City of Urbana Cunningham Township Board met May 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Elected Officials Physically Present:
Chair: Diane Wolfe Marlin
Trustees: Aaron Ammons; Bill Brown; Dean Hazen; Eric Jakobsson; Jared Miller; Dennis Roberts; Maryalice Wu Town Clerk: Charles A. Smyth
Supervisor: Danielle Chynoweth
Assessor: Absent
Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference: None
Elected Officials Absent: Dan Stebbins, Township Assessor
Others Present: Frederic M. Grosser; Members of the media
I. Roll Call
Chair Marlin called the meeting of the Cunningham Township Board to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Petitions and Communications
There were none.
III. Unfinished Business
There was none
IV. New Business
1. Resolution No. T-2017-05-001R: Resolution Authorizing Certain Individuals to Sign Checks for Cunningham Township
Township Supervisor Danielle Chynoweth explained that this resolution was necessary to give her, as the newly elected Township Supervisor, and Charles A. Smyth, as the newly elected Town Clerk, the authority to sign township checks. It also allows two additional employees at the Township, and an employee at the Town Clerk’s Office to sign
Trustee Ammons made a motion to adopt Resolution No. T-2017-05-001R. Motion was seconded by Trustee Roberts and carried by unanimous voice vote.
V. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Cunningham Town Board, Chair Marlin declared the meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.