
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission met March 2.

City of Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission met March 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commissions:

The Special Joint Meeting of the City of Woodstock Cultural & Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission was called to order at 6:00 PM on Thursday, March 2, 2017 in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

I. Call to Order and Roll Call:

Commission Members Present: Ed Ellinghausen, Laurie Kacmar, Steve Wenzel, Chair Erica Poremba, William Donato, John Hudson, Ivy Sagrado and Jose’ Rivera.

Commission Members Absent: Jaci Krandel.

Staff Present: Assistant Public Works Director Tom Migatz and Chief Deputy City Clerk Jane Howie.

Others present: none

II. Acceptance of Minutes: Motion by W. Donato, second by L. Kacmar, to accept the Minutes from the February 16, 2016 Joint Meeting of the Cultural & Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission. Ayes: E. Ellinghausen, L. Kacmar, S. Wenzel, Chair E. Poremba, W. Donato, J. Hudson, I. Sagrado and J. Rivera. Nays: none. Absentees: J. Krandel. Abstentions: none. Minutes accepted.

III. Public Comment: none

IV. Discussion Items:

a. Reports back from BIG 7 visits (W. Donato, J. Krandel) E. Poremba mentioned that Mayor Sager met with the new Store Manager, Scott Scoles, at WalMart. Mr. Scoles agreed to put the reusable bags on their store’s shelves.

b. Website update: T. Migatz said there are some donations on the website

c. “Our Story” content development for website and program flyer/brochure – progress? (E. Poremba) E. Poremba shared her updated version of “Our Story”. L. Kacmar talked about the “Our Vision” section; she’d like to add the Defend, Protect, Sustain into “Our Vision” section. E. Poremba asked if the Commission would like to add this information, to make it more relevant. The Commission agreed with the addition of this information. Chair Poremba reviewed the sections of “Our Story” and where this information came from.

Motion to approve S. Wenzel, 2nd by W. Donato to approve “Our Story” as presented. There was a consensus of the Commission. This information will be added to the City’s website.

d. “Reports back from the logistics subcommittee (W. Donato, J. Rivera, S. Wenzel, E. Ellinghausen, L. Kacmar, T. Migatz)

1. Creation of distribution maps and address lists

W. Donato and T. Migatz have reviewed maps and address lists and appropriate ways to break out the lists; just residential. Changes may be needed to further split up sections depending on how many residences are in certain areas. There are 15-18 zones. One of the concerns is delivering to apartment buildings that may not have open access. T. Migatz will look into this. Maps will be provided to each group.

2. Inserts

E. Poremba asked if the Commissioners want to place the “Our Story” into the bags when they’re delivered. They decided that inserts are not needed at this time.

3. Obtaining and logging of volunteers

W. Donato distributed lists of volunteers. W. Donato explained the logistics and the process for the morning of Saturday, March 11th. The group will be meeting around 7:30 AM at Woodstock North High School Commons. Rain date is March 18th. The Commission would like Mayor Sager to join them that morning to kick off the event!

e. Sponsorship Action Plan – formalize efforts around obtaining sponsorships Chair Poremba asked T. Migatz to bring some sponsorship forms to the event.

f. Drafting of the Ordinance

The Commission believes Mayor Sager is working on the Ordinance. They are hoping the Ordinance will be on the April 18, 2017 City Council Agenda. Commission members want to attend the Council meeting when the Ordinance is presented.

g. Schedule next meeting

V. Adjourn

Motion by W. Donato, second by I. Sagrado, to adjourn this Special Meeting of the Cultural & Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission at 6:32 PM. Ayes: E. Ellinghausen, L. Kacmar, S. Wenzel, Chair E. Poremba, W. Donato, J. Hudson, I. Sagrado and J. Rivera. Nays: none. Absentees: J. Krandel. Abstentions: none. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned until the next Special Meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 6 p.m.
