CESP

Tentative Agreement. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 5. Nays 0. Member Vazquez was not present for the vote.

The Champaign Educational Support Professionals’ (CESP) contract expired on June 30, 2019. The Board and CESP reached a Tentative Agreement on October 16, 2019 for a new three-year contract. The tentative agreement includes language regarding:

- changes to the probationary employment period

- updates to the Reduction In Force timeline

- provisions for Secretary training

- updates to clothing allowance procedures

- changes to sick, personal, and vacation leave

- wage schedule credit for military service

- enhanced compensation for recruits into hard to fill positions beginning in SY21

- the elimination of Fair Share to comply with the Janus decision provisions for contributions toward single, employee+1, and family health insurance premiums

- the addition of a vision insurance plan

- other changes to contract language

The wage schedule will be adjusted as follows:

- Year 1 – Step Increase + 1.8 percent

- Year 2 – Step Increase + 1.8 percent

- Year 3 – Step Increase + 1.7 percent

- Teacher Aides, Secretaries, 3 Cafeteria classifications and Bus Monitors will receive increases that differ from those above.

The Tentative Agreement does not specifically require the addition of personnel. Changes to wages are noted above. Other financial changes are outlined in the Tentative Agreement.

Administration recommended that the Board approve the Tentative Agreement with the Champaign Educational Support Professionals for a three-year contract spanning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022.

Capital Improvements and Maintenance/Repairs Plan: Elizabeth Stegmaier

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Sotiropoulos to approve the Capital Improvements and Maintenance/Repairs Plan. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

The District is undertaking a Capital Improvement and Maintenance/Repairs Plan to identify capital projects and purchases and necessary maintenance/repairs, provide a schedule for the projects, and identify funding for the Plan. On June 10, 2019, administration presented an initial report of the Capital Improvement and Maintenance/Repairs Plan.

Funding will come from CSFTax Dollars, O&M Property Tax Receipts, Fund 60 Interest Income, ED/O&M Fund Property Tax Receipts, 2015 ED Fund Reserves, and Proceeds from the Sale of Real Estate. The Capital Projects team will provide regular updates to the Board on the progress of the Plan.

Administration recommended approval of the Capital Improvement and Maintenance/Repairs Plan so that the team can move forward with the projects.

Agreement for Municipal Advisor Services: Seth Hansen

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Vazquez for approval of the Agreement for Municipal Advisor Services. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

In November 2016 voters approved a referendum for the issuance of $183,400,000 in School Construction Bonds. In 2017 the District issued $110,000,000 par value. Given statutory requirements to issue the full authority within five years of the same being approved by voters and a recent, favorable environment for the sale of high quality (“AA” or better rated) municipal (school) bonds, now is the time for the District to proceed to market.

In preparation for the second bond issue, the District has determined that it would be advantageous to have a Municipal Advisor to assist the District in structuring the debt, analyzing the finances and serving as the district advocate on the 2019 (/2020) referendum bond issue. Stern Brothers was chosen based on their performance and input provided on the Series 2019 (Alt. Revenue Source) Refunding Bond.

At Administration’s request, Stern Bros. submitted a proposal for Municipal Advisory services. The services outlined in the proposal are similar to the MA services that were provided in the 2017 issue and these costs are quite favorable to those shown in the October 11th update. With each of the Underwriters agreeing to lower their pricing - as the lead UW – by $16,000 for services that would be duplicated, the net cost for said same services to the District for MA services will be $9,000(*). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $25,000(*)

Administration recommended approval of the Agreement for Municipal Advisor Services with Stern Brothers.

Approval of Firms to Provide Underwriting Services: Seth Hansen

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Sotiropoulos for Approval of Firms to Provide Underwriting Services. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

In November 2016 voters approved a referendum for the issuance of $183,400,000 in School Construction Bonds. In 2017 the District issued $110,000,000 par value. Given statutory requirements to issue the full authority within five years of the same being approved by voters and a recent, favorable environment for the sale of high quality (“AA” or better rated) municipal (school) bonds, now is the time for the District to proceed to market.

Following a review of the successful Series 2019 (Alt. Revenue Source) Refunding Bonds, the District is recommending the following syndicate of underwriters be used to comprise the pool of firms to provide underwriting services for the District’s Series 2019 (/2020) School Construction

Bond Issue:

The proposed liability for each entity as well as the designation of lead underwriter will be made with a subsequent action of the Board of Education authorizing the sale.


(Incumbent) Stifel, Nicolaus & Company

(Incumbent) Wells Fargo

(Incumbent w/ Stifel) Backstrom McCarley Berry & Co., LLC

(The WMBE Backstrom, et.al. firm will be broken out from the Stifel partnership and receive its own dedicated liability designation. The fourth underwriter on the Series 2019 Refunding - Stern Bros. – has been proposed, under separate Board Action, to be designated as the Municipal Advisor on this issue.)

Each firm proposed unit pricing consistent with their RFP responses to the Series 2019 (Alt.Revenue Source) Refunding Bond issue. Both Stifel and Wells were agreeable to lower the unit pricing in recognition of the District’s intent to use a Municipal Advisor which will achieve a projected $16,000 total savings. This would affectively lower the costs of the latter (MA) service.

Administration recommended approval of the identified underwriters to comprise the pool of firms to provide underwriting services for the District’s Series 2019 (/2020) Bond Issue.

Consent Agenda: New Business

Member Sotiropoulos moved, with a second by Member Brown to approve the Consent Agenda – Unfinished/New Business. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

The following Consent Agenda items were approved:

Centennial High School Bid Release #2 – Alternate #2 – Nurazzo Tile Contingency Draw: Elizabeth Stegmaier

In November 2016, District voters approved a facilities referendum to undertake facility improvement projects at several District facilities. On May 6, 2019, the Board of Education approved the award of fifteen (15) construction contracts and associated amendment for O’Shea Builders for Bid Release #2. Administration did not seek approval of the bid alternates at that time, including Alternate #2 for the purchase and installation of an upgraded flooring material in both lobbies, including the school logo graphics in-lay. Upon further consideration of the end product and after some Value Management efforts, Administration recommended approval of Alternate #2 for Mr. David’s Flooring Inc. to install the revised flooring for the Bid Release #2 scope. Expenses for this scope of work will come from the Owner’s Contingency within the approved GMP contract with O’Shea Builders.

Administration recommended approval of the Alternate #2 – Nurazzo Tile Contingency Draw for Centennial High School Bid Release #2 for the amount of eighty thousand three hundred forty nine dollars $80,349, which will award the alternate per the bidding documents.

Resolution Authorizing Disposal of District Personal Property: Paul Douglas The Resolution Authorizing Disposal of District Personal Property was approved as presented.

Human Resource Changes: Ken Kleber

The Human Resource Changes were approved as presented.

Approval of Professional Services Agreement – Illinois MTSS Network: Mike Lehr/Andy O’Neil

As part of the efforts to best support Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in our schools, the District would like to partner with professional consultants who have proven experience leading this work in other districts across the state. Consistent with this effort, the District intends to engage the Illinois MTSS Network. The costs associated with the services provided under the Agreement will be paid from the Coordinated Early Intervening Services of the IDEA Part B- Consolidated Grant.

Administration recommended that the Board of Education approve the Service Agreement with the Illinois MTSS Network.

Executive Session

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Brown, to adjourn into Closed Session in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2c) to consider Student Discipline 120/2(c)(9). The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

The Board convened into Closed Session at 7:19 p.m.

Open Session

The Board convened into Open Session at 8:14 p.m.

Student Discipline – #511182

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Sotiropoulos that student #511182 shall be provided an alternative placement for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year for violating Conduct Codes #7 Disruptive Behavior, #19 Physical Confrontation with Student, and #24 Threats to Staff of the Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. So long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the student’s alternative placement during the expulsion period, the Board shall hold its discipline determination in abeyance. If the student does not accept the alternative placement or meet the attendance and behavioral requirements of the offered alternative placement, then the decision of the Board of Education is to expel the student for the duration/remainder of the duration stated above. The duration of the alternative placement/expulsion is based on: the egregiousness of the violation of Conduct Codes listed above; other interventions attempted; and the significant detrimental impact of the student’s conduct on the learning environment. The removal of the student from the learning environment is in the best interest of the District because the student’s continuing presence would constitute a safety risk and/or disruption. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

Student Discipline - #510710

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Brown that Student #510710 shall be provided an alternative placement for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year and first semester of the 2020-21 school year for violating Conduct Codes #7 Disruptive Behavior, #18 Physical Confrontation with Staff and #28 Verbal Abuse to Staff of the Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. So long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the student’s alternative placement during the expulsion period, the Board shall hold its discipline determination in abeyance. If the student does not accept the alternative placement or meet the attendance and behavioral requirements of the offered alternative placement, then the decision of the Board of Education is to expel the student for the duration/remainder of the duration stated above. The duration of the alternative placement/expulsion is based on: the egregiousness of the violation of Conduct Codes listed above; interventions attempted; and the significant detrimental impact of the student’s conduct on the learning environment. The removal of the student from the learning environment is in the best interest of the District because the student’s continuing presence would constitute a safety risk and/or disruption. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

Student Discipline – #220102

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Sotiropoulos that student #220102 shall be provided an alternative placement for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year and first semester of the 2020-21 school year for violating Conduct Codes #7 Disruptive Behavior, #18 Physical Confrontation with Staff, #19 Physical Confrontation with Student, #31 Other Acts that Endanger, and #36 Mob Action of the Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. So long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the student’s alternative placement during the expulsion period, the Board shall hold its discipline determination in abeyance. If the student does not accept the alternative placement or meet the attendance and behavioral requirements of the offered alternative placement, then the decision of the Board of Education is to expel the student for the duration/remainder of the duration stated above. The duration of the alternative placement/expulsion is based on: the egregiousness of the violation of Conduct Codes listed above; continuing safety threat posed by student’s presence in school; and the significant detrimental impact of the student’s conduct on the learning environment. The removal of the student from the learning environment is in the best interest of the District because the student’s continuing presence would constitute a safety risk and/or disruption. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

Student Discipline – #217293

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Sotiropoulos that student #217293 shall be provided an alternative placement for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year for violating Conduct Codes #7 Disruptive Behavior, #19 Physical Confrontation with Student, #31 Other Acts that Endanger, and #36 Mob Action of the Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. So long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the student’s alternative placement during the expulsion period, the Board shall hold its discipline determination in abeyance. If the student does not accept the alternative placement or meet the attendance and behavioral requirements of the offered alternative placement, then the decision of the Board of Education is to expel the student for the duration/remainder of the duration stated above. The duration of the alternative placement/expulsion is based on: the egregiousness of the violation of Conduct Codes listed above; continuing safety threat posed by student’s presence in school; and the significant detrimental impact of the student’s conduct on the learning environment. The removal of the student from the learning environment is in the best interest of the District because the student’s continuing presence would constitute a safety risk and/or disruption. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0

Student Discipline - #511093

Member Sotiropoulos moved, with a second by Member Shannon that student #511093 shall be provided an alternative placement for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year and first semester of the 2020-21 school year for violating Conduct Codes #7 Disruptive Behavior, #19 Physical Confrontation with Student, and #36 Mob Action of the Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. So long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the student’s alternative placement during the expulsion period, the Board shall hold its discipline determination in abeyance. If the student does not accept the alternative placement or meet the attendance and behavioral requirements of the offered alternative placement, then the decision of the Board of Education is to expel the student for the duration/remainder of the duration stated above. The duration of the alternative placement/expulsion is based on: the egregiousness of the violation of Conduct Codes listed above; continuing safety threat posed by student’s presence in school; and the significant detrimental impact of the student’s conduct on the learning environment. The removal of the student from the learning environment is in the best interest of the District because the student’s continuing presence would constitute a safety risk and/or disruption. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

Student Discipline - #210884

Member Sotiropoulos moved, with a second by Member Shannon that student #210884 shall be provided an alternative placement for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year and first semester of the 2020-21 school year for violating Conduct Codes #7 Disruptive Behavior, #19 Physical Confrontation with Student, #28 Verbal Abuse to Staff, and #36 Mob Action of the Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. So long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the student’s alternative placement during the expulsion period, the Board shall hold its discipline determination in abeyance. If the student does not accept the alternative placement or meet the attendance and behavioral requirements of the offered alternative placement, then the decision of the Board of Education is to expel the student for the duration/remainder of the duration stated above. The duration of the alternative placement/expulsion is based on: the egregiousness of the violation of Conduct Codes listed above; prior discipline and other interventions attempted; continuing safety threat posed by student’s presence in school; and the significant detrimental impact of the student’s conduct on the learning environment. The removal of the student from the learning environment is in the best interest of the District because the student’s continuing presence would constitute a safety risk and/or disruption. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.


There being no further business, Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Vazquez to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. The motion carried on voice vote. Ayes 6. Nays 0.
