
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met February 6

Webp meeting808

Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met February 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The Village of Tolono Board of Trustees (“Board”) met on February 6, 2018. President Rob Murphy called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Roll call found the following trustees present: Vicki Buffo, Anna Morris, Ryan Perry, Jared Ping and Terrence Stuber. Trustee Jacquie Miller was absent. Also present were Clerk Brandy Dalton, Treasurer Robert Kouzmanoff, Public Works Superintendent Matt Graven, Police Chief Rick Raney and attorney Marc Miller.

President Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Ken Young gave the invocation.

Public Comments

-Elaine and Ken Young spoke their opinions of what should be in the liquor ordinance.

-Paul Moore asked the status of the Planning Commission in regards to his development.



-Scott Burge said everything is complete, except for the landscaping.

Motion by Buffo, second by Stuber to approve the payment of the revised Pay Request #8 to Grunloh in the amount of $47,919.40. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, abstain; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motioned passed.

Public Works:

-Graven asked for a new snow route to include Deerpath, Condit, Walnut and Allison. He was told to get the map with locations to Attorney Miller for an ordinance, and the Board will vote on it at the next meeting.

-Regarding the water main looping project, there are trees, sheds and a house on the easement. The easiest and cheapest way to go is to get an easement from the land owner to the west.

-Graven gave the Board his budget items, including an end loader since the backhoe is 14-15 years old. There was discussion on Graven finding out what grant Philo Township got for their new equipment.

-The Board was shown the house plans for shed-house that someone wants to put up on the corner of Austin & Cory.


Motion by Buffo, second by Stuber to approve the bills as presented. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion by Ping, second by Perry to approve the sewer credits as presented. Roll call: Buffo, abstain; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed.


-The Board was given the monthly statistics for the Police Department.

-Chief Raney was asked to compile statistics for the past 2 years for the impact it would have to let the bars stay open until 2am.

-There was encouragement for the officers to do walk-throughs in the bars and check ID’s if someone looks young.

-Raney said he is still waiting on the state background check on the new full-time officer, but the new part-time officer is doing his 40 hour Police Law Update class.

Approval of Prior Minutes

Motion by Perry, second by Buffo to approve the minutes of the regular session meeting and the public hearings, held January 16, 2018. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion by Perry, second by Buffo to approve the minutes of the executive session meeting, held January 16, 2018. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

There was much discussion on the liquor ordinance. Attorney Miller will shorten the ordinance by taking out some of the verbiage that is already in the state statute. Fines will be increased, as well as the fee for video poker machines. This ordinance was tabled until the next meeting.

The copier proposals was tabled for Kouzmanoff to get proposals for a new copier for Village Hall, and then give the current one to the Police Department.

There was discussion about replacing the boiler in Village Hall or switching to a furnace, but a boiler would last longer than a furnace. This item was tabled for Kouzmanoff to get some clarification on the proposals.

New Business

Motion by Perry, second by Stuber to approve Ordinance 2018-O-4, amending Title 8 of the Tolono Municipal Code as it relates to swimming pool fences, with the changes recommended by Attorney Miller and the fee of $50. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Nuisance and Tickler Files

Dalton reported that the properties that did not comply with the first 2 letters have been turned over to Attorney Miller for third letters. Miller did not remember receiving the list, so Dalton will send it to him.


Murphy encouraged the Board to attend CIMOA meetings, and the Village will pay. He and Buffo attended the meeting in Villa Grove and got some good information. He also want to host a meeting.

Executive Session

Motion by Stuber, second by Buffo to enter into executive session for the limited purposes of discussing the hiring, firing, performance, compensation and/or employment of one or more Village employees at 9:04pm. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Ping, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

The board returned to open session at 8:23pm. Motion by Buffo, seconded by Stuber to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.
