
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Urbana Committee of the Whole amends intergovernmental agreement

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The Committee of the Whole considered issuing a Class C liquor license for Mac’s Convenience Store. | File photo

The Committee of the Whole considered issuing a Class C liquor license for Mac’s Convenience Store. | File photo

The city of Urbana Committee of the Whole met Monday to approve an amendment to the intergovernmental agreement Tiger VI Grant Champaign-Urbana Multimodal Corridor Enhancement.

The Urbana Committee of the Whole meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the city: 




DATE: Monday, June 27, 2016

TIME: 7:00 P. M.

LOCATION: Urbana City Council Chambers

400 S. Vine Street, Urbana, IL


Chair: Charles Smyth, Ward 1

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a. June 13, 2016

3. Additions to the Agenda

4. Public Input

5. Presentations

Noise Ordinance – Alderman Smyth

6. Staff Report

7. Resolution No. 2016-06-041R: A Resolution to Approve an Amendment to the

Intergovernmental Agreement Tiger VI Grant Champaign-Urbana Multimodal

Corridor Enhancement (Amendment Number 2 to the Intergovernmental

Agreement for MCORE project) – PW

8. Resolution No. 2016-06-042R: A Resolution Approving an

Intergovernmental Agreement (Jag Grant – City of Urbana, City Of

Champaign, and Champaign County) – UPD

9. Ordinance No. 2016-06-049: An Ordinance Revising the Annual Budget

Ordinance for FY 2016-2017(Jag Grant) - UPD

10. Ordinance No. 2016-06-050: An Ordinance Amending Urbana City Code Chapter

3, Section 3-43 (Increasing number of Class G-2 liquor licenses for Lucky’s

Lounge, LLC d/b/a Lucky’s Lounge, 2002 N. Lincoln Avenue) – Mayor

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11. Ordinance No. 2016-06-051: An Ordinance Amending Urbana City Code Chapter

3, Section 3-43 (Increasing number of Class C liquor licenses for Mac’s

Convenience Stores LLC, d/b/a Circle K#1301, 2011 N. Lincoln Avenue) – Mayor

12. Ordinance No. 2016-06-052: An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Certain

Real Estate (401-403 E. Kerr Avenue) - CD

13. Ordinance No. 2016-06-053: An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to

Redevelopment Agreement by and Between the City of Urbana, Champaign County,

Illinois and 129 North Race LLC in Connection with the Redevelopment Project

Area Number Two - CD

14. Resolution No. 2016-06-043R: A Resolution Approving a HOME Developer

Agreement between the Urbana Home Consortium and Highland Green, LLC. - CD

15. Resolution No. 2016-06-044R: A Resolution Approving a CDBG Infrastructure

Agreement between the City of Urbana and Highland Green, LLC. - CD

16. Resolution No. 2016-06-045R: A Resolution Assigning and Amending an Urbana

Home Consortium Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program Agreement (Community

Elements TBRA FY 2012-2013) - CD

17. Resolution No. 2016-06-046R: A Resolution Approving Modifications To The

City Of Urbana And Urbana Home Consortium FY 2013-2014 and FY 2014-2015

Annual Action Plans (Highland Green) - CD

18. Adjournment

Persons with disabilities needing special services or accommodations for this

meeting should contact the City of Urbana's Americans with Disabilities

Coordinator at 384-2466 or TDY at 384-2447.

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