Rick Strebing, Alderperson | City of Danville
Rick Strebing, Alderperson | City of Danville
City of Danville City Council met Nov. 19
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
#1.... THE REGULAR MEETING of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W Main Street, Danville, Illinois.
THE ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Vice Mayor Tricia Teague, Aldermen Ed Butler, Jon Cooper, Bob Iverson, Eve Ludwig, Mike O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, James Poshard, Mike Puhr, Rick Strebing, Carolyn Wands, Robert Williams, and Darren York. Alderman Heidi Wilson was absent. A quorum was present.
Staff Members Present: City Clerk Lisa Monson, Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk, Community Relations Administrator Rheanna Ollis, Comptroller Alyssa Sweeten, Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, Acting Engineer Eric Childers, Fire Chief Aaron Marcott, Human Relations Administrator Sandra Finch, IT Administrator Cody Shadley, Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Transportation Director Steve White, Public Works Director Dave Ruwe, Senior Planner Mumuchhu Gurung, and Treasurer Chris Heeren.
There were 12 audience members and 2 news media in attendance.
#2....INVOCATION was given by Rev. James Ford, Pastor, Abundant Life Pentecostal Church of God, followed by
#3....THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Pickering.
#4....THE MINUTES of the regular meeting held, November 5, 2024, having been published and distributed, were presented. Alderman Ludwig moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Poshard. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.
#5....THE AGENDA for the evening was presented, Vice-Mayor Teague moved for approval, seconded by Alderman Wands. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.
#6-A... Proclamations - none presented.
#6-B... Board/Committee/Personnel Appointments #6-C... Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions
#6-D... Items of Information
• Administrator Finch shared that the Martin Luther King Scholarship applications are being accepted with a deadline of December 6, 2024, and the scholarship award amount is now $6,000.
• Mayor Williams shared condolences to the Darby Family on the passing of Jim Darby.
• Mayor Williams announced the Night of Lights Parade will be held on December 6, 2024.
#7... Public Hearing on 2024 Proposed Property Tax Levy & 2025-2026 Proposed Budget
Mayor Williams opened the Public Hearing for the 2024 Proposed Property Tax Levy and 2025-2026 Proposed Budget at 6:07 p.m.
Doug Ahrens of Danville shared that he feels the initial purpose for the casino was to create community improvements, he remembers specific discussions through the years that those dollars would not be used to pay employees' salaries or benefits, and that the budget shows him that 100% of the casino proceeds are paying pensions. Mr. Ahrens feels the dollars for pensions and employee benefits should be coming from the general fund. Mr. Ahrens shared he does not feel there is a transparency to explain to people what they are paying for storm water, and it disproportionately requires seniors to pay for a larger stormwater expense as opposed to large commercial and retail facilities. Shared his concern that the pool is getting a transfer out of the general fund of $280,000.00, and that the city has spent $13 million and feels it could lose $1 million every 3 years going forward. Shared that he feels that the Infrastructure Fund and the Community Reinvestment Fund were created as enterprise funds to be project oriented. Mr. Ahrens stated he disagrees with the City Hall project, feels that it is a larger building with similar problems as the current city hall building, and does not want to see the current city hall building torn down. Regarding the possible grocery tax, he would like to see public notice and information sent out. Shared that he feels the rental registration fees should pay for the 2 rental property inspector's salaries.
Commented he would like to see where the cannabis tax is going. Asked if the alderman have received information on how much each ward contributes in the various categories of property taxes.
Mayor stated that if the aldermen requested the information on how much each ward contributes in the various categories of property taxes it will be provided.
Having no additional comments, the public hearing was closed at 6:19 p.m.
• Carolyn Burke of Danville spoke regarding the new sidewalks in her neighborhood and how her yard has been damaged. Ms. Burke has inquired when the damage to her yard will be fixed and thanked her Alderman Jim Poshard for all his assistance it getting this problem recognized.
• Lloyd Randle of Danville spoke regarding a traffic stop data review in that he is asking for an independent scientific review and analysis in what he feels are disparity in traffic and pedestrian stops for black citizens and the opportunity to meet with the appropriate members of this administration to establish a Commission to review all findings.
• Doug Ahrens of Danville spoke regarding the open Council seat for Alderman York and asked that the vacated seat not be filled by either candidate running for this seat.
• Deonte Brooks spoke regarding a police officer stopping at his house stating that GPS sent the officer there and his concern that there was no reason for the officer to be there.
#9 ZONING PETITIONS - none presented.
Mayor Williams presented the Payrolls, having been published, posted, and distributed, for November 8, 2024, of $98,888.08, and November 15, 2024, of $735,973.86. Vice-Mayor Teague moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
Mayor Williams presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed for run November 12, 2024 of $959,005.98, and for November 19, 2024 of $3,061,052.96. Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Butler. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#12-A) Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-163 Extending ADA Paratransit Service Agreement with CRIS Rural Mass Transit for the period of October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen York, Cooper, Butler, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#12-B) Chairman Puhr ORDINANCE NO. 9508 Vacating an Alley, or Part Thereof, Pursuant to Chapter 30 of the City Code for Michelle R. Jones, Petitioner at 7 Wisconsin St. in the amount of $605.20, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Butler. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Cooper, Butler, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Teague, Williams, York Nays: Aldermen Wands, Poshard, Pickering
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 10 to 3 with 1 Absent.
Chairman Puhr presented Items C and D for a single vote, moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as recommended by Committee. There being no objections, Alderman Pickering seconded. Those items being:
#12-C) an ORDINANCE NO. 9509 Approving Purchase of Real Estate for Community Improvement of 605 N. Vermilion St - PIN # 23-05-403-008 & 23-05-403-010 & 615 N. Vermilion St.- PIN #23-05-403-007 - the former Milliken Dry Cleaners location, to be paid from Fund 117 (Midtown TIF) Line Item #117-117-00-54026 in the amount of $35,000; and
#12-D) an ORDINANCE NO. 9510 Approving Purchase of Real Estate for Community Improvement of 131 N. Vermilion St. - PIN #23-08-210-014, to be paid from Fund 310 Line Item #310-310-00-54173 for $83,151 and amend the FY 24-25 Budget to transfer funds from the 310 Reserves into Line Item # 310-310-00-54173 in the amount of $90,000. Administrator Cronk shared that the 605 & 615 N. Vermilion properties will be demolished due to the condition of buildings and an onsite stack and will be available for future development. The 131 N. Vermilion property is the current Chart Records that shares a wall with the city owned 129 N. Vermilion property that recently had the front wall demolished for safety concerns. Upon the demolition of the front wall of the city owned property. It was discovered that the south wall and ceiling are failing at 131 N. Vermilion and the city plans to demolish this property. Discussion was held regarding ways to require property owners to reimburse the city of property purchase and demolition fees for properties left to decay. Administrator Cronk shared that he would like to see a state law that could help us refund the amount of acquisition/blight removal. When all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Pickering, Ludwig, York
Nays: Aldermen Butler, Strebing, Teague, Williams, Cooper
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 8 to 5 with 1 absent.
#12-E) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Amending Chapter 163 Rental Housing Registration of the Danville City Code, moved to dispense with the reading, and asked for approval as recommended by committee, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. Discussion was held with Administrator Finch requesting a response time be added in Section 163.10(D) for the Legal Department to respond when a retaliation case is filed. Following extensive discussion, Alderman Cooper moved to postpone the item to the December 3, 2024 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Strebing, the roll call vote on the postponement being: Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, Strebing, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler
Nays: Aldermen Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Puhr, Pickering, Ludwig
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 7 to 6 with 1 absent.
Chairman Puhr presented Items F and G for a single vote, moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as recommended by Committee. There being no objections, Alderman Strebing seconded. Those items being:
#12-F) a RESOLUTION NO. 2024-164 Approving Agreement for Lynch Road Roadway Improvement FAP 729 through agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the proposed work on the 384.76 feet of Lynch Road from Station 3631+54.34 to Station 335+39.10 under City of Danville jurisdiction; and #12-G) a RESOLUTION NO. 2024-165 Approving Funding for Lynch Road Roadway Improvement FAP 729 in the sum of $89,125 to be paid to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in the amount of 80% under the agreement and balance due upon completion of the project. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call being:
Ayes: Aldermen Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#12-H) Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-166 Approving Harrison Park Golf Course 2025 Fee Schedule, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, Alderman Strebing seconded. Director Ruwe shared there are slight increases, and the special rates have been added to the list. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper,
Butler, Wands
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
Chairman Puhr presented Items I and J for a single vote, moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as recommended by Committee. There being no objections, Alderman Ludwig seconded. Those items being:
#12-1) a RESOLUTION NO. 2024-167 Awarding Contract for Bid #760 - Dawn Avenue, Montclaire Street, & Monterey Court Storm Sewer Improvements to lowest responsible bidder, Owens Excavating & Trucking LLC in the amount of $428,904.02 to be paid from ARPA Funds Line Item #705-705-00-ARPA6, and;
# 12-J) a RESOLUTION NO. 2024-168 Awarding Contract for Bid # 761 - Meadowlawn Area Storm Sewer Phase 1 & 2 Improvements to lowest responsible bidder, Cross Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,599,089.20 to be paid from ARPA funds Line Item #705-705-00ARPA6. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wands, Poshard
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#12-K) Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-169 Amending FY2024-2025 Budget for IHDA (Illinois Housing Development Authority) HAFHR (Homeowner Assistant Funds Home Repair) Grant correcting the budget of the received grant amount of $712,500.00 wherein the budget is showing $788,047.88 available balance, and removing the $75,547,88 amount exceeding the grant to amend Fund 713 IHDA HAF Home Repair Program Line Item #713-713-00-52029 from $681,172.88 to $605,625.00, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by committee, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Administrator Cronk reported that there are 18 completed or active projects currently and with the newly allocated funds the list of approximately 495 homes will continue due to IHDA guidelines. No new applicants will be accepted at this time. Administrator Cronk recommends that IHDA and CDBG projects have separate applications as one is a state entity and the other is a federal entity and have different application requirements. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
# 12-L) Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-170 Approving Amending Contract for CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project at 1020 East Main Street with the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, LIPA of Indiana (Country Carpentry) in the amount of $15,400.00 with change order for four additional windows in the amount of $4,599.99, and change order to address lead safety concerns in the amount of $9,976.00, to be paid from the CDBG-Neighborhood Impact Line Item #106-106-23-54181 in the total amount of $29,975.99, moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as recommended by Committee. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Wilson
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#12-M) Items of Information - none reported
#13-A) Items of Information
Chairman Strebing shared the next Public Services Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
#14... Review of Proposed 2025-2026 Budget and 2024 Tax Levy Comptroller Sweeten reported that following updates to the budget the deficit is $112,000 which does include the grocery tax income. To bring the budget back to a net position an open position of intern for the legal, city clerk, and finance department has been eliminated, a reduction in one employees health insurance, reduction to the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for police cars by $85,000, miscellaneous departments reducing training, travel and expense by $1,000, reduce office supplies by $1,500, and reduce Community Relations activities by $500. If the 1% grocery tax is removed another $240,000 will be needed to balance this year's budget, and $750,000 for the next budget year. Vice Chairman Iverson shared that he does not agree with continuing the 1% grocery tax, feels the cost of groceries are an important issue with people at this time, would like to see if removed from the budget, and feels it would be a good opportunity for the city to cut taxes. Vice Chairman Iverson also asked other counsel members to assist him in ideas to make up the $750,000 deficit to the budget. Comptroller Sweeten shared that the city is lowering the city portion of property taxes, but we are losing PRT from the state at about $1.2 million.
Mayor Williams congratulated Congresswoman Kelly, Senator Faraci, and Representative Schweizer on their election wins.
#16... CLOSED SESSION was not needed.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. following a motion by Alderman Strebing, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.