
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met December 19.

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Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met Dec. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Village of Tolono Board of Trustees (“Board”) met on December 19, 2017. President Rob Murphy called the meeting to order at 6:32pm. Roll call found the following trustees present: Vicki Buffo, Jacquie Miller, Anna Morris, Ryan Perry and Terrence Stuber. Trustee Jared Ping was absent. Also present were Clerk Brandy Dalton, Treasurer Robert Kouzmanoff, Police Chief Rick Raney and Public Works Superintendent Matt Graven

President Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Stuber gave the invocation.


Engineers: - The engineering cost of the looping project through Farnsworth is $11,500. The cost of the looping project and the 2 water main projects on Cory/Austin and Elizabeth/Reynolds is $30,900.

- Regarding the Kinderwood Subdivision HOA’s questions as to who takes care of the drainage; The Subdivision Ordinances, the final plat and the covenants don’t mesh. The retention basin and the graded openings would be the HOA responsibility. The storm sewer and the 8” tile, that by the Village’s Subdivision Regulations requires all sump pumps to hook into, are the Village’s responsibility. An agreement with the Village and HOA should be signed and recorded.

- Dampers on the Police Station will be installed Thursday, December 21, 2017. Door parts will be ordered and will be installed when they come in.

Trustee Stuber motioned to approve Change Order # 6 in the amount of $4,913.78. Trustee Miller seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, abstain; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Works: -The engineering price from C2 Engineering for the looping project is $14,365. The engineering price for the looping project and the 2 water main projects is $29,365. The board tabled this item to look at where the money could come from to pay for the projects themselves. - Graven will attend the Illinois Rural Water Association annual Tech Conference in Effingham.

Trustee Buffo motioned to approve the survey work for the landscape recycling area not to exceed $2000. Trustee Stuber seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Trustee Stuber motioned to approve the bills as presented. Trustee Miller seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Stuber motioned to approve the TIF reimbursements as follows: $71,703.67 to Great Plains Land Development LLC, $99,242.99 to Bank Champaign, $272,205.64 to Tolono Community Unit School District #7, $33,989.61 to Deborah J. Grill and $283,367.55 to Deerpath Subdivision LLC. Trustee Miller seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Buffo motioned to approve the sewer credit for 402 W Linden St in the amount of $150.63. Trustee Stuber seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Buffo motioned to approve the sewer credit for 508 N Bourne St in the amount of $118.79. Trustee Miller seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.


The approval of the minutes of the last regular board meeting, held December 5, 2017, was tabled.

Trustee Perry motioned to approve the minutes of the last executive session meeting, held December 5, 2017. Trustee Buffo seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed.


Trustee Perry motioned to approve the engagement letter from Martin Hood Friese & Associates, LLC for the Fiscal Year 2018 audit. Trustee Stuber seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Perry motioned to approve Ordinance 2017-O-21, an ordinance amending the alcoholic liquor ordinance relating to closing on December 31 to allow bars to stay open until 2am on January 1, 2018. Trustee Buffo seconded to motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.


Clerk Dalton reported that she sent out second letters for the nuisance list today.

President Murphy would like the Board to send Dalton any changes they would like to have made to the liquor ordinance before the next meeting so it can be discussed and changed.


Trustee Stuber motioned to enter into executive session for the limited purposes of discussing the hiring, firing, performance, compensation and/or employment of one or more Village employees at 8:16pm. Trustee Perry seconded the motion. Roll call: Buffo, yes; Miller, yes; Morris, yes; Perry, yes; Stuber, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

The board returned to open session at 9:37pm and Trustee Stuber motioned to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Buffo seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.
