
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign Public Library Board of Trustees kicks off strategy planning timeline

Webp meeting 10

Champaign Public Library Board of Trustees met Wednesday, Feb. 15.

The Champaign Public Library was established in 1876. The Library is governed by the Board of Trustees of the Champaign Public Library, comprised of nine residents of Champaign, one of whom is a current member of the City Council. The trustees are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council for staggered terms of three years. The Board of Trustees establishes policy for the Library and appoints the Library Director, who serves as the Library’s chief executive officer.

Here are the minutes as provided by Champaign Public Library:

Library Board of Trustees

Minutes of Meeting

3 rd Floor Conference Room, Main Library

February 15, 2017

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Secretary Pearson.

2. Members Present: Mark Ballard, Katie Blakeman, Trisha Crowley, Charles Lansford, and Minnie Pearson

Members Absent: Deb Busey, Michael La Due, Orlando Thomas, and Martin Wolske

Library Staff Present: Donna Pittman, Richard Adkins, Amy Al-Shabibi, Jill Bouvet, Debbie Keith, Michel

Littleton, Michael Rogalla, and Evelyn Shapiro

Visitors Present: None

3. Approve the Agenda:

• MOTION by Lansford to approve the agenda as presented; seconded by Ballard. All: Aye.

4. Approve the Minutes:

a. Regular Meeting Minutes, January 18, 2017

b. Budget & Finance Committee Minutes, January 24, 2017

• MOTION by Crowley to approve both sets of minutes as presented; seconded by Blakeman. All: Aye.

5. Director’s Report:

• Pittman introduced security staff members Michel Littleton, who has been working at Douglass Branch and now will be at the main library. Richard Adkins will take Michel’s place at Douglass Branch.

• Shapiro, Promotions Manager, provided a preview of upcoming events and programs including Battle of the Books, Jasmine Field Orchestra, and monthly community talks at Douglass Branch. Stephen West, world-famous knitter, returns in April for National Library Week. Terry McMillan will visit in May.

• Pittman has received good comments from the community on the activities for teens after school.

Pittman also noted the Art Connection (our student artwork exhibits) has been popular with students, parents and teachers and a wonderful collaboration with Unit 4.

6. Financial Reports:

a. Approve “Check Register” and “Handwritten Checks” for January 2017:

• MOTION by Lansford to file the check register, handwritten checks and check summary for January 2017 in the amount of $612,757.54 as presented; seconded by Ballard. All: Aye.

b. 2016-2017 Financial Statements:

• MOTION by Ballard to accept the financial statements for February 2017 as presented; seconded by Lansford. All: Aye.

7. Early Closing on May 4:

• Pittman requested Board approval to close at 5 p.m. on May 4 instead of 6 p.m. to move tables and set up chairs on the 2nd floor for the Terry McMillan program that begins at 7 p.m.

• MOTION by Crowley to approve closing early at 5 p.m. on May 4 for the program as requested; seconded by Blakeman. All: Aye.

8. Visioning Committee-of-the-Whole: Strategic Planning Discussion:

• Blakeman noted Pittman was continuing the discussion on strategic planning.

• Pittman distributed a preliminary strategic planning timeline and plan to move forward now that a Deputy Director has been hired. The schedule proposed begins in June and ends December 2017. In January 2018, the plan would be provided to the public.

• Use of a consultant was discussed.

• Blakeman noted the person would help us figure out what we want to get out of this process and help draft a survey to the public for key feedback. Pittman will research consultants who specialize in library planning and get back to the Board.

• The committee agreed to move forward with the timeline proposed.

9. Policy Committee-of-the-Whole: Review of Food and Beverage Policy and Internet Use Policy:

• MOTION from Lansford the policies will remain unchanged at this time; seconded by Ballard. All:


10. Correspondence and Communications:

• Article from The News-Gazette written by Kelly Strom, Collection Development Manager, entitled “In the Mood for a Mystery?” (January 8, 2017) and Parents Share Struggles (January 22, 2017).

• Article from The News-Gazette “From Our Readers” column from Kathleen Harper of Urbana, IL commenting on the wonderful David Sheff program held at the library (February 2, 2017).

11. Committee and Liaison Reports:

a. Champaign Public Library Foundation:

• No report.

b. Friends of the Champaign Public Library:

• Lansford noted the Friends approved the funding request for the library.

12. Comments from the Audience:

• No comments.

13. Comments from the Board:

• Lansford noted things are going very well, noting the David Sheff program and the proposed strategic planning process.

• Pearson noted her cousin visited the library and was impressed by the self-checkout and friendly staff.

• Crowley mentioned she works at the Friends kiosk one Sunday a month and noted many international families visit and suggested we reach out to that community when we do the strategic planning process.

• Crowley requested a Personnel Committee meeting to be held prior at the next Library Board meeting on March 15 at 4:30 pm.

14. Next Meetings or Events:

• Personnel Committee Meeting, Wed., March 15, 2017, 4:30 p.m., 3 rd Floor Conf. Rm, Main Library

• Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 5:30 p.m., 3 rd Floor Conference Room, Main Library

15. Adjournment:

• MOTION by Ballard to adjourn; seconded by Crowley. All: Aye. The meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.