
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Philo trustees address fiscal issues of animal control operations


The Veterans Memorial project will include trees, flag poles, sidewalk, benches and lighting. | File photo

The Veterans Memorial project will include trees, flag poles, sidewalk, benches and lighting. | File photo

The village of Philo Board of Trustees met June 10 to review a financial deficit from Animal Control operations.

The Philo board of trustees includes six members and the village president.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the village:



June 10, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Meeting Center

in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Dave Atchley, Paul Hendren, Dave Traxler, Janet Decker, Jeff Cain, Greg Crowe, Brian Meharry,

Eric Bussell, Stephanie Joos, Bud Mason, Rod Schweighart and Julia Leatherwood.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees John Mumma, Steve Messman, Steve Sappenfield, Pat Pioletti, Rachael

Garrett and Paul Brady.

MINUTES: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Garrett, to approve the minutes of

May 13, 2015. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve

Messman to approve the payment of bills as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma,

Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

PLAN COMMISSION: President Franks introduced Jeff Cain and indicated he would like to appoint Jeff to

the Plan Commission. Trustee John Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield, to

approve the appointment of Jeff Cain to the Plan Commission. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma,

Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

STEPHANIE JOOS: Ms. Joos explained Animal Control is losing money and they needed to have a new

plan for the future. She explained the new plan for billing can include either Animal Control or

Impoundment or both and stated the contract is up July 1, 2015. Trustee Mumma asked about animal

bites and Stephanie said the animal would need to be quarantined. Trustee Pioletti asked if attorney

Hendren had seen the contract. Paul H. commented that some larger communities are considering

hiring an individual for this service. Animal Control requires notice by June 1st of 2016 to cancel

Impoundment may be a 90 day notice before July 1st meaning the Board would have to make a decision

by the February or March meetings. Trustee Brady commented “If we use an independent, I would be

concerned about how they are handled, euthanized, not sold.” Trustee Mumma made a motion,

seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti, to approve both contracts at a cost of $1,089.73. Roll call vote;

“aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed

unanimously. Trustee Pioletti asked about reports and Ms. Joos stated they will be the same type of

report that used to come with the bill. She also commented that anyone can make a call to Animal


VETERANS MONUMENT: Brian Meharry presented the Board with information and a drawing by Maddi

Clark regarding a new Philo Veterans Monument being planned by a committee recently organized.

Besides Brian the other members of the committee are Eric Bussell, Mike Lueth, Kay Kelly and Rachael

Garrett. It would be erected in the same location and would look similar to one in Royal.

Village of Philo June 10, 2015 Page 2

Trustee Mumma asked about the size. It will be six (6) feet high and span fifteen and half (15 1/2) feet.

Brian said people are ready to donate for the estimated thirty to thirty five thousand dollar project. The

project includes trees, flag poles, sidewalk, benches and lighting. Kerry Grove, Dale Shipley, Tim Kraft,

Nolan Hurbert and Phillip Kleiss have already promised to donate services for the project. Brian said

they are not asking for a donation, just wanted our Board to be aware of the project. The Township is

donating $10,000. Eric Bussell stated they are in the preliminary stage of the project and are planning a

50/50 raffle and a bags tournament. They hope to complete the project and dedicate it by Memorial

Day or July 4th of 2016. It takes about up to 3 months to make the monument and hold up may be in

getting the list of names from the Legion. There will be hard and firm criteria to be on the monument.

It was noted that the Village Washington Street project includes new sidewalk from the post office to

the existing monument. Mr. Bussell indicated all branches of service will be on the monument. Brian’s

phone number is 841-2700 and Eric’s is 377-0661 if anyone needs to contact them with questions or


SANITARY SEWER: Greg Crowe discussed a sanitary sewer study and funding options. He introduced

Bud Mason of IACAA (Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies) that is considering conducting a

neutral third party survey. He stated they would need a 90% response rate. There would be no cost to

the Village, but they need “buy in” by residents. In response to Trustee Pioletti’s question of how we do

that, Mr. Mason said we have to educate them. President Franks asked about the time frame and he

responded if we know in June can get started in early July. The survey would take 2 to 3 months to

complete. There is talk of a grant, capitol bill coming at some point. We have reached out to our state

representative and congressman for assistance. President Franks indicated Julie says they need to know

if we have community support. She suggested a survey and letter to residents from the Board. The

survey is postcard size with pre-paid postage or could be returned in person and cost less than

$1,000.00. Trustee Pioletti asked who would tabulate the results and suggested adding the question

“Do you support a sanitary sewer system?” The results will be done by the committee and the Board

decided to add response “g. I would not consider a village wide wastewater system at any cost” Trustee

Mumma commented that the Board is not doing right if we don’t help the Village grow. No idea what

we can do if problems (with sewer). Trustee John Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat

Pioletti to approve the preparation and mailing of the Village of Philo Wastewater System Survey and

letter to residents. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and

Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: Dave A. noted that pre-construction will mobilize and be here Monday. The project

will probably be completed in 45 days and NLT September 16th. Dave Traxler meeting is scheduled at

10:00 on June 11, 2015 with Larry Franks and water company. There will be asphalt around water lids

and concrete by Feutz around existing light poles. The sidewalk from post office to monument is extra.

President Franks stated everyone (businesses and residents) on Washington Street have been notified.

Dave A. presented and reviewed the MFT street repairs information with the Board. The newspaper

lettings include a June 29th bid opening at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Atchley suggested a special meeting the week

Village of Philo June 10, 2015 Page 3

of the 29th to review and approve a bid. It was decided to schedule a Special Meeting on June 29, 2015,

at 7:00 p.m. A majority of a quorum is needed, which is four. Trustee Mumma made a motion,

seconded by Trustee Pioletti to authorize the bid letting for MFT work. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees

Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

The drainage committee are to meet. Dave Atchley will let President Franks and Trustee Mumma know

a good date and time and will let us know so we can post notice. Dave A. also mentioned there will be

monthly draws (for the Washington Street project) and pay requests should be on the agenda.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Paul H. noted that the Prevailing Wage Ordinance is to be presented and passed

each June and that the Village Clerk had prepared it for 2015. Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a

motion, seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti, to pass Ordinance No. 2015-593, the 2015 Prevailing Wage

Ordinance. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady.

Motion passed unanimously.

An easement for drainage tile repair was prepared and sent to Larry and Dave T. President Franks

commented that the property is at 304 E. Madison and that the catch basin was jetted and is open.

Trustee Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman, to approve the formatted

easement. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady.

Motion passed unanimously.

It was noted to add the acceptance of the signed easement grant from Mr. Elder to the Special Meeting

agenda to be held June 29, 2015.

The proposed Appropriations Ordinance was given to the Trustees for their review and comment prior

to action at the July meeting. Judy will provide amounts to Paul H. in time to prepare the ordinance.

Mr. Hendren reported to the Board that he assisted Chris Payne in how to handle the variance at 602

High Hill Road. The ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) acts on the requests for variance. Paul H. walked

Chris through the process including the public notice requirement.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave T. reported zero building permits. The concrete by the gym entrance is

done. He is working on the pot holes. Trustee Messman asked about the “Children at Play” sign. Dave

T. has the locates done and will install signs soon. Trustee Sappenfield asked if Dave T. or anyone knew

about the stock pile of concrete at the prior Painter home.

The library requested closing off Washington Street for bicycle safety course. With all the construction

going on, it was suggested they use Adams Street. Dave T. will provide cones and block off that street

on July 11th from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Rod reporting everything looks good and financing is in place for the Washington

Street project.

Village of Philo June 10, 2015 Page 4

REFMC Report – Janet Decker reported that they are having lots of weddings, besides receptions at the

gym. She asked for approval to check into the cost of steps to the stage and the Board gave her the

okay to check into prices. She and several Trustees noted that there are peddlers in the Village selling

books. They will be told to register at the office. Janet asked about a Face book page and the Trustees

asked her to hold off on that.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Trustee Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Mumma to enter into

Executive Session to discuss employee salaries. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman,

Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

The tape recorder could not be located so no discussion in Executive Session and we returned to regular

session. Trustee Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pioletti to exit Executive Session.

Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion

passed unanimously

REGULAR SESSION: All Trustees, Clerk and Village Attorney are present.


Trustee Mumma – nothing

Trustee Messman – nothing

Trustee Sappenfield – nothing

Trustee Pioletti – After reading about Ludlow Community Center being underinsured that we review our

insurance. Pat also noted that power prices are a lot higher (6%) if they didn’t “opt in.”

Trustee Garrett – nothing

Trustee Brady – As a master naturalist he would like information regarding the Emerald Ash Bore that he

has posted and also included in our newsletter and website.

Clerk Kirby-Noted Stan Feller will be conducting annual audit soon.

President Franks-Stated Trustee Mumma or Trustee Sappenfield will be asked to run July meeting.

Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Sappenfield, to approve the average 3% pay

increases effective May 1, 2015, as noted on the spreadsheet presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees

Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Pioletti made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Messman. The

meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

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