
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Philo trustees consider business plan for gaming and wine tastings

The village of Philo Board of Trustees met April 13 to discuss plans for Dinesh Chawla's Philo Gas & Car Wash business plan that would revamp the car wash to house gaming machines and wine tastings.

The village board's regular, special and committee meeting agendas are posted online at least 48 hours in advance. Meeting agendas are also posted at the north end of the R. E. Franks Meeting Center at 127 W. Washington St.

Here is the agenda provided by the village: 



April 13, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:05 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Meeting Center

in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Dave Atchley, Dave Traxler, Jim & Kathy Forrest, Rodney Schweighart, Dinesh Chawla, Will

Hamlin, Greg Crowe, Hershel Hammerschmidt, Brenden McGinty and Christine Walsh.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees John Mumma, Steve Messman, Steve Sappenfield, Pat Pioletti, Rachael

Garrett and Paul Brady. Judy Kirby-absent

MINUTES: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Paul Brady to approve the minutes

of March 2, 2016. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat

Pioletti to approve the payment of bills as presented, including a payment of $7,695.87 for a late

arriving invoice from MSA. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti,

Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

Guests: BRENDEN MCGINTY attended tonight’s meeting to meet the Village Board members and offer

his services as a professional fundraiser to assist with grants and other ideas for moving the sewer

project forward. Brenden is from the local area and has experience working with government entities.

Greg Crowe from MSA will provide Brenden with past surveys and background information to date to

help get him up to speed. President Franks will work closely and attend meetings with Brenden as


JIM FORREST - Checking on status of drainage project. They had minimal standing water after the latest

rain. President Franks reported that John Mumma had been working on a solution and that the project

has been moved forward by a considerable amount of time with the latest rounds of meetings. More

information should be available next month.

Dinesh Chawla - Dinesh, owner of Philo Gas & Car Wash, stated after going to Springfield for his gaming

license he was told his business plan was not workable and he needed to separate the two entities. He

has established Klean Kafe Inc. and will be remodeling the car wash building to house the gaming

machines and wine tastings. This requires him to have a second liquor license. He will keep the current

“C” license for his package sales at Red Star Petro (d.b.a. Philo Gas & Car Wash) and has requested a “B”

(pour) license for the Klean Kafe Inc. With the Board’s approval President Franks asked Village Attorney

Paul Hendren to write a new/amended ordinance granting Mr. Chawla the licenses he needs to continue

to do business in Philo. Trustee Sappenfield asked about a construction timeframe to which Mr. Chawla

explained that contractors have been contacted and bids are being obtained.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: David Atchley reported there were no draws to present for payment. Mr. Atchley

then presented a change order for the paint to be fixed on the Washington St. project. Feutz

Contractors have agreed that they will repaint in the next three years. Early next week the contractors

will come in and finish striping Washington and Harrison Streets. Trustee Pat Pioletti and Engineer

David Atchley have agreed to be on site to oversee the project. Trustee Mumma asked about the

painting of the REFMC and Library. Achtley presented that the pay would be separate and is not

included in the correction, but painting will be done at the same time.

Atchley presented two bids for the sidewalk on the north side of Washington Street to the Veteran’s

Monument. He mentioned that five were requested and thought maybe the short time frame had

something to do with the exceptionally high bids and low turn-out. On advisement from the Board,

President Franks instructed David Atchley to contact all interested parties to see why the bids were high

or why they were not submitted. Atchley will try to negotiate with the bidders or ask for a re-bid on the

project. Trustee Paul Brady wants to strongly recommend to the Monument Committee that they plant

at least four different types of trees, since same trees can easily contract and spread disease. Trustee

Garrett is on the Monument Committee and will pass the message along.

The 2016 Oil and Chip project was presented along with a map showing the areas to be worked. Atchley

said there is money available in the MFT fund and the Board needed to pass a resolution for $35,000 to

have the work done. Voice vote was taken; “aye’s” were unanimous.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: The request for new/amended liquor control ordinance was previously discussed.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave Traxler reported two (2) permits in March. Dave said he had gotten two

prices for the door for the post office. Both were in excess of $5,000 due to the fact that the labor will

be extensive since the security doors are set in the cinder blocks. It was recommended to hold off for

now and Trustee Pioletti will look into someone who may be able to help at a lower cost. The post

office was historically painted every five years. Dave said he planned to have the seasonal helpers paint

the outside this year, but the inside would have to wait until the door issue was resolved.

More complaint calls regarding the condition of the property at 101 McKinley Circle have been received.

There has not been any progress made on the clean-up since the first letter was sent in January (2016).

President Franks instructed Deputy Clerk Decker to send a second letter reiterating the Village’s position

and expectations of progress prior to the May 11, 2016 board meeting. The matter will be discussed

and further actions to be taken if compliance has not been met at that time.

Mike McHenry and the Philo Fire Department would like to see permanent bathrooms put at Hale Park

and are willing to donate money and resources to make it happen. Dave will follow-up by getting some

pricing to put in a septic and Rachael Garrett will look into the cost of a minimal building to house one

stall for women and one stall for men with sinks (all to be handicap accessible).

Village of Philo April 13, 2016 Page 3

Dave showed pictures of the steps that were made by Mike McHenry for the REFMC to be able to enter

the stage from the front side. The steps are portable, and sturdy with removable handrails. They will be

made available for rent by clients of the REFMC through the rental coordinator.

At the request of Dave Traxler, Trustee Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Sappenfield to

purchase a new all-in-one printer/fax machine for the Village Maintenance Shed at the cost of $1,975.00

plus the annual maintenance agreement for $196. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman,

Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

Lastly, Dave Traxler mentioned to the Board that the Tolono Township has a truck similar to the 2002

truck that he needs to replace. After discussions of timing, style, add-ons (i.e., does not come with the

plow or spreader box), President Franks asked Trustee John Mumma to take a look at it with Dave

Traxler and report back to the Board next month.

Trustee Pioletti asked Dave Traxler about cleaning out the drains after the last rains. Dave didn’t know

the exact order of the schedule, but knew he was set to work with DJ Stewart soon.

Trustee Sappenfield thanked Dave for fixing the plumbing issue at the concession stands.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Rodney Schweighart commented that the average monthly income from video

gaming has been $1,400. The REFMC will be paid off as of July of 2018. The backhoe will come off the

list after the auditor has completed his year-end review.


NEW BUSINESS: Janet Decker presented the REFMC report. Janet presented pricing and request for 6

new 60” banquet tables to replace 6 wooden tables that are heavy and getting worn. Trustee

Sappenfield made a motion and Trustee Pioletti seconded with unanimous “ayes” roll call vote for

approval to purchase 6 new round tables at a cost of $1,079.94 plus shipping. Roll call vote; “aye’s”

Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

President Franks presented a request by the City of Champaign to join other entities in a coalition

against the Illinois American Water Rate Increase. A similar agreement was signed in 2008. The City of

Champaign will take the lead, the Village of Philo portion to participate is anticipated to be $284.00.

Trustee Sappenfield made a motion to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Illinois

American Water Company Rate Increase Case, seconded by Trustee Pioletti. Roll call vote; “aye’s”

Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

Also presented was an invoice from the Philo Presbyterian Church for replacement of the sidewalk on

the south side of Jefferson Street between Adams and Harrison. The Philo Presbyterian Church was

requesting the Village split the cost of the replacement. The work had been completed. The Board

approved paying half the cost of the replacement sidewalk. However, discussion continued that this

was not proper procedure. It was also noted by Trustee Pioletti that the work was incomplete since the

Village of Philo April 13, 2016 Page 4

sidewalk does not progress to the street. There is grass that needs to be removed and ADA ramps need

to be built. A request was made of President Franks to take to the Presbyterian Church to have them

complete the project. President Franks asked Village Attorney Hendren to draft an Ordinance stating

that the Village will not cost share if the project has not been brought to the board for advanced


The Village of Philo has been selected by the local t. v. station WCIA for the segment called Our Town to

film and air June 13 - 17, 2016. This will be an opportunity to highlight the Village. President Franks

asked Trustee Sappenfield and Trustee Brady to work with Deputy Clerk Decker on a committee for this


The park district requested a donation or payment for Diamond Pro. Diamond Pro has not been ordered

since 2013. The request was for $4,800. After discussion of donation to the parks vs. purchase of

Diamond Pro, Trustee Mumma made a motion to donate $3,000 to the park district, seconded by

Trustee Pioletti. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and

Brady. Motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Brady-nothing

Trustee Garrett-nothing

Trustee Pioletti- The Run4Raley committee will once again be hosting their race in the Village. They will

be doing an early evening run and they would like to move the race into the village instead of racing out

in the countryside. There will not be any other events held for this cause. They are still working for the

first weekend in August. Trustee Pioletti also took time to welcome Brenden McGinty and thank him for

his interest in helping the Village. He also mentioned that he would like to talk with him about

fundraising options for new playground equipment.

Clerk Kirby-absent

Trustee Sappenfield-Asked about a drainage estimate for the ballparks that was given several years

back. Trustee Mumma has a copy he will get to Steve.

Trustee Messman-nothing

Trustee Mumma- nothing

President Franks-Asked if the Board would be willing to take on the ground maintenance of the

Veteran’s Memorial since it sits within the Village and would just make more sense to mow and care for

as the Village is caring for other adjoining properties. He asked Rachael Garret if she would talk to the

Veteran’s Memorial Committee and Philo Township to see if they would be agreeable to this


Village of Philo April 13, 2016 Page 5

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Rachael Garrett made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti, to

adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

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