Champaign County Mental Health Board will meet on November 29.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call - Stephanie Howard-Gallo
3. Approval of Agenda*
4. Presidents' Comments
5. Ed McManus Update "Climbing Mt. Everest or Navigating the Disability
System: Which Is Harder?" - Included in the packet for information only is
an overview of Mr. McManus' presentation. (pages 2-8}
6. Citizen Input/Public Participation
The CCMHB and CCDDB reserve the authority to limit individual public
participation to 5 minutes per person and a total time of 20 minutes.
7. Old Business
A. Ligas Acronyms (pages 9-10}
A list of useful acronyms, compiled and published by the Ligas Family
Advocacy Program, is included for information.
8. Adjournment
*Board action requested