
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Danville Public Works Committee met Oct. 8

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City of Danville Public Works Committee met Oct. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

#1 Call to Order

Chairman Mike Puhr called the meeting of the Public Works Committee to order at 6:00 pm, at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main St., Danville, Illinois.

Roll Call was answered by Chairman Mike Puhr, Vice Chairman Rick Strebing, Aldermen Bob Iverson, Mike O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Aaron Troglia, and Robert Williams. A quorum was present.

Others in attendance included Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, Finance Manager Denise Ahrens, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, Public Works Director Carl Carpenter, City Engineer Sam Cole, Assistant City Engineer Eric Childers, 3 audience members, and 2 news media.

#2 Approval of Minutes

Chairman Puhr presented Minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 2019. Alderman Strebing moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Iverson. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#3 Approval of Agenda

Chairman Puhr presented the agenda. Chairman Puhr announced the removal of Item 8-A Resolution: Awarding Bid #632 for Roof Repairs at Danville Mass Transit. There being no further changes, Alderman Pickering moved for approval as amended, seconded by Vice Chairman Strebing. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered.

#4 Audience Comments - None

#5 Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Puhr extended a welcome to Ward 1 Alderman Robert Williams as this evening will be his first Public Works Committee meeting.

#6 Payroll

Chairman Puhr presented Payroll for October 4, 2019 of $74, 196.93. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Iverson. There being no questions, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, O'Kane, Pickering, Troglia, Williams, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Motion carried 7 to 0.

#7 Vouchers Payable

Chairman Puhr presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable for October 8, 2019, of $2,322,258.11. Vice Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Iverson. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen, O'Kane, Pickering, Troglia, Williams, Strebing, Iverson, Puhr

Nays: None

Motion carried 7 to 0.

#8 Public Transportation - Lisa Beith, Director

#8-A) [previously removed.] #8-B) Items of Information

#8-B-1) Director Beith presented the

Monthly Recap for September 2019, which included Ridership Reports, Monthly Revenue Record, and Ridership History. The September fixed route ridership totaled 52,040. The August total ADA ridership was 793 rides, with the September ADA ridership report to be given next month. The total revenue for the month of September was $27,602.02.

#8-B) Other Items of Information

• Public Transportation has been working with Vermilion Advantage to identify employers in the DMT service area who need some modifications to the schedules and bus stop locations. Staff has met with Sygma, McLane, and KIK administration and we are in the process of modifying the routing to include bus stop locations that are within a reasonable proximity to their properties. Changes will also be made to run times, and the actual routing of the 14 Lynch, 9 Georgetown, 4 Bowman, and 5 Fairchild to provide a more comprehensive service in those areas.

• Director Beith reported she would like to start the route changes January 1, 2020. Staff will visit the individual housing developments to talk to them regarding the changes and to see if they have any questions.

• Director Beith voiced appreciation to the Engineering Department for helping her with the route changes.

#9 Public Works - Carl Carpenter, Director

#9-A) Chairman Puhr presented a resolution amending Bid 617 Contract for 2019 Storm Drainage Improvements to Big-O Services for additional asphalt quantities and pipe underdrains required to complete the work on the Harrison Park Golf Course Driveway as well as a storm drainage tile under Logan Avenue was determined to be failing and in need of complete replacement, in the amount of $30,661.22, with the funds to come from the Sewer Enterprise Fund-Storm Infrastructure Improvement, to bring the total purchase order Bid amount to $111,509.22. Vice Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Troglia. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Troglia, Williams, Strebing, Iverson, O'Kane, Puhr

Nays: None

Motion carried 7 to 0.

#9-B) Chairman Puhr presented a resolution awarding Bid 634 for Proposed Griffin Street & CSX Railroad Crossing Improvements to Cross Construction Inc. in the amount of $108,717.64, to construct sidewalks extensions and the installation of pedestrian gates across CSXT Inc. (CSX Transportation Inc.) tracks and right-of-way on Griffin Street, with the work to be paid from Community Development Block Grant budget line item 106-106-18-54090. Vice Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Director Carpenter reported Assistant Engineer Eric Childers will be taking charge on the project with a February 6, 2020 timeline, but an extension can be requested if needed. Alderman Pickering asked when the City will receive the funding as the line item is in arrears. Mayor Williams stated the money has to be spent and then the City will ask for reimbursement. He also stated the City is trying to get caught up and get the funding from previous years spent. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Troglia, Williams, Strebing, Iverson, O'Kane, Pickering, Puhr

Nays: None

Motion carried 7 to 0.

#9-C) Chairman Puhr presented a resolution funding additional Improvements to the English Jackson Intersection such as conduits, sidewalks, pavement, and curbing, in the amount of $24,140.35 which were ineligible to be funded with the previously allocated funds with the work to be paid from Infrastructure Development and Improvement Program budget line item 107-107-00-52058. Vice Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Alderman Iverson voiced concern the work has already been done and we need to pay for it even though he was against the project. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Williams, Strebing, Iverson, O'Kane, Pickering, Troglia, Puhr

Nays: None

Motion carried 7 to 0.

#9-D) Items of Information

#9-D-1) Danville Area Transportation Study (DATS) Update - nothing to report

#9-D-2) H&L Landfill Update Director Carpenter reported there is nothing new to report.

#9-D-3) Project Updates

• Director Carpenter reported striping should begin this week.

• The yard waste season has begun so the City is picking up both bags and toters for the entire route for each day.

#10 Finance - Shelley Scott, Comptroller

#10-A) Review of Proposed 2019 Tax Levy and Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Comptroller Scott stated she does not have anything specific to review other than to take questions or comments specific to the Public Works line items. She addressed questions and discussion ensued from the Committee. Chairman Puhr thanked Comptroller Scott for what she has done for the City and she has been a great asset for the City as this will be her last Public Works Committee meeting.

#11 Closed Session was not needed.

#12 Items of Information - None

#13 Committee Members' Comments

• Alderman Troglia voiced concern of the pro-rated amount of $350.00 that is being charged to local liquor establishments for the Video Gaming fee. He thought the fee of $600.00 would be effective May 1st Mayor Williams explained the pro-rated fee is for the remainder of the year as the Ordinance was effective October 1st

• Alderman Pickering spoke concern of rental properties not being maintained. There are slumlords running down the neighborhoods and costing the City money. Mayor Williams stated some cities programs are overall much more comprehensive than ours. He added he will likely have a special subcommittee look into the issue further. He asked Alderman Pickering to act as Chairwoman of the Committee. Chairman Puhr stated a lot of that type of property is not Section 8 property. Vice Chairman Strebing stated many of the tenants will not say anything because a lot of the people do not have anywhere to go. Alderman O'Kane stated many houses in his neighborhood, about every third house, is empty and the windows need covered with colored plywood.

• Chairman Puhr inquired about the new reporting issues software. Director Carpenter responded Adam is testing in-house and currently using it as a trial. Mayor Williams stated Adam will give a presentation at a meeting after testing is complete.

#14 Adjournment

There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m. by acclamation after a motion by Vice Chairman Strebing and a second by Alderman Pickering.
