Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville
Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville
City of Danville Zoning Board of Appeals met Dec. 5
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order, Roll Call & Declaration of Quorum
II. Announcement that the P&Z Commission is Advisory to the City Council
III.Approval of Agenda: 12/05/2024
IV.Approval of Minutes: 10/03/2024
V. General Oath of Audience
a. Oath to Swear Witness: (Attorneys need not be sworn) Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the matter now pending before this commission?
VI.Items of Information
VII. Public Hearings
a. Zoning Petition #301–The petitioner, BTB Energy Solutions is requesting for a rezoning of 13.87 Acres of east portion of the property with PIN 23-12-300-021 from RR-Rural residential to I1- Light Industrial to allow a Large-Scale (5MW) Ground Mounted Solar Array to operate at this location.
VIII. Adjournment