Champaign County Racial Justice Task Force (RJTF) Community Engagement Subcommittee met June 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Task Force:
I. Call to Order
Carolyn called the meeting to order at 6:54pm.
II. Roll Call
Members Present:
D. Harber, R. Hughes, C. Randolph, G. Walter.
Members Absent: S. Byndom.
III. Approval of Agenda
Gerry moved to approve the agenda. David seconded the motion. The motion carried.
IV. Approval of Minutes
David moved to approve the minutes from the April 20th and May 18th meetings. Gerry seconded the motion. The motion carried.
V. Public Participation
There was no public participation.
VI. Updates and Discussion
Gerry discussed the final report of the STAT427 group. He asked if we wanted to share it with the task force and with the public. The group decided to send it to the task force and put it on the County website.
David asked for edits to his section. Carolyn, Ryan, and Sam will read through his section.
Ryan asked for holes in the Community Engagement section that need to be filled with research references. Carolyn and Gerry suggested putting Ryan’s section in an appendix. Ryan will clean up the section.
Sam needs to complete stitching together the sections and then share it as a Google Doc.
Carolyn will contact Yuyan about instructions for the database. Yuyan will be done in August.
Carolyn asked about interest in carrying on the work of the subcommittee beyond the task force deadline. The group discussed what format this would take on.
David’s section on media was discussed again; it has three sections: limited sources of communication, framing the subject of media piece, and the need to develop a campaign to educate the public about sharing information.
Carolyn set June 15th as a deadline for recommendations.
VII. New Business
There will still be a subcommittee meeting on June 22. The group will discuss press releases then. An idea proposed was to find people who could do advance commentaries on the final report. The subcommittee will also discuss format next time.
VIII. Task Force Member Comments
There were no task force member comments/questions.
IX. Adjournment
Carolyn moved to adjourn.