The village of Gifford's regular board meeting was called to order Dec. 3, beginning with roll call, the Pledge of Allegiance, an introduction of guests, and question-and-answer opportunities before the board.
The board was called to vote on a motion to dispense with the reading of the Nov. 5 meeting’s minutes and to accept the minutes. Following an invitation to the board for a discussion of bills, the president then called for a roll call vote on paying the bills.
The village treasurer issued the treasurer’s report and the police chief gave the village police report. Committees asked to relate their respective reports included Water and Sewer; Streets and Alleys; Sanitary and Sewer; Power, Lights and Telephone; Resources Management and Public Relations; and Facilities, Construction and Maintenance.
Emergency Services Disaster Agency and Zoning commissioners were also asked for updates. Old and new business items were summarized, followed by adjournment.
The Gifford Village Board is relatively new, having first convened in May 2015, when it welcomed new trustees Adam Pannbacker and Nicholas Carpenter, and new Village Clerk Diane Baker.