Village of Rossville Board met October 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Mayor Queen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. then the pledge was recited. The meeting was held at the Rossville Municipal Building located at 120 East Attica Street in Rossville, Illinois.
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established with Mayor Queen and Trustees Cornell, Lusk, Buck, Leaver, Maden and Mahorney physically present.
Guests present were Clerk White, Chief Kelnhofer, Lucas Sturm, Brenda Adams and Douglas Toole from Keep Vermilion County Beautiful, Sam Cole from C2 Engineers, Marilyn Danner, Margaret Trunnell, Robert Danner and Sue Misner.
A correction was noted on the regular board meeting held August 21, 2017, page 3, paragraph 3, the vote should indicate Trustee Lusk voted yes instead of Trustee Buck. Motion was made by Maden, seconded by Leaver to accept the correction on the August 1, 2017 regular board meeting minutes. All members voted yes.
Minutes of the regular board meeting held September 18, 2017 were presented. Motion was made by Maden, seconded by Buck to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve them as presented. All members voted yes.
Treasurer Ault’s written reports for August and September were presented. The August report did not have ending balances completed. Motion was made by Cornell, seconded by Maden to approve the treasurer’s report as completed. Vote: Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney.
The September 2017 report was reviewed. Motion was made by Buck, seconded by Maden to approve the report as presented. Vote: Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes.
Current bills – The Finance & Purchasing Committee met earlier this evening to review the bills. Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Buck to pay the bills as presented. Vote: Buck, yes; Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes.
Superintendent Lusk’s report – The residents at 214 Gilbert Street have an improper furnace vent that is exhausting onto the gas meter set. It is the property owner’s responsibility to move the vent. Mayor Queen has asked the residents to repair the problem with no success. Superintendent Lusk will suspend gas service before the heating season begins until repairs are made. Mayor Queen reported Superintendent Lusk expects the water main project to be completed prior to Friday, October 20th, depending on the weather.
ERH Enterprises’ Sewer Operator’s Report –There were no comments on the sewer operator’s report.
Police Chief Kelnhofer’s Report – Chief Kelnhofer will be attending A.L.I.C.E. (Alert. Lockdown. Inform. Counter. Evacuate.) training on October 19-20th. Chief Kelnhofer has spoken with Dr. Johnson at the grade school and a representative from Circle Academy and arranged that once Chief Kelnhofer has received his completion certificate, Chief Kelnhofer can train school and academy representatives on-site in “shooter” situations. School and academy representatives will be responsible for the required online training.
Accounts Receivable -Collector White reported the utility accounts receivable total as $18,258.60. There were 5 outstanding miscellaneous invoices totaling $2,661.35, making the total accounts receivable as $20,919.95. There were no shut offs this month.
Christmas Parade Resolution – The American Legion Auxiliary and RCO request permission to close Rt. 1 (Chicago Street) on December 2, 2017, from Green Street to Stufflebeam Drive, from 6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m., to host a Christmas Parade. Motion was made by Mahorney, seconded by Maden to approve the Christmas Parade
Resolution. Vote: Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes. Resolution 2017-06 passed.
Clerk White opened the 3 bids received for the Village general liability and workmen’s comp insurance. The bids were as follows:
Harris Agency Inc. $37,797
Corkill Insurance Agency Inc. $28,672
IML Risk Mangement Ass’n $37,043
A Finance & Purchasing Committee meeting will be scheduled to review the bids. Committee recommendations will be presented at the next regular board meeting to award the insurance.
Bids for Excess Village Personal Property – The bids for the personal property were as follows:
Windows XP Computer $73 Michael & Donna Delvin
Windows 7 Computer $33 Michael & Donna Delvin
Ruger Rifle $525 Paul Kelnhofer
Motion was made by Maden, seconded by Mahorney to accept all 3 bids for the personal property as listed. Vote: Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes.
Doug Toole, from Keep Vermilion County Beautiful (KVCB), announced KVCB has partnered with the Vermilion County Health Department and DACC to sponsor a FREE Electronics Recycling Event for Vermilion County residents. The event will be held on the DACC parking lot on Saturday, October 28th from 9-11 a.m.
Brenda Adams, from Keep Vermilion County Beautiful (KVCB), announced a membership drive to encourage organizations and municipalities to join or renew. Ms. Adams presented the Village with an invoice to renew their membership for 2018. Invoices are not due until January. KVCB offers beautification grants to members. The grants will be granted not to exceed $1,000. Applications for the beautification grants are on their website.
Edy Farnsworth, Deputy Clerk/Collector announced her retirement date, from the village office staff in writing, as February 28, 2018. Clerk White would like to advertise the position in the newspaper in November to allow ample time to review applications, make a selection of interview candidates and appoint a replacement to begin in January, 2018. Trustee Lusk would like to review the ad for the position prior to advertising in the newspaper.
Mayor Queen reported the company, who is demolishing the approved Attica Street properties, is in the middle of harvest. A representative stated they should be finished harvesting around October 31st. Their crew will be here after harvest is complete, approximately the first week in November. Margaret Trunnell asked where the company is beginning with the demolition. Mayor Queen stated the demolition will begin with 111 E. Attica and work toward 101 S. Chicago.
Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Executive Session Tapes that have been retained at least 18 months after minutes were released – Motion was made by Buck, seconded by Leaver to approve the resolution to destroy the executive session meeting tapes from meetings held on March 23, 2015, October 19, 2015 and March 21, 2016. Vote: Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes. Resolution 2017-07 passed.
Clerk White spoke with Village Attorney Andy Mudd regarding the acceptance of 121 & 122 E. Attica. Mr. Mudd stated a motion should be made to approve an ordinance to accept the properties located at 121 E. Attica and 122 E. Attica for the purpose of demolition of the buildings on the properties. If the costs for each property exceeds $20,000, the village board will revisit the matter. Bids will be solicited for the demolition of the buildings. The house on 122 E. Attica has asbestos siding to be removed but 121 E. Attica has no asbestos. Motion was made to approve the acceptance of 121 E. Attica and 122 E. Attica for the purpose of demolition via ordinance. Vote: Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes.
The Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Volleyball team will be competing in the Regional Tournament the week of October 23-26th. Royal Publishing is seeking ad sponsors for the programs. The least expensive ad is $40 (not listed on the cost list). Motion was made by Lusk, seconded by Leaver to sponsor an ad for $75 in the programs. Vote: Cornell, yes; Mahorney, yes; Maden, yes; Leaver, yes; Buck, yes; Lusk, yes.
Finance & Purchasing Committee - Chairman Leaver reviewed procedures to approve the annual tax levy ordinance. The estimated amount ($18,163.30 this year) for the tax levy is to be announced at least 20 days prior to passage of the tax levy ordinance. The tax levy ordinance will be prepared to approve at November’s regular board meeting. Also, Trustee Leaver stated the sewer rates should be increased since the sewer fund is negative approximately $8,000. The sewer plant road was tarred and chipped this year and the sewer fund’s portion toward the purchase of a boring machine greatly added to the deficit. A Water & Sewer Committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss the matter.
The remaining committee chairpersons had nothing to report at this time.
Old Village Office and Plans for Lots after Demolition – Trustee Lusk expressed his concerns regarding the condition of the building at 113 E. Attica. Trustee Lusk asked if the Village should begin procedures to obtain possession of the property again. Trustee Lusk asked what the plan is regarding the vacant Village owned lots after demolition. Mayor Queen responded saying the lots will be filled in with dirt, brick fill and rock. Mayor Queen stated a fence should be placed at the edge of the property to block the view of the back of the downtown buildings. Margaret Trunnell asked what will be done with the retaining wall that will be left behind. Mayor Queen asked for 2 people to meet with Superintendent Lusk and a representative from Lee Excavating to discuss what the plan is for demolition, how far they are going and what will happen with the retaining wall. Mayor Queen suggested a committee be formed to discuss potential plans for the vacant lot and if any residents would like to assist with planning to let the office know.
Discuss waiving installation fees for new utilities for a resident building a new home – A request was received to waive the installation fees for Marilyn Danner, 221 Perry Street, who is building a new house and garage in the TIF Outer Area. Robert Danner, on behalf of Marilyn Danner, asked if the board would waive the installation fees since the Village has waived installation fees for new builders in the new subdivisions that are located in the TIF Outer Area. Mr. Danner has already located the sewer tap for the property so the sewer tap fee would not be charged. Mrs. Danner has a water meter therefore the request is basically to waive the $300 gas installation fee. Mr. Danner stated Mrs. Danner expects to spend a large sum of money on her residence, of which the Village will receive 70% of the TIF Outer Area real estate tax monies. Mr. Danner conveyed to board members that the 70% of TIF taxes the Village receives will far outweigh the $300 gas installation fees and requested the fees be waived. Mr. Danner also asked if the Village would waive gas installation fees to his house, which is next to Mrs. Danner’s property, so he can potentially install a fireplace in his house. Mr. Danner would have his attorney prepare an easement for the Village in order to run the gas line to his property. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mahorney, seconded by Leaver to waive the gas installation fees to both properties. Vote: Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes.
Lucas Sturm purchased 104 E. Attica and plans to open a restaurant in the fall of 2018. Parking is a concern. Mr. Sturm asked if the Village intends to make any of the properties, slated for demolition, parking lots. Definite plans have not been made at this time but the board will keep parking in mind during discussions.
Sam Cole, C2 Engineers, asked board members to consider C2 Engineers for any projects that may need their attention and expertise.
Margaret Trunnell asked further questions regarding the installation of the fence at the demolition sites and demolition of 122 E. Attica. Sue Misner asked if an engineer needs to be consulted regarding the retaining wall.
Motion was made by Leaver, seconded by Maden to adjourn to executive session under 5 ILCS 120/2 C21 to review executive session minutes. Vote: Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:30 p.m.
Motion was made by Mahorney, seconded by Maden to return to regular session. Vote: Buck, yes; Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes. The meeting returned to regular session at 8:40 p.m.
Motion was made by Buck, seconded by Leaver to release executive session minutes dated June 19, 2017, April 17, 2017 and February 20, 2017. Vote: Leaver, yes; Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes.
Trustee Lusk stated the owner of 113 E. Attica owes delinquent real estate taxes, the building is in bad shape and is an eye sore. Can someone please find out what the status is of the property? Mayor Queen will investigate.
Motion was made by Mahorney, seconded by Maden to adjourn the meeting. Vote: Maden, yes; Mahorney, yes; Cornell, yes; Lusk, yes; Buck, yes; Leaver, yes. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.