Champaign County Administrator County Administrator Evaluation Committee met July 12.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order
County Board Chair Weibel called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.
III. Election of Chair
Motion by Ms. Petrie to appoint Jim McGuire; seconded by Mr. Summers. Motion by Mr.
McGuire to appoint Pius Weibel; seconded by Mr. Harper. Upon roll call vote, Mr. Weibel
appointed Chair.
Pius Weibel – Harper, McGuire, Summers
Jim McGuire – Petrie, Weibel
IV. Approval of Agenda and Addendum
Motion by Ms. Petrie to approve the agenda as distributed; seconded by Mr. Harper. Upon
vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Public Participation
VII. Review of Forms
The committee discussed the five forms provided in the agenda packet. The committee
discussed a variety of options for the rating scale. Ms. Petrie requested that whatever scale is
used, that “N/A” (not applicable) be added.
The committee members requested that the recording secretary convert all the forms to WORD
and email them. Each committee member agreed to create a draft of the forms he or she would
like, using the County Performance Appraisal as a template.
Mr. Snider will provide the narrative he used for Department Heads, which includes
expectations and criteria for evaluation.
The committee discussed the importance of including other community organizations in the
evaluation process; similarly to the process used in the candidate search for the County
Administrator. The recording secretary will send the list of entities that were involved in the
search to the committee. Mr. Snider listed several entities, including METCAD, EDC, Airport
Advisory, City of Champaign, City of Urbana, Savoy, Rantoul, Farm Bureau, Chamber of
Commerce, and Community Coalition.
VIII. Other Business
The committee decided to meet prior to the County Board study session on Tuesday, July 25, 2017
at 4:30 p.m.
IX. Adjournment
Chair Weibel adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.