
Chambana Sun

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Only option left for residents, Rep. Caulkins says, is 'to reject politicians who vote to raise taxes'




As taxpayers' complaints grow louder about the $2.1 billion in added levies and fees that took effect across the state on July 1, Illinois state Rep. Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur) warns that the worse may still be yet to come.

“This current budget politicians are so proud of for being balanced, we know that it’s really not,” Caulkins told the Chambana Sun. “We know when it finally comes time to balance our books next year, we're going to be in even deeper debt and the answer will be more taxes. It’s amazing to me the amount of pleasure Democrats get from raising taxes.”

With the new taxes and added fees taking effect on July 1, Caulkins said he can hardly stomach what’s becoming of the state. Among the new taxes and added fees to take hold are the doubling of the state gas to 38 cents per gallon, a $1-per-pack increase in cigarette taxes and a three-fold increase in the real estate transfer tax for non-Illinois residents.

Illinois state Rep. Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur)

“It’s what Democrats have put in place,” Caulkins said. “It’s just so disappointing to watch what’s happening in our state. I can’t tell you how many people on Facebook talk about there not being a day in the last month or so that some family is moving away. I don’t know what Democrats thought they were going to get from this. I’m afraid they’re going to be sorely disappointed come next April when the tally finally hits that all of this money they have spent before it’s ever arrived is not going to be here.”

Caulkins said he only sees one way out for the state and its overburdened taxpayers.

“We have to elect more conservatives,” he said. “The people of Illinois are going to have to reject politicians who vote to raise taxes. It’s one thing to campaign that we’re all for working families, but actions speak louder than words.”