
Chambana Sun

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met May 2.

Webp chairs

Village of Tolono Board of Trustees met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of the Village of Tolono was held on May 2, 2017 and was called to order at 6:35 pm. Present were Board President Jeff Holt, Clerk Dixie Phillips, Trustees Mike Golish, Jacquie Miller, Anna Morris, Rob Murphy, Ryan Perry, and Terrence Stuber. Also present were Public Works Supervisor Matt Graven, Chief Rick Raney, Building Official Tony Battaglia, Zoning Board of Appeals (“ZBA”) Administrator Randy Bachert, Architect Scott Burge, and Attorney Mark Miller.

Clerk Phillips swore in the following newly elected Board members:

President Rob Murphy

Trustees Vicki Buffo, Anna Morris, and Jared Ping

After President Murphy was sworn in, he thanked the Board members and presented Past President Holt and Trustee Mike Golish with plaques for their ten plus years of service to the Village.

President Murphy led the Board and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Trustee Miller made a motion, with a second by Trustee Buffo to approve President Murphy’s appointment of Terrence Stuber to fill the vacant Trustee seat left by President Murphy. Motion carried. Clerk Phillips then swore in Terrence Stuber as Trustee.

Public Comments: Joey Matthews, 409 W Walnut, Deer Path, reported that he has a drainage/water problem and that his sump pump runs non-stop. He said he believes that the grate is crushed. Mr. Graven will talk with Mr. Matthews and work with the engineers to see if the problem can get resolved.

Dave Foley, 105 Bryce Ln., reported that the house on 111 Bryce Ln has shingles on it and that an ordinance for a variance had not been adopted, and asked if they should not have gotten an okay to proceed. Mr. Miller said that it was such a minor variance that the Board would not have to hear it. Mr. Bachert said that he was disappointed that the work was still going on when not okayed yet but went ahead and okayed variance. Mr. Bachert suggested a policy be put in place for future requests and that it be followed.

Jeremy Mitchell, 402 N. Bourne, reported that he is still having drainage problems and that no one has followed up with him since his last visit to the Board about the same issue. Mr. Graven will meet with Mr. Mitchell to see if a resolution has be obtained.

Public Works Department (“PWD”): President Murphy reported that unless there is a major project going, Mr. Graven will be giving the engineers’ reports in the future.

Mr. Graven said the repairs for the EZGO golf cart exceeded the value of the cart and therefore, presented information using it as a trade-in for the Toro Twister. Trustee Perry made a motion, with a second by Trustee Stuber to purchase a Toro Twister from Battery Specialist and Golf Carts in Champaign for $3,200 with a trade of $300 for the EZGO. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo - Yes Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber - Yes

Mr. Graven reported on replacing the existing yard barn south of the maintenance shop with a new 8 x 12 foot yard barn built by Parkland College Construction trade class. He reported that a $200 down-payment was needed to get the Village’s name on a list for the fall semester’s building and that the total cost would be $1,600. Trustee Jared suggested, and others agreed, getting other estimates and presenting them to the Board.

Mr. Graven reported that he had not received any bids for tree removal at 409 N. Vorcey and will report back to the Board when estimates are received.

Mr. Graven also reported that the estimates for painting the ESDA building have been outrageous and that the project is still being reviewed.

Reports: Mr. Burge reported that he had met with Grunloh before tonight’s meeting and was told that the roofing on the new police station should be done by the middle of next week; that they are detailing the inside, and there has been a delay because of materials. Mr. Burge advised the Board that Grunloh is also looking into different options for the doors and frames.

Trustee Perry made a motion, with a second by Trustee Morris to pay Grunloh’s Pay Request No. 4 in the amount of $123,705.82. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo – Abstain Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber – Yes

Mr. Burge also advised the Board that he had a security submittal and said that if Chief Raney agrees with the submittal, he will send it out to all Board members. The Board said okay.

Trustee Stuber made a motion, with a second by Trustee Perry to pay all bills except for the TIF bill. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo – Abstain Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber – Yes

Trustee Stuber made a motion, with a second by Trustee Perry to pay the TIF bill for Farnsworth Engineering. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo – Abstain Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber – Yes

Treasurer Kouzmanoff advised the Board that a refund of $300 was requested because the property owner did not go through with the variance hearing. The Board said to refund the variance hearing fee after the ZBA Administrator advised them that no hearing was held because the property owner changed his mind.

Mr. Bachert reported on the variance for 105 Bryce Ln. He said that Mr. Battaglia had informed the homeowners that there was no permit granted; that Mr. Bachert had also advised them that there was no permits granted, and the homeowner said he would take his chances. Mr. Bachert suggested that new buildings be inspected more often to avoid work being done without permits. He also mentioned that Dave Foley and Ben Hilligoss might possibly be interested in being on the ZBA.

Mr. Bachert also suggested that the Board look at costs of building permits and variance fees because variance fees are pretty high while permits are not. Trustee Perry said he believes the costs should be across the board – the same for everyone. Trustee Perry also stated that he would like for a police officer to serve the appropriate papers when necessary and President Murphy suggested both the building official and the police serve the papers.

Minutes: Trustee Stuber made a motion, with a second by Trustee Miller to approve the April 18, 2017 minutest. Motion carried.

Old Business: President Murphy asked that the Ordinance concerning landlords be removed from the agenda until water rates are decided. Treasurer Kouzmanoff advised the Board that last year the water revenue was down $40,000 including depreciation of over $100,000. Trustee Stuber suggested the Village get the water rates figured out first and then do the ordinance. Trustee Perry said he is working with Illinois American Water Company concerning the rates and it was suggested that the issue be placed on the next Board agenda. Treasurer Kouzmanoff said that an increase of twenty percent (20%) was needed to break even.

The issue of “no parking” was discussed and President Murphy suggested a shuttle from the Village parking lot. Trustee Ping suggested no parking on one side of road and suggested no parking signs be placed on the house side of each street involved. Trustee Perry agreed saying no parking on the east side of Whitehead between Holden & Walnut and the south side of Holden from Whitehead to Condit, and the west side of Condit from Holden to Sharon, or as designated by the Board President for Fun Day Festival dates. The item will be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting. Chief Raney will reach out to Feldkamp, Reynolds, and other towing companies for fees to remove illegally parked cars on Fun Day.

New Business: Eddie Gregg of Lu & Denny’s presented five Applications for Special Event permits. Trustee Perry made a motion, with a second by Trustee Miller to approve the following permit applications: June 23, 2017 from 8 p.m. to midnight – Fun Day; June 24, 2017 from 7 p.m. to midnight – Fun Day; July 7, 2017 from 8 p.m. to midnight – Band; August 12, 2017 from 8 p.m. to midnight – 57th Anniversary, and September 15, 201 from 8 p.m. to midnight – Homecoming and class reunions.

Motion passed. The permit fees were discussed and noted that the Board had waived fees in the past for charity events, such as Fun Day. Trustee Perry made a motion, with a second by Trustee Miller to waive the permit fees for the Fun Day and to include the anniversary party. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo – Yes Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber – No

All Trustees have signed the Village of Tolono Sexual Harassment Policy.

Possible dates for the Village Clean-Up Day were tentatively set: October 7th, 14th, or possibly one week before the town garage sale date. Treasurer Kouzmanoff was authorized to get estimates for electronic recycling and the clean-up. Treasurer Kouzmanoff said that ABC currently has the recycle bid but that the contract was up in June. Trustee Stuber, and others, agreed to bid the job.

President Murphy advised the Board that because of the accidents that have occurred at that U.S. Route 45 and Walnut he is going to be working on getting a stop light at that intersection.

Mr. Graven reported that the PDW had put a flashing red light at the intersection. President Murphy asked Mr. Graven to get trees/bushes trimmed around the stop signs.

President Murphy advised the Board that the Treasurer has e-mailed everyone an appropriation form for the Board members to review, and the issue will be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting.

Miscellaneous: The Treasurer will update the “Meet the Board” page on the website and send the clerk so she can send it to the County Clerk.

President Murphy said that he will ask a pastor from different churches to say a short prayer before the Board meetings beginning May 16, 2017.

Trustee Stuber asked how many people have logged into website to pay their water bills online through PSN and the Treasurer said his last count was twenty (20).

Trustee Morris advised the Board that several people have commented to her that they’ve seen Village workers on their telephones and asked if the employees had Bluetooth since it’s a law to talk on cell phones while driving, and was told no. Trustees Ping and Buffo said the employees should pull over to talk, the consensus was unanimous.

President Murphy advised the Board that there will be no more burning at the dump because of complaints that the residents cannot burn, why the Village should.

Since Trustee Buffo’s residence is in the TIF District she is not allowed to vote on TIF matters. Therefore, an ordinance will be presented for review and possible passage at the next Board meeting to remove her property from the TIF District.

Trustee Miller asked about the rocks on Village property near a Benham Street residence just over the tracks and was told that someone would look into the matter.

The Treasurer asked that the new Trustees get their signatures on the Village checking accounts so the accounts are updated.

Executive Session: Trustee Stuber made a motion, with a second by Trustee Miller to enter into Executive Session at 8:28 p.m. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo – Yes Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber – Yes

Upon returning to open session, Trustee Perry made a motion, with a second by Trustee Miller to adjourn the meeting. Roll call vote was taken and the following votes were cast passing the motion:

Vicki Buffo – Yes Jacquie Miller – Yes Anna Miller – Yes Jared Ping – Yes Ryan Perry – Yes Terrence Stuber – Yes

The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.




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