Fisher Board of Trustees met Dec. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Roll call: Deer-present, Estes-present, Henderson-present, Ponton-present, Seidelman-present, Spaulding-present at 6:03 pm, Bayler-present
The possible sale and purchase of real property was added to the agenda under Executive Session.
Motion by Estes, 2nd by Seidelman to approve the previous meeting minutes. Voice vote: all yes. Motion carried.
Public Comments: Robert Gossett informed the board that the water and drainage issue seems to be better after the tile was put in the field at the North end of town by the property owner.
Presidents Report: Village President Bayler stated that the weather for the Christmas Parade was great and there was a great turnout. He thanked all those involved in putting this together. At the FABA meeting he offered for the Village to help again this coming year at the Lucky Foot Festival. Village President Bayler along with Trustee Ponton, thanked Custom Crane for the Christmas Tree that has been displayed.
Village Administrator Report was given.
Payment of Claims and Accounts:
Motion by Ponton 2nd by Deer to approve payments of claims and accounts from the General Fund. Roll call vote: Estes-yes, Henderson-yes, Ponton-yes, Seidelman-yes, Spaulding-yes, Deer-yes. Motion carried.
Finance and TIF: Trustee Estes thanked the Village employees for the Christmas dinner that they provided for the Board.
Public Works and Water and Wastewater: A committee meeting will be scheduled before the January meeting. The drainage project bids are due this coming Monday.
Judiciary: There has been discussion that coverage changes need to be made due to needs in the Village.
Parks and Recreation: Trustee Spaulding has talked to a few people regarding bids for the tennis court resurfacing. Trustee Seidelman reported that the fireworks are scheduled for next year.
The consideration of vacating certain public right of way (Liberty Street) is tabled until the January meeting.
Motion by Henderson, 2nd by Spaulding to approve the final paperwork for 2017 MFT program and 2018 MFT budget. Roll call vote: Henderson-yes, Ponton-yes, Seidelman-yes, Spaulding-yes, Deer-yes, Estes- yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Spaulding, 2nd by Deer to approve amended bid for tree removal to Glad’s Tree Service not to exceed $7,000.00. Roll call vote: Ponton-yes, Seidelman-yes, Spaulding-yes, Deer-yes, Estes-yes, Henderson-yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Henderson, 2nd by Seidelman to authorize the purchase of new laser for Public Works Department not to exceed $4,000.00 to Midwest Construction. Roll call vote: Seidelman-yes, Spaulding- yes, Deer-yes, Estes-yes, Henderson-yes, Ponton-yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Estes, 2nd by Deer to approve order for new storm sewer, street and zoning maps from Donohue & Associates not to exceed $7,000.00. Roll call vote: Spaulding-yes, Deer-yes, Estes-yes, Henderson-yes, Ponton-yes, Seidelman-yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Henderson, 2nd by Seidelman to approve Ordinance 17-15 Amending the Revised Code of Ordinances to Prohibit Sexual Harassment. Roll call vote: Deer-yes, Estes-yes, Henderson-yes, Ponton- yes, Seidelman-yes, Spaulding-yes. Motion carried.
Questions from the media taken.
Motion by Ponton, 2nd by Seidelman to enter Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (1) to consider the employment, performance and/or compensation of Village employees and for the possible sale and purchase of real property. Roll call vote: Estes-yes, Henderson-yes, Ponton-yes, Seidelman-yes, Spaulding-yes, Deer-yes. Motion carried. 6:31 p.m.
Motion by Estes, 2nd by Henderson to approve a $500.00 year end salary adjustment for full time employees and a $175.00 year end salary adjustment for part time employees. Roll call vote: Henderson-yes, Ponton-yes, Seidelman-yes, Spaulding-yes, Deer-yes, Estes-yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Ponton, 2nd by Spaulding to adjourn. Voice vote: all yes. Motion carried. Time: 6:55 p.m.