City of Urbana Cunningham Township Board met May 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Elected Officials Physically Present:
Chair: Laurel Lunt Prussing
Trustees: Aaron Ammons; Bill Brown; Eric Jakobsson; Michael P. Madigan; Diane Marlin; Dennis Roberts; Charles Smyth
Town Clerk: Phyllis D. Clark
Supervisor: Michelle Mayol
Assessor: Absent
Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference:None
Elected Officials Absent: Dan Stebbins, Assessor
Others Present: Frederic Grosser; Members of the Media
1. Roll Call
Chair Prussing called the meeting of the Cunningham Township Board to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Public Participation
There was none.
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Trustee Charles Smyth made a motion to approve minutes from April 3, 2017. Trustee Dennis Roberts seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.
*Chair Prussing presented Township Supervisor Michelle Mayol with a street sign in appreciation of her service to the Urbana Cunningham Township office.
4. Committee to Verify Bills
The following items were presented in omnibusfashion:
1. Town Fund
2. General Assistance Fund
Trustee Charles Smyth made a motion to approve the Town Fund in the amount of $65,831.93 and the General Assistance Fund in the amount of $15,258.84. Trustee Aaron Ammonsseconded. Motion carried by voice vote.
5. Reports of Officers
There were none.
6. Unfinished Business
There was none.
7. New Business
There was none.
8. Closed and Open Session to Consider
Township Attorney Frederic M. Grosser stated there was no need to go into closed session at that time.
* Trustee Madigan acknowledged Township Supervisor Michelle Mayol for her service.
9. Adjournment
There being no further businessto come before the Cunningham Town Board, Chair Prussing declared the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.