
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mahomet library faces deficit for fiscal year


The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met July 11 to review the deficit for the fiscal year. | File photo

The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met July 11 to review the deficit for the fiscal year. | File photo

The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met July 11 to review the deficit for the fiscal year.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the library:


Members Present: Charity Bundren, Jeanne Campion, Jim Matthews, Karin Vermillion Members Not Present: Chris Forman, Mary Giles, Mary Watson Also present: Lynn Schmit, Kate Smith Approval of Minutes Jeanne Campion moved to approve the minutes from the June 13, 2016 meeting. Karin Vermillion seconded; the motion passed. Treasurer's Report Jeanne moved to approve the preliminary financial report for June 2016. Charity Bundren seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. Jeanne moved to approve the check register for June 2016. Karin seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. Librarian’s Report Lynn Schmit submitted the Librarian’s report before the meeting. She added a reminder that library staff have begun preparing for the FY 15-16 audit and there are forms that require trustee signatures.

Charity noted that her family really, really enjoyed the Escape Room program.

Jeanne commented that she is sorry to see Ann Huff leave the library staff and that Ann is very talented.

Audience Comments – No Audience Committee Reports – Finance Committee Jeanne reported that the finance committee met just prior to the full board meeting. She informed the board that, although the library had anticipated a net loss for FY 15-16, preliminary numbers now show that the library will likely break even, thanks to a last-minute receipt of the per capita grant money and some lower-than-expected expenses.

Jim Matthews noted that, while it’s good that the library will not have a large deficit for FY 15-16, the future remains uncertain and it is important for the library to find additional sources of funding.

Jeanne further reported that the Building and Maintenance Ordinance, Budget and Appropriations Ordinance, and Tax Levy have been prepared by library staff and will be presented for approval at the August and September regular meetings.

The committee has directed Lynn to invite Joan Dixon from the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois to attend the regular board meeting in October to discuss the endowment fund.

Unfinished Business – No Unfinished Business New Business

A. Acceptance of Resignation of Trustee Giles Jim moved that the board accept with considerable regret the resignation of trustee Mary Giles and that the board wishes her the best in the future. Karin seconded; the motion passed.

Jim suggested that the August meeting agenda include a resolution thanking Mary Giles for her years of service.

B. Banking Resolution FY 16-17-1 Lynn reminded the board that since Mary Giles had signing authority for library accounts, the board would need to make a new resolution naming three signers. Jeanne and Karin agreed to remain as signers on library accounts. Charity agreed to be added to the list.

C. Appointment of Trustee to Personnel Committee Jim reminded the board that Mary Giles’ departure leaves a seat open on the personnel committee. Charity agreed to serve on this committee. Jim reviewed all committee assignments with the board; all members agreed to continue on their current committees. Karin agreed to continue as the OMA officer.

D. Biannual Review of Closed Session Minutes Karin, as the trustee who reviewed the minutes, moved that the minutes currently closed remain closed. Jim seconded; the motion passed.

E. Acceptance of Ehlers Investment Partners Report The board agreed to accept the June report and place it on file.

Board Advocacy and Fundraising Jim reminded the board that the June meeting included a brainstorming session regarding potential fundraising events or activities. He asked the board to select one, create an initial task list, and volunteer for tasks.

After some discussion, the board agreed to host a murder mystery event. Jim volunteered to research similar events with other organizations and to contact the retired high school drama sponsors to see about alumni involvement. Charity volunteered to contact the current high school drama sponsor about student involvement and Karin volunteered to contact CUTC about semi-professional involvement. Jim asked everyone to submit their information to Lynn so she can report to the full board. This item will be on the August regular meeting agenda for further discussion unless trustees determine a special meeting is necessary. Trustee Comments No comments. Adjournment Jeanne moved to adjourn the meeting; Charity seconded. The motion passed; the meeting was adjourned at 6:54pm. Respectfully Submitted by Kate Smith, Business Manager