Ford County Board Specifically Finance Committee met July 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
The Finance Committee met on Thursday, July 6, 2017, at 8:30 A.M. in the Small Courtroom in the Courthouse. Those in attendance were: Chairman McCall, Mr. Nuss, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. May, Mr. Berger and Mr. Lindgren. Also in attendance were Lana Sample, Circuit Clerk Evans, Supervisor of Assessments Patricia Langland, Treasurer Stevens and Clerk Frederick.
Mr. Berger moved to approve the Agenda. Mr. Ferguson seconded it. Voice Vote - Carried Ginger Boas with the U of I Home Extension attended the committee meeting to discuss concerns if funding was cut for the Home Extension.
The Committee reviewed a proposal from H & R Block for farming out payroll. It was decided to get more information from H & R Block, Clerk Frederick will contact them.
The General Fund Bills were reviewed. Mr. Ferguson moved to recommend to the board that the General Fund bills be paid. Mr. May seconded it. Voice Vote – Carried
Mr. Ferguson moved to adjourn; Mr. May seconded it.
Meeting adjourned at 9:28 A.M.