
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met Oct. 14

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Daniel Dickey, Mayor | City of Gibson Website

Daniel Dickey, Mayor | City of Gibson Website

City of Gibson City Council met Oct. 14

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey at the Moyer Library.

Roll Call:

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P Sarah Sarantakos: P

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes : P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Doug Parsons: P

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P Laura Miller: P

Pledge led by Alderman Miller.

Visitors: Supts. Martin & Duncan, Chief Rosendahl, Karen Kummerow – Recycling Chairman, Residents Terry Roesch, Ellen Hankes, Mindy Basi – Ford County Chronicle.

Alderman Wyant called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.as Mayor Pro-tem in Mayor Dickey’s absence.

Motion to approve Minutes of September 23, 2024, made by Alderman Sarantakos, Alderman Fisher seconded her motion, motion carried 6-0.

Visitor Comments: None at this time.

Committee Reports:

Alderman Sarantakos called a meeting of the Buildings & Parks Committee for Monday, October 21st at 5:30 p.m., location to be determined, and purpose is to meet with the newly formed GASA (replaced Rotary) about various projects their committee is considering throughout the community. Sarantakos also provided ‘new pool’ plans progress and announced we are still waiting on the IL Dept. of Health Permit, required before bidding process.

Supt. Martin – updated council on current projects, noting the N. Sangamon Ave, between 10th & 11th is underway, roof work over Police Department tentatively scheduled to begin the 23rd, and the water main project at 13th & State – east to Sangamon, hopefully beginning last week of October. Also announced parks restrooms at North Park are closed for the season, a port-a-potty is placed there, and as of October 31st all park restrooms are closed for the season, with exception of S. Park for campers.

Supt. Duncan – announced the backhoe used daily at the Wastewater Plant is 22 years old and not functioning properly. He has talked with local Birky’s Implement Store and will have a solid quote at next regular meeting for leasing a new backhoe. Duncan also stated the widening / cleaning of ditches has gone well and he may have time for a few more yet this fall. Also, the drainage line between Railside Estates and Villas of Hollybrook will hopefully be completed soon. It requires replacement of some 12” lines as well as completion of a 36” line between the two facilities.


Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay 2 - TIF 2 checks in the amount of $30,238.75, 2nd made by Alderman Miller, motion carried 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Sarantakos to pay 2 - TIF 4 checks in the amount of $1378.00 2 nd to this motion made by Alderman Fisher, motion approved 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Sarantakos to pay 2 – Downtown TIF checks in the amount of $1,291.50 2nd to this motion made by Alderman Tongate, motion approved 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Davis to pay 8 - Bond Fund checks in the amount of $132,190.21, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 7/0.

Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay General Fund checks in the amount of $156,473.39, 2nd made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 7-0.

New Business:

A. Discussion & Consideration of Recycling Program presented by Chairman Karen Kummerow. Chairman of Recycling, Karen Kummerow reported to council the past year’s recycling activity, and requested the same program, (1st & 3rd Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) be approved to continue with Ridgeview Recycling at the same cost of $650.00 per month. Kummerow gave a summary comparison about passes sold and stated that the passes sold cover about 50% of the cost of the program. Ms. Kummerow was asked about electronic recycling and hazardous waste recycling. Explained that oil-based paint is hazardous waste, but acrylic based paints cans can be left open to dry and acceptable in regular trash hauling. Electronic recycling will be on November 2nd, 9 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., and appliances, TVs, monitors, etc. are all accepted for a small fee. Most fees are $2.00 per item, large old TVs being the highest rate at $20.00 each. Motion to approve this Agreement of $650 monthly to Ridgeview Recycling made by Alderman Sarantakos, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 7/0.

B. Discussion & Consideration of Eagle Scout Project at Jordan Pond for Memory of Eugene Campbell. Item was tabled to next regular meeting because the Scout was unable to attend this evening to present project. No action at this time.

C. Discussion & Consideration of Façade Grant for 308 N. Sangamon, Roderick property. Mayor Protem Wyant reviewed the application with council, informing them the plan consists of a new front door, new awning, and painting front and sides of building, at a total project cost of $15,330.00. City has a maximum of $5,000 to pay as matching funds for façade grants. Alderman Hankes made a motion to approve the Façade Grant in the maximum amount of city maximum of $5,000, 2nd by Alderman Fisher, motion carried 7/0.

D. Discussion & Consideration of a quote from Farmer Electric in the amount of $21,850.00 to increase Amp Service at Jordan Pond Pavilion to 200 Amp with capability of increasing to 400 Amp service in Future / Supt. Martin. Supt. Martin asked for this item to be tabled until Mayor is present to assist in explaining this proposed project. No action at this time.

E. Discussion & Consideration of quote from JD Construction to finish work in council chambers (ceiling, lighting, wiring) at a cost of $22,280.00. Supt. Martin provided pictures of two types of drop in ceiling tile for the council room, noting that one was over $4,000.00 higher than the other that was quoted by JD Construction. Alderman Davis noted that the 2’ x 2’ tile quoted has a recessed grid that adds to the eye appeal of the ceiling. MCS is providing quotes for 2 65” monitors to be installed in council chambers, facing council and facing visitors. Alderman Sarantakos asked if the current monitor is not functioning? Martin stated that it is outdated and the new plan will operate much easier for all presentations. Also, electrical outlets recessed into the floor will be added around council table, and if the quote is approved, repairs and installation may begin the first week of November. Alderman Miller made a motion to approve the quote from JD Construction in the amount of $22,280.00 for completion of council chambers repairs, 2nd by Alderman Fisher – motion approved 7-0.

F. Discussion & Consideration of 2024 Co-op Advertising Program. Each year for the past 20 years Gibson City has participated in matching funds with WCIA/WCIX for tv advertising of the annual lighting parade and holiday shopping. 3 options were proposed, all that require matching funds from participating retailers, and the 1st Option includes 47 total commercials, with $800 amount city participation. Motion to approve Option 1, with city participation at $800.00 as presented made by Alderman Hankes, with Alderman Davis 2nd to that motion. Motion carried 7/0.

Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Hankes, 2nd by Alderman Davis, meeting adjourned 7:25 p.m.
