
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Woodstock Environmental Commission met April 6.

City of Woodstock Environmental Commission met April 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call to Order & Roll Call

A roll call was taken.

Commission Members Present: Laurie Kacmar, E. Ellinghausen, Jaci Krandel, and Chair Erica Poremba.

Commission Members Absent: Steve Wenzel.

Staff Present: Assistant Public Works Director Tom Migatz and Chief Deputy City Clerk Jane Howie

Others Present: none.

II. Acceptance of Minutes:

Motion by E. Ellinghausen, second by L. Kacmar, to approve Minutes from the March 2, 2017 Meeting: Ayes: L. Kacmar, E. Ellinghausen, and Chair E. Poremba. Nays: none. Absentees: S. Wenzel. Abstentions: J. Krandel. Minutes were accepted.

Correction: J. Krandel arrived at 5:35 PM Motion by J. Krandel, second by L. Kacmar, to approve Minutes from the March 23, 2017 Meeting: Ayes: L. Kacmar, E. Ellinghausen, and J. Krandel. Nays: none. Absentees: S. Wenzel. Abstentions: Chair E. Poremba. Minutes were accepted.

III. Public Comment: none.

IV. Discussion Items

A. Staff Liaison Updates: none.

Steve Wenzel arrived at 5:20 pm

L. Kacmar emailed Nick Weber, Library Director, to inform him of this Commission’s goals to present a timeline of their projects, education purposes, and an information kiosk. She’s waiting to hear back from him. S. Wenzel added that he does some research on community gardens, processes that other municipalities are doing, procedures, and how to get started. Chair Poremba said it would be great to display info at the library and periodically update. J. Krandel said they agreed to share information on recycling, etc. In addition, Commissioners would like to have the reusable bag on display. Perhaps the City’s Visitor’s Center at Read Between the Lynes would display the reusable bags as well.

They’d also like to include a copy of the Environmental Plan, reusable bag with info about the program (similar to what’s on the website), recycling information that includes ways and places to recycle building and construction materials. L. Kacmar said McHenry County College has the Green Guide to share. E. Ellinghausen said a lot of people ask for a copy of the Green Guide at recycling drives.

Chair Poremba asked what initiatives the City has been involved with over the years. T. Migatz talked about the lighting retrofit and the addition of motion detector lights. Also, payroll is all done electronically; no ‘live’ paper checks. E. Ellinghausen added that the City notifies residents if their sewer & water bill looks higher than normal, both to alert the resident of a possible leak as well as to reduce excess water use/loss. J. Krandel mentioned the addition of cigarette butt receptacles on the Square. E. Poremba suggested compiling an Environmental Newsletter that would include updates in addition to posting updated on the website. Perhaps the Newsletter can be included at the Visitor’s Center and on social media, too.

E.Ellinghausen said he’s getting close to getting his water report finished. He’s hoping to have it ready to share at this Commissions next meeting. He’d like some of the Public Works staff to review the information before he presents the material.

Chair Poremba asked T. Migatz if there’s a tree program for builders. T. Migatz said yes, there is. S. Wenzel believes the Unified Development Ordinance, UDO, includes a tree program.

Commissioners had a brief discussion about Public Works tree removal and wood chipping program. The City offers free wood chips to residents, when available. The Commission would like to know if Public Works would be able to gather tree limbs from other areas, such as Ryders Woods, Westwood Conservation, after The Land Conservancy performs work, and then have Public Works put those limbs through the chipper as well. It was noted that some of the contract work is done during the week, so perhaps this could be done. S. Wenzel said he’ll look into his side of it; T. Migatz will do some research on his side, as well.

Chair Poremba would like the Commission to divide and conquer on many of the tasks included in the Environmental Plan.

• E. Ellinghausen will look into the recycling of electronics, building & construction materials and hazardous waste.

• Chair Poremba will review McHenry County’s Green Guide.

• T. Migatz will write something up about the City’s lighting retrofit and recent installation of motion detector lights. He’ll also gather information about the water meter change-out program.

• J. Krandel will work with the Morning Rotary to put together information on the recycling containers and cigarette receptacles.

• S. Wenzel will research the City’s tree program.

• L. Kacmar will look into the City’s wood chip program.

Chair Poremba asked T. Migatz to gather detailed information on when the City’s paperless payroll went into effect.

Consensus of the Commission to cancel the meeting on April 20, 2017. The next Commission Meeting will be at 5:15 PM on Thursday, May 4, 2017.

T. Migatz will ask the Climate Control Lobby Group if they can attend the May 18th Environmental Commission meeting.

Chair Poremba asked T. Migatz is he’s aware of any other area in Woodstock that could accommodate a community garden. T. Migatz was not aware of an available property at this time. He is still looking into it, though. S. Wenzel said he found an article from the State of Washington that includes ten steps to get a community garden started. He informed the Commission to Google ‘State of Washington Community Gardens’ to review the information. There was a reminder for one of the Commissioners to contact resident Donovan Day to get information on starting a community garden, as Mr. Day managed this project in the Village of Fox Lake where he works. Perhaps D. Day could attend a meeting in June to present the community garden information.

B. Discussion of Environmental Plan priorities: this will be discussed at a future meeting.

V. Adjournment:

Motion by S. Wenzel, second by L. Kacmar, to adjourn this Special Joint Meeting of the Environmental Commission. Ayes: L. Kacmar, E. Ellinghausen, J. Krandel, S. Wenzel, and Chair E. Poremba. Nays: none. Absentees: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:54 pm until the Regular Meeting on Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 5:15 pm.
