
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

New Village of Savoy Board of Trustees met April 4.

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New Village of Savoy Board of Trustees met April 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order And Roll Call

President Dykstra called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll was called of President Dykstra and all Trustees with President Dykstra and all Trustees answering present, except Trustee Dee Shonkwiler was absent, and a quorum declared.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

President Dykstra led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

3. Public Comment On Agenda Items And Non-Agenda Items

President Dykstra asked for public comment on the agenda items and non-agenda items.

Public comment on agenda items: None

Public comment on non-agenda items: None

4. Other Agenda Items

President Dykstra asked for other agenda items to be added. None were added

5. Closed Executive Session

Trustee Mangian made a motion to go into a Closed Executive Session immediately following this meeting and to include the Village Manager, Village Attorney, and Village Clerk where the Village of Savoy is considering the sale or purchase of real estate under Exception No. 3 of the Open Meetings Act, seconded by Trustee Niccum; By Trustee vote: Brown, yes; Mangian, yes; Niccum, yes; Pittman, yes; Ruggieri, yes; motion carried.

6. Approval Of Minutes

A. Minutes – Board of Trustees of 3-7-18

Trustee Mangian moved to approve the Board of Trustees Minutes of 3-7-18, as presented, seconded by Trustee Brown; By Trustee vote:

Brown, yes; Mangian, yes; Niccum, yes; Pittman, yes; Ruggieri, yes; motion carried.

B. Minutes – Combined Meeting of Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals of 2-26-18

Trustee Brown moved to approve the Minutes of the Combined Meeting of Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals of 2-26-18, as presented, seconded by Trustee Niccum; By Trustee vote:

Brown, yes; Mangian, yes; Niccum, yes; Pittman, yes; Ruggieri, yes; motion carried.

C. Minutes – Combined Meeting of Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals of 3-14-18

Trustee Brown moved to approve the Minutes of the Combined Meeting of Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals of 3-14-18, as presented, seconded by Trustee Mangian; By Trustee vote:

Brown, yes; Mangian, yes; Niccum, yes; Pittman, yes; Ruggieri, yes; motion carried.

7. Business

A. Resolution No. 2018R-02 – Arbor Day

Trustee Ruggieri moved to pass Resolution No. 2018R-02, as presented, seconded by Trustee Mangian; By Trustee vote:

Brown, yes; Mangian, yes; Niccum, yes; Pittman, yes; Ruggieri, yes; motion carried.

B. Approve Appointment Of Bill Mcnamara As Chairman Of Planning Commission

Trustee Niccum made a motion to approve the appointment of Bill McNamara, as Chairman of the Planning Commission, seconded by Trustee Mangian; By Trustee vote:

Brown, yes; Mangian, yes; Niccum, yes; Pittman, yes; Ruggieri, yes; motion carried.

C. Leaf Burning/Collection/Pick Up Discussion

Director of Public Works/Engineer Levi Kopmann stated it is time again to assess if Savoy needs to further study the possibility of leaf collection and/or pickup. Levi said there are three ways to handle leaves: 1) bring the leaves to the curb for pick up; 2) leaf burning, and 3) leaf bags pickup. Also the two options for picking up the leaves would be a) to pay a contractor to pick up the leaf bags which would cost approximately $35,000 annually or b) Have Savoy Public Works Staff to pick up the leaf bags or leaves left at the curb at a cost to pay Staff $30,000 to $35,000, hiring two Public Works employees and purchasing equipment at a cost of $50,000 to $75,000, and then paying extra for disposal. Kopmann said that the City of Urbana contracts the leaf pick up and Champaign, Mahomet, Rantoul, and St. Joe use their own Public Works employees.

Village Manager stated there were only a few places that need leaf pickup because Prairie Fields, Prairie Meadows, Lake Falls, and Fieldstone Subdivisions do not have any mature trees yet. So only Old Town Savoy, where they are allowed to burn, but Arbour Meadows and The Arbours would need leaf pickup. So, one-half of Savoy’s population has no trees.

Trustee Niccum stated he bags multiple times a year and pays $2.50 per bag to a hauler to pick up. Trustee Mangian stated this could be quite a cost to residents to pay to have the leaves hauled away and she would like a comparison done on residents paying to have them hauled away versus Savoy Public Works Staff doing it.

President Dykstra states she mulches everything, so we could encourage Savoy residents to mulch.

Trustee Brown stated that the Village of Mahomet has had leaf pickup for 5-10 years, so we could get information from them.

No direction for further study on leaf collection/pick up was given by the Trustees at this time.

D. Review Draft 2018-2019 Village Of Savoy Operating Budget

Dick Helton highlighted several sections of the Draft 2018-2019 Village of Savoy Operating Budget. He stated there would be a fund balance at the end of the year 2019 of $1,225,702, since there were a number of Public Works projects. Helton stated that the Illinois Commerce Commission announced last week the award of $9 Million dollars in funds for the Curtis Road Grade Separation and we will see how the USDOT application goes and may have to go back to the ICC to request an exception for additional funds, since the total project is estimated to be in the $40 Million range and Savoy’s share will be in the $2 Million dollar range, and the USDOT decision should come some time later this year.

Helton pointed out that under Revenues, the State Sales Tax had a 3.5% increase and the Municipal Sales Tax had a 2.3/4% increase. Also, under the General Fund, the Group Health Insurance had an increase of less than 7% which is the lowest increase in several years. The Public Works Departments is adding an intern at a cost of $10,000.

With regard to the Fire Department Fund, Helton stated that under Revenues, the Real Estate Tax amount could be $300,000, instead of $250,000 and the subscription fees could be lower than the $47,000. Also, under Other Expenditures, the Vehicle & Equip. Maint. could be $90,000 instead of $70,000 and Wages could be more.

Trustees Mangian and Pittman stated they would like a study on a future fire station on the east side of the railroad tracks.

With regard to the MFT Fund, Helton pointed out the transfer out of the General Fund of $500,000 which was for Prospect Avenue and the Capital Improvement Fund was going to be a very active and aggressive year.

With regard to the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund, Public Works was going to replace the gator with a Bobcat and replace the Vactor Truck for one that would last 25-30 years.

8. Staff Reports

A. Village Manager

Dick Helton presented the Village Manager written monthly report for the month of March, 2018.

B. Director Of Public Works/Engineer

Levi Kopmann presented the Public Works Department/Engineer written monthly report for the month of March 2018.

C. Zoning Administrator

Dan Davies presented the Zoning Report for the month of March 2018, together with a list of all Building Permits issued in March 2018.

D. Director Of Planning And Economic Development

Dennis Donaldson presented his Planning and Economic Development Report for the month of March 2018.

E. Clerk

The Village Clerk presented her written monthly report for the month of March 2018.

F. Village Attorney

Village Attorney Marc Miller presented his April 1, 2018 Status Report.

G. Champaign County Sheriff’s Office

Lt. Brian Mennenga was present to give an update on the Sheriff Office’s activities in Savoy in the recent month of March 2018.

Trustee Ruggieri asked the Sheriff Deputies to check on speeding before and after school hours at Carrie Busey School. Lt. Mennenga stated there might need to be additional speed signs put up near the school.

9. Board Of Trustees Communications

President Dykstra reminded everyone of the upcoming Rotary litter pick up day April 7 in combination with the Boneyard Creek Community Day.

Trustee Ruggieri thanked the Public Works Department for responding to John Sticklin on the Airport Road ditches.

Trustee Niccum reminded everyone of the upcoming observance of the 11th Anniversary of the Virginia Tech School Shooting for Austin Cloyd from 9:00 – 3:30 p.m. on April 14 at Centennial High School.

The Board of Trustees Study Session of 4-11-18 was cancelled.

10. Recess For Closed Executive Session Under Exception No. 3 Of The Open Meetings Act

President Dykstra recessed the open and public meeting of the Board of Trustees at 8:05 p.m. to go into a Closed Executive Session to discuss the sale or purchase of real estate under Exception No. 3 of the Open Meetings Act.

11. Reconvene Open And Public Meeting – President Dykstra reconvened the open and public meeting of the Board of Trustees at 8:30 p.m.

12. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the open and public Board of Trustees meeting, President Dykstra adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
