Deborah Frank Feinen, Mayor | News Gazette Website
Deborah Frank Feinen, Mayor | News Gazette Website
City of Champaign Plan Commission met Oct. 16
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
Roll Call:
Members Present: Barkstall, Cole, Elmore, Kroencke, Trautman
Staff Present: Knight, VanBuskirk, Marino, Horwick, Trotter, Vandeventer, Wilcox
Approval of the minutes from the October 2, 2024 meeting with the addition of Commissioner Trautman as an attendee. Cole: So moved. Barkstall: Seconds. Approved by unanimous “yes” vote.
Development Services Audit Final Report and Recommendations Study Session
Knight: Explains that the City Council budgeted money to hire a consultant to review the entire development services process to make sure that it is working as efficiently and effectively as possible. The make sure that we are providing good customer service and that our systems match the capabilities of OpenGov, and we use them to the full extent of their capabilities.
We hired a consultant called Matrix Consulting out of North Carolina. They came in and went through a process. The goals of the process were to evaluate the efficiencies, effectiveness of the operation, review workload and performance, to access the organizational structure of the development functions, analyze and identify technology needs, and review customer service approaches.
They interviewed all of the staff involved in any type of development services function. He explains all the different departments that were included. They also conducted online customer service and focus group meetings to get direct feedback from our customers. They also did an analysis of permits that have been issued and process over the last few years and compared how we operate to the Best Practices that they have assembled by doing these across the country over the years. At each stage they had an interim deliverable that we reviewed and provided comments to make sure as we went along that we were going to end up with the product that we wanted.
The audit assessed the Key Strengths, each of the key points that were identified in this category are reviewed.
Key Opportunities that we have been identified are reviewed. Key Strengths are identified.
Recommendations that were identified by the report included:
Management and Professional Development
• Developing standardized performance reports and share publicly
• Establish customer service expectations and equip staff
• Establish permit technician classification
• Formalize policies for updating codes, ordinances and standards.
Customer Engagement
• Development of a centralized development webpage
• Prepare a digital development guide
• Establish a customer survey
• Host quarterly meetings with the development community
• Create an active development webpage
Process Improvements
• Transition all applications and inspection requests to OpenGov portal
• Conduct application completeness check
• Implement an application case manager approach
• Resubmissions should be consolidated into a single package
• Establish over the counter permits for specific types
• Establish re-inspection and re-review fees
• Incorporate all review disciplines in the certificate of occupancy inspections
• Consolidate all fire code reviews in the Fire Marshal’s Office
• Establish an internal technology working group
• Create a technology training program (public and staff)
-Digital guides and videos
-Conduct training sessions
• Provide cellular equipped tablets to all inspectors
Staffing and Organization
• Consolidate Planning and Building Safety into a single department
• Permanently fund the AA position in Building Safety
• Transition one AA to Permit Technician classification
• Add one additional associate planner
• Transition capital improvement program from Development Engineer
These are the recommendations that came out of the report. Council has directed staff to proceed with implementation of all recommendations that do not have budget implications or change staffing levels. Most of them will be implemented by OpenGov. We will do these as quickly as possible. We are scheduled to go live with OpenGov on January 1, 2025.
Any questions?
Barkstall: What are standardized performance reports. Knight: This would be a report that would look at the performance of everyone involved in the process to see why there is a lapse in processing. This could include the applicant as well if we are repeatedly having an issue with the same kind of resubmittal problems. This will help us identify issues on turnaround time and where items are being held up and why.
Elmore: I like the audit feature, OpenGov is a powerful tool. Is the City using other parts of OpenGov? Knight: We are using it in the procurement process and for liquor licensing and are getting ready to roll it out in the development side. We will also use it for economic development and eventually for sidewalk cafés and grant applications.
OpenGov Demonstration
Katherine Trotter, Zoning Administrator/Jeff Marino, Planning Manager
Marino: Explains how OpenGov works and the features. The City is currently using it for liquor licensing. Development permitting will go live on January 1, 2025.
This software will allow us to send the applicant all comments back at one time as was recommended in the audit.
This will also eliminate paper copies of permits which will save the applicant several hundreds of dollars per application with digital applications.
There will be training on the software next week, Tuesday, October 22nd – How to submit a permit. This will be hosted by our Building Safety Department.
The new software will require permits to be complete to accepted which will improve customer service and review time
The website is previewed, and everyone is shown where to find the information to sign up for training.
Trotter: Gives an overview of the Planning and Development application process and how the process will work, how to set up an account, how to apply for a permit, and how to search for a permit.
Marino: This is a tool that citizens can use to look up an address and see what is happening at a particular location. Plus, they can also use the site to view the documents, and specific details of the Plan Commission, Historic Preservation, and Zoning Board of Appeals cases.
Any questions?
Barkstall: Ask what type of special software would be needed to submit applications? Marino: Explains that this is a software that most architects use. If citizens are submitting smaller permits, they will be able to scan the documents and upload them without purchasing any special software.
Commission discusses if the citizens were able to access information about permits prior to this new software. The amount of buildout that was required by the City prior to launching OpenGov. It is also pointed out that most of the local architects use the software that we will use to do the OpenGov review so they will be familiar with the software that they will receive comments in. The comments will also be sent back to the applicant as one file which make the process more streamlined and customer friendly.
Adjourned at 4:37