Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met Oct. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call Meeting to Order
Ii. Roll Call
Iii. Pledge of Allegiance
Iv. Invocation
V. Public Comments
Vi. Public Works Department
A. Review and/or approval of proposal from USIC for utility locating
B. Surplus items to scrap – proceeds to replace water meters
Vii. Reports
A. Engineers
1. Miscellaneous work status updates, as needed
2. Status of police station construction
a. Status of landscaping being re-done
b. Discuss open house date
c. Approval of pay application #7 for Grunloh Construction
B. Treasurer
1. Pay bills and/or warrants as presented
2. Sewer credit(s) and/or extensions
C. Police
Viii. Approval of Prior Minutes – September 19, 2017
Ix. Old Business
A. Review and/or approval proposals for codification of Village of Tolono ordinances
B. Review and/or approval of an agreement for ditch mowing along Benham Street
C. Discussion and/or approval of alarm system monitoring at the new police station
D. Review and/or approve Police Union Contract as presented by Teamsters Local #26
X. New Business
A. Discussion and/or approval of an electronic recycling
B. Discussion and/or approval of termite contract with TLC Pest Control
C. Review and/or approval of General Fund Transfer to TIF Fund in the amount of $370,659.49
Xi. Nuisance and Tickler Files
Xii. Miscellaneous
Xiii. Executive Session - Consideration of a motion to enter into Executive Session for the limited purposes of discussing the hiring, performance, compensation and/or employment of one or more Village employees, possible litigation and acquisition of land
Xiv. Next Meetings – October 17, 2017
Xv. Adjournment