Village of Catlin Council met June 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
ØRoll Call
ØApproval of Minutes from meeting held May 15th, 2018
ØApproval of the bills
ØPublic Expression
ØChad Collom
ØJeff Taylor
ØJim Rogers – Library parking lot addition
ØApproval of Ordinance 744: An Ordinance Amending the Village of Catlin Ordinance: Ordinance Violation for underage smoking, including electronic cigarettes.
ØCatlin Police – approval to patrol at Salt Fork South Campus
ØApproval of Ordinance 745: 2018 Prevailing Wage Act Ordinance
ØApproval of resignation letter from William Ingram for the Planning Commission
Commissioner Reports:
ØCommissioner of Accounts and Finance
Village/Township building
•Building Permits
•Pass depositories
ØCommissioner of Public Health and Safety
Park Maintenance and Equipment Repair
•Approval of bid for shade structures at the Catlin Park
ØCommissioner of Streets and Public Improvements
Road Repair / Sidewalk Replacement / Trees
•Approval to hire seasonal employee for the Street Department
•Approval of IDOT Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation
•Approval of Resolution 746: Approving Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for the Webster St. Sidewalk Improvement Project
ØCommissioner of Public Property
Equipment Repair and Replacement/Wastewater Plant Rebuild
•Review and approval of letter to residents regarding Aqua’s rate increase.
Executive Session
Old Business:
Additions to Agenda:
Received $27,978.76 from State Income Tax
Received $4,864.75 from Sales Tax
Received $1,357.89 from Replacement Tax
Received $3,996.17 from State Income Tax
Received $4,670.10 from Motor Fuel Tax
Received $573.13 from Video Gaming Tax