Village of Ogden town Board met October 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Pledge Of Allegiance:
I: Call To Order: (7:00 p.m.)
Board Members Present
Gay H. Lenhard, Supervisor
Thomas J. Cole, Councilman
David F. Feeney, Councilman
Malcolm E. Perry, Councilman
Thomas J. Uschold, Councilman
Others Present
Noelle M. Burley, Town Clerk
Dan Schum, Town Attorney
Joanne Feeney
Paula Parker
Jared Pantella
Richard Lu
Steve Longway
6 Participation in Government students
Purpose of the Meeting
To audit claims, act on monthly reports and remittances, and to transact such other business which may legally come before said meeting.
II: Approval Of The Minutes:
Resolution #237-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Feeney Seconded by Councilman Uschold
Be It Resolved, that the minutes of the Regular Meetings of September 13, 2017, there being no errors or omissions, stand approved as submitted.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
Introduced by Councilman Uschold
Seconded by Councilman Feeney
Be It Resolved, that the minutes of the Regular Meetings of September 27, 2017, there being no errors or omissions, stand approved as submitted.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None Abstain: Lenhard
III: Privilege Of The Floor:
IV: Reports And Remittances From Town Officers:
Resolution #238-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Uschold Seconded by Councilman Cole
Be It Resolved, that the Reports and Remittances from Town Officers in detail for the month of September 2017, showing receipts and disbursements as submitted by the Town Clerk and the Finance Director, be accepted as read, monies and fees to be acknowledged by the Supervisor and copies of the same filed with the Town Clerk.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
Resolution #239-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Cole Seconded by Councilman Feeney
Be It Resolved, that the General Fund, Part-Town Fund, Highway Fund, Trust & Agency Fund, Capital Funds, Drainage Fund, Sewer District Funds, and Lighting District Funds and being vouchered and submitted for audit, chargeable to the respective funds be approved:
General Fund $ 34,034.82
Part-Town Fund 23,442.55
Highway Fund 80,656.05
Trust & Agency Fund 2,351.00
Capital Projects Fund 30,539.05
Drainage Fund 2,485.10
Sewer Funds 1,670.08
Lighting Funds 8,349.99
Total $ 183,528.64
Prepaid Expenses:
General Fund 88,249.61
Part-Town Fund 7,088.90
Highway Fund 34,275.11
Trust & Agency Fund 221,833.35
Sewer Funds (NE Quadrant) 1,263.27
Total $352,710.24
Grand Total All Claims: $ 536,238.88
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
VI. Correspondence Received And Filed:
VII. Reports From Town Officers:
Gay H. Lenhard, Supervisor
No report.
Thomas J. Cole, Councilman
No report.
David F. Feeney, Councilman
No report.
Malcolm E. Perry, Councilman
1. I had a Senior Board meeting the other night and everything is going fine there, they are doing well.
Thomas J. Uschold, Councilman
No report.
David H. Widger, Highway Superintendent
Noelle M. Burley, Town Clerk
1. We are busy collecting taxes, finishing up late payments and sending out receipts.
Daniel G. Schum, Town Attorney
1. Paula has a resolution on tonight’s meeting to sign an agreement with Telecom Data. I have reviewed the agreement and it appears to be a win- win. We are going to save some money and depending on how much they save us will depend on how much they get paid.
2. I finished up today with Patrick and the Supervisor in appealing to the State Department of code Enforcement concerning our Local Law from last month.
VIII. Unfinished Business:
IX. New Business
Resolution #240-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Uschold
Seconded by Councilman Perry
Whereas, Nora Venezky has submitted her resignation as a Limited Part-time Office Clerk IV in the Historian’s Office, and
Whereas, this resignation will be effective September 25, 2017.
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ogden does hereby accept, with regret, the resignation of Nora Venezky effective September 25, 2017.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
Resolution #241-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Cole
Seconded by Councilman Feeney
Resolved, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to sign an agreement between the Town of Ogden and Telecom Data Services with offices at 117 Bridge Street, Catskill, NY 12414 to consult for internet data and telephone services. Said purpose of this agreement is for best cost internet and telephone service delivery to the Town. Each service provided will be for a period no less than thirty-six (36) months, unless services are upgraded, which will be done as needed without further charge other than the monthly rate for the service. The payment for services will be based on the first year only of any annual savings to be paid as outlined Section 6 of the contract. Any other fees will be paid as outlined in Section 4 of the contract. This agreement is effective on October 12, 2017 and will remain in effected until it is revoked.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
Resolution #242-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Feeney
Seconded by Councilman Uschold
Whereas , there is a need for a Full-time Office Clerk III in the Highway Department and
Whereas, Nicole Dadson has passed the appropriate Civil Service exam, is reachable and was interviewed and found qualified.
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ogden does hereby approve the hiring of Nicole Dadson as a full-time Office Clerk III in the Highway Department at an hourly wage of $15.30 effective October 16, 2017 with a twelve month probationary period.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
Resolution #243-10-11.17
Introduced by Councilman Uschold
Seconded by Councilman Perry
Whereas, the Supervisor of the Town of Ogden, on September 22, 2017, duly filled the tentative budget of said Town for the Fiscal year beginning January 1, 2018 with the Town Clerk of said Town; and
Whereas, the Town Clerk of the Town of Ogden, duly presented said tentative budget to the Town Board at as special meeting held on October 11, 2017 at which time such tentative budget was considered, discussed and reviewed;
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that said tentative budget is hereby revised as follows: (NONE), and be it
Further Resolved, that as so revised and modified, the said tentative budget is hereby approved as and shall become the preliminary budget of the Town of Ogden for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2018; and be it
Further Resolved, that said preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ogden, and said Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to reproduce copies of same for public distribution, and be it
Further Resolved, that the Town Clerk shall give due legal notice of a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, which public hearing shall be held on the 25th day of October, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, New York and at which hearing all interested persons shall be heard concerning the same.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None
X. Adjournment
Resolution #244-10.11.17
Introduced by Councilman Uschold Seconded by Councilman Feeney
Resolved, that the Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ogden be and hereby is adjourned to Work Session at 7:05 p.m., at which time the public was invited to attend, and hereby is adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Vote of the Board:
Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold
Nays: None