
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met Oct. 28

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Scott Davis, Ward 3 Alderman | City of Gibson Website

Scott Davis, Ward 3 Alderman | City of Gibson Website

City of Gibson City Council met Oct. 28

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey at the Moyer Library.

Roll Call:

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P Sarah Sarantakos: P

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes : P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Doug Parsons: A

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P Laura Miller: P

Pledge led by Alderman Sarantakos.

Visitors: Supts. Martin & Duncan, Asst. Supt Nolte, Head Admin Shull, Treasurer Lorenzen, Officer Rosenbaum, Marsha & Max Moody / Eagle Scout Project; Pastor Baier /Pillar & Ground Church, Zoning Board Chairman Marty Nuss, Zoning Board Member Ellen Hankes, visitors Terry Roesch, Tyler Roesch, Dayna Roesch, Dyna Turner, James Brown, Mindy Basi – Ford County Chronicle.

Motion to approve Minutes of October 14, 2024, made by Alderman Miller, Alderman Sarantakos seconded the motion, motion carried 7/0.

Visitor Comments: Pastor Jeremy Baier of the Pillar & Ground Church invited the public to join them for church service, followed by lunch, and a presentation “Overview of America.” Flyers were available and will be shared.

Treasurer’s Report: City Treasurer Vickie Lorenzen read the September report to council, with no comments or questions to her report.

Committee Reports:

Alderman Sarantakos - Presented a report on the Parks, Building & Technology Committee Meeting held last Monday, October 21 @ 5:30 p.m. at Gibson Bowling Lanes. (Detailed report attached) GASA (Gibson Area Service Association – replaces Rotary Club) presented their ideas on projects they want to focus on for Gibson City. First project is to add activity equipment in the fenced area of the dog park – a ramp, and a tunnel made from tires partially buried. With no funding requested, GASA will purchase the materials and install the structures after a J.U.L.I.E. call is placed. Second project – GASA is looking into fundraising and getting bids to build 2 ‘pickle-ball’ courts at the South Park, in the location just south of the Telecare Building. This requires moving the steel slide and ‘lady-bug’ merry-go-round. The estimated total for courts and fences is $169,800.00. With the City’s blessing, GASA will continue to obtain quotes and do the fundraising, asking the City to contribute about $25,000 in November of 2025 towards the costs. Asst. Supt. Nolte stated that there are ‘pickle-bar’ courts at the tennis courts by the pool. Sarantakos stated theses were not official courts – and Supt. Martin clarified the striping was done professionally. After discussion, Alderman Tongate stated that as a GASA member, she will discuss and evaluate with the group if this is the project to undertake. Council agreed that there was no harm in continuing to gather information, but no motions or decisions were made at this time.

Alderman Fisher – called an Ordinance Committee meeting to be held Thursday, November 7th @ 5:30 p.m. at the library to discuss changes proposed to Chapter 26 – Nuisances. (Members are Aldermen Tongate, Wyant and Sarantakos, with Fisher as Chairman)

Alderman Tongate – announced she has a sign-up sheet for ‘bell-ringers’ during the holiday season beginning the weekend of the Annual Parade until weekend before Christmas. 90% of the donations are kept locally for needy families, and any unused portion by next September will be donated to the local Food Pantry. All interested in volunteering please contact Alderman Susie Tongate.


Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay 3 - TIF 2 checks in the amount of $321,390.70, 2nd made by

Alderman Wyant, motion carried 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay 1 - TIF 3 check in the amount of $2,855.00, 2nd to this motion made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion approved 5 in favor, with Aldermen Davis & Miller abstained due to owning property in TIF 3.

Motion made by Alderman Tongate to pay 2 - TIF 4 checks in the amount of $93.21, 2nd to this motion made by Alderman Hankes, motion approved 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay 1 – Downtown TIF check in the amount of $653.30, 2nd to this motion

made by Alderman Hankes, motion approved 5 in favor, Aldermen Wyant & Fisher abstained due to owning property in Downtown TIF.

Motion made by Alderman Wyant to pay 1 - Bond Fund checks in the amount of $37,624, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay General Fund checks in the amount of $115,951.66, 2nd made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion carried 7/0.

• Old Business

A. Discussion & Consideration of Eagle Scout Project at Jordan Pond for Memory of Eugene Campbell. Max Moody shared invoices from the sign and plaque he has made for the Eugene Campbell Memorial Park located at Jordan Pond. Max has acquired donations from: Presbyterian Church $500, American Legion $500, VFW $250, and is asking the City to donate $500.00 toward this project. Alderman Tongate made the motion to make this donation since it is located on city property. Mayor Dickey stated that the city does not normally make donations to scouting projects, and Alderman Sarantakos asked that the motion be amended to add this is an exception because of the location on city property. Sarantakos didn’t want to set a precedent of making donations with city funds. Alderman Tongate noted the exception in her motion, and a second to this motion to donate $500 was made by Alderman Hankes. Motion carried 7/0.

B. Discussion & Consideration of Quote from Farmer Electric to upgrade Amp Service at Jordan Pond Pavilion to 200 Amp with capability of increasing to 400 Amp service in Future. Supt. Martin explained that more amperage and lighting is needed at the Pavilion at Jordan Pond in order to make it more user-friendly and noted that the quote from Farmer Electric was $21,850.00, and an additional amount from Ameren may be $9,000.00. To be safe, Supt. Martin recommended approving ‘not to exceed’ $35,000.00 for this upgrade. Mayor Dickey informed council that he applied for a grant from Earthrise Energy, and they are donating $20,000 to this amount. Aldermen Fisher & Sarantakos asked if there are future plans for a campsite, and Mayor Dickey stated that was one of many ideas for the future. Alderman Sarantakos stated that she is not in favor or ever spending money on a campsite at Jordan Pond. Alderman Davis made a motion to approve ‘not to exceed’ $35,000 for upgrades, (with $20K being donated by Earthrise) to amperage and lighting at the pavilion, second to this motion made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 7/0.

• New Business

A. Discussion and Recommendation from Zoning Board Meeting re: 302 S. Guthrie. Zoning Board Chairman Marty Nuss reported Findings of Facts from the meeting held last Wednesday October 23, 2024 – regarding the variance request by Tyler Mott so he can erect a 6’ privacy fence in a manner that extends into the front yard. Recommendation from Zoning Board is not to grant this Variance as it is a clear violation of code, which states no fences to extend past front of homes, and to Mr. Nuss’s recollection the zoning board has not permitted fences in front yards in the past, unless they were of a decorative and shorter design. Petitioner Tyler Roesch spoke to the council and asked that his fence be permitted due to the unusual size and layout of his house on the corner lot. Supt. Martin added that he had originally signed the permit, and then issued a ‘stop-work’ order when he realized it was coming into the ‘front’ yard. After discussion, Alderman Wyant made the motion to deny the Zoning Board recommendation and allow the fence to be built. Second to his motion made by Sarantakos, motion carried 6 -1, with Alderman Fisher casting the ‘no’ vote.

B. Discussion & Consideration of Holiday Advertising with WGCY 106.3 F.M. and Ford County Chronicle. City Clerk Jan Hall explained to council that at last council meeting when the 3 options were discussed for WCIA ads, it was not made clear that each option is ‘per business’. Mayor requested council to consider adjusting the amount approved for ‘matching funds’ advertising with WCIA to $5000, as in past years. Council agreed to have this clarification on next meeting’s agenda. Mayor Dickey then asked council if they would approve the advertising programs for WGCY and the Ford County Chronicle as in past years. Alderman Sarantakos made the motion to approve donating $1,500 to WGCY and $500 to the Ford County Chronicle for holiday advertising packages. Second to this motion made by Alderman Miller, motion carried 7/0.

C. Discussion & Consideration of Leaf Collection dates and rules. Supt. Martin suggested it is too soon to start leaf collection service, provided by Getty Landscaping. Suggestion is to wait a couple more weeks, and give plenty of advance notice to residents when collection will actually begin, and clarify rules that all leaves must be raked to within 3’ of the street (but not in the street) in order to be picked up by Getty’s. Alderman Wyant made the motion that Supt. Martin will determine the exact date of beginning and see that it is heavily promoted to residents. Note – one pass is made down each street, leaves not at the curb will not be picked up by the city service. Second to this motion made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 7/0.

D. Discussion & Consideration of quotes for materials for tin shed repairs located at 13th & State. Supt. Martin informed council that he has one quote from Kirchner Materials and is waiting for a second quote – for materials to insulate and reside the ‘tin shed’ located at Well #5, corner of State & 13th Street.

Alderman Wyant made a motion to approve spending up to $13K for this project, second made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion carried 7/0.

E. Discussion/action approval of lease agreement options of Case backhoe for Wastewater department. Supt. Duncan summarized the quotes in hand for a new backhoe for use at the Wastewater Plant. His recommendation is to approve the 590-S (a bit larger) and enter a 3-year lease agreement with annual payments. Duncan stated that the lease agreement provides full warranty and repairs and gives an option to buy or trade in and start a new lease. Alderman Wyant made the motion to approve lease agreement with Birky’s / Case equipment for the 590-S larger backhoe, at an annual lease price of $21,280.00. Second to his motion made by Alderman Davis, motion carried 7/0.

F. Alderman Miller made a motion to Enter Executive Session according to ILCS 5 120/2 to consider the appointment, employment, or compensation, of one or more specific person, second to this motion by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 7/0. Council entered Executive Session at 8:16 p.m.

G. Return from Executive Session 8:25 p.m.

H. Discussion & Consideration of outcome from Executive Session – Alderman Wyant made a motion to approve increased hours and pay of Admin. Assistant Taylor Braasch. Her hours will increase to 3 part-time days and 2 full-time days per week, pay will go from $19.97 hourly to $21.00 plus employee benefits. Second to this motion was made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion carried 7/0.

I. Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Davis, second by Alderman Miller, all in favor, meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
