Rantoul Village Board of Trustees met Oct. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order – Mayor Smith
Roll Call
2. Public Participation
Citizens wishing to address the Village Board with respect to any item of business listed on the agenda are asked to complete a public participation form and submit it to the Village Clerk prior to the meeting.
Comments will be limited to three minutes for each speaker.
3. Items from the Mayor
4. Items from Trustees
5. Presentation of audit report by Greg Manning, Crowe Horwath, LLP
6. Items from the Clerk
7. Items for the Consent Agenda
A) Approval of Minutes, Special Board Meeting, September 5, 2017
B) Approval of Minutes, Regular Study Session, September 5, 2017
C) Approval of Minutes, Regular Board Meeting, September 12, 2017
D) Approval of Bills and Monthly Financial Reports
8. Items from Public Works
A) Intergovernmental Agreement with Rantoul Township – Chandler Rd. 1-11
B) Pedestrian crossing on Rt. 136 - $83,892.63 12-30
C) Elevated Tank Structural Rehabilitation Project - $141,605.000 31-55
D) Fire Suppression System Conversion Building 718 - $40,920.00 56-58
E) Fire Suppression System Conversion Hangar 1 - $86,450.00 59-63
9. Items from Inspection
A) Lift moratorium on Zoning change requests 64-66
B) Change Order on Rantoul Motel Demolition - $12,020.00 71-74
10. Items from Police
A) Restructuring of support staff 67-68
11. Items from Human Resources
A) Appoint authorized IMRF Agent
12. Items from Counsel
13. Public Participation for non-agenda items
Citizens wishing to address the Village Board with respect to any matter not on the agenda are asked to complete a public participation form and submit it to the Village Clerk prior to the meeting. Comments will be limited to three minutes for each speaker.
14. Motion to enter into closed session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) 1, to consider the employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee
15. Adjournment