Village of Pesotum Board of Trustees met September 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1.Call to Order.
Village President, Joyce Ragle, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
2.Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
Present were President Joyce Ragle, Village Treasurer Melanie Shultz, Village Trustees Dianne Reed, Stephanie Hackett, Dee Ann Hoffman, Katie Wilson, Attorney Elizabeth Megli and Village Clerk Gwen McDuffy. Village Trustees Paul Rennels and Charles McCrone were absent.
3.Presentations/Comments from the General Public
Bill Schweighart, a Village resident, asked that the Village evaluate a tree at 304 S. Oak Street. President Joyce Ragle stated that she would have maintenance look at the tree in question.
4.Routine Matters
4.1Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes August 2, 2017. Dianne Reed motioned to approve, Katie Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4.2Approval of Treasurer’s Report for the Month Ended, August 31, 2017 Katie Wilson motioned to approve, Stephanie Hackett seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4.3Approval of Monthly Bills for Payment
Dianne Reed motioned to approve, Katie Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4.4Approval of Bills Received After Treasurer’s Report
Melanie has two bills that was received, Ameren $468.18 and the News gazette for $506.05. Katie Wilson motioned to approve, Dianne Reed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5.1Village Clerk, Gwen McDuffy stated that she was looking for a seminar for clerk training and will inform the board when she finds one that will fit her full time schedule.
5.2Village Maintenance, Kerry Groves no report. Village President Joyce Ragle stated that she received a letter of resignation from Kerry Groves. The Village will begin seeking a replacement.
5.3Village Building Inspector, Lyle Reed. Lyle Reed reported that a permit was issued for 306 W. Adams for a garden shed.
5.4ESDA Coordinator, Rob Russian no report
6.Old Business
6.1Discussion of Illinois American Water Reimbursement Utility Expenses
Previously Paid by Village.
The Village received reimbursement from Illinois American Water Company for the utilities previously paid by the Village, which relate to the water building being utilized by Illinois American Water Company.
6.2Discussion and Approval of Soccer Fees
Joyce Ragle reported out-of-district fees for Soccer were incurred by seven (7) families, at a total cost of $210.00. Lyle Reed raised an objection to use of public funds for paying private expenses of Village Residents. The Village Board of Trustees evaluated the past practices of the Village in paying out-of-district fees, and considered the objection raised by Lyle Reed. Thereafter, Trustee Katie Wilson made a motion to approve reimbursement of out-of-district soccer fees in the sum of $210. Trustee Dee Ann Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6.3Consideration of the Petition for Variance made by Mid-America
This matter was tabled at the August meeting of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Hoffman made a motion to untable the matter. Trustee Katie Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Having considered the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Trustee Dianne Reed made a motion to deny the Petition for Variance. Trustee DeeAnn Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7.New Business
7.1Discuss and ratify movie fees
The licensing fee for the movie in the park was $335.00. Trustee Dianne Reed made a motion to ratify payment of the licensing fees. Trustee Katie Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7.2Adoption of Tax Levy Ordinance and certified copy thereof.
Attorney Megli explained the annual tax levy process, and presented the Tax Levy Ordinance for consideration and approval. Trustee Katie Wilson made a motion to adopt the Tax Levy Ordinance and Certified Copy thereof, Trustee Dianne Reed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7.3Adoption of Truth in Taxation Certificate
Attorney Megli explained the Truth in Taxation Certificate. Trustee Hoffman made a motion to adopt the Truth in Taxation Certificate, Trustee Hackett seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7.4Adoption of Resolution Determining Tax Revenue Requirements Pursuant to “The Truth in Taxation Act”.
Attorney Megli explained the required approval of the Resolution, and presented it to the Board of Trustee’s for consideration. Trustee Reed made a motion to adopt the Resolution Determining Tax Revenue Requirements Pursuant to “The Truth in Taxation Act”. Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8.Presentations/Comments from the Board
Melanie Shultz reported the auditor gave the financial report to look over and approve. If there are any questions that she needs to ask them, let her know. Katie Wilson received an update on the village website, in the process of extracting data from old website. Will hopefully get to start working on it next week. Katie Wilson will get a newsletter out in October. This will be the last newsletter of the year.
Joyce Ragle informed the Board that at the next study session, a Champaign County Sheriff’s deputy will be in attendance to go discuss issues surrounding use of golf carts on Village streets. The Board will also be discussing updates to its Zoning Ordinance, and consider whether additional means are necessary to ensure the accuracy of Village Board Meeting minutes.
10.1Next Village Board Meeting, Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 6:30 pm
10.2Next Village Study Session, Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 6:30 pm
Katie Wilson motioned to adjourn, Stephanie Hackett seconded the motion.