
Chambana Sun

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Camargo Township Library District authorizes website design


The Camargo Township Library District met July 18 to authorize a new website design.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the district:


The June meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Bill Jones. Those also in attendance were Rosemary Raeske, Chuck Knox, Bill Jones, Stephen Killion and Jackie Wells.

Chuck Know move to accept minutes. Rosemary Raeske second. Unanimous yes.

Treasures Presented by Jackie Wells. Motion to approve report by Rosemary Raeske, seconded by Chuck Know. Unanimous yes.

Director Jackie Wells report:

1. Some of the carpet squares are not firmly anchored to the floor. Jackie and Chuck are meeting with the owner of the supplier.

2. Measurements are needed for the cabinets. Jackie is waiting for one more quote.

3. The board asked Jackie to make sure the library had a supply of cotton gloves to provide those who will be handling the newspapers.

4. Customer complaint from Terry Jackson regarding the Children's Summer Reading Program. It was determined the complaint was not valid.

5. The summer reading program totaled over 200 children. Very successful.

6. Tony Hooker asked the library to provide a weekly article for the newspaper.

7. An Ag Days update was given.

8. Jackie was given permission to move ahead on the storage cabinets as quickly as possible without any further discussion. Motion Rosemary Raeske, Second: Chuck Knox. Unanimous approval.

9. Jackie asked the board to authorize Melissa Cornwell to provide for the website design and upkeep at $500 per year. Motion for approval by Chuck Knox. Second: Rosemary

Raeske. Unanimous approval.

BNA (budget not available)

Motion to adjourn 8:00 P.M.

Bill Jones, Second: Chuck Knox

Submitted by newly arm-twisted secretary Stephen Killion.