
Chambana Sun

Monday, July 8, 2024

City of Danville City Council met June 4

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Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville

Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville

City of Danville City Council met June 4

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

#1....THE REGULAR MEETING of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W Main Street, Danville, Illinois.

THE ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Vice Mayor Tricia Teague, Aldermen Ed Butler, Jon Cooper, Bob Iverson, Eve Ludwig, Mike O’Kane, James Poshard, Mike Puhr, Rick Strebing, Carolyn Wands, Robert Williams, Heidi Wilson, and Darren York. Aldermen Ed Butler and Sherry Pickering were absent. A quorum was present. [Alderman Butler arrived at 6:02 p.m. and took his seat at the dais.]

Staff Members Present: City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Ashlyn Massey, Assistant Engineer Eric Childers, City Treasurer Chris Heeren, Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk, Community Relations Administrator Rheanna Ollis, Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, Fire Chief Aaron Marcott, Human Relations Administrator Sandra Finch, IT Administrator Blake Wasson, IT Assistant Cody Shadley, Planner II Mumuchhu Gurung, Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Transportation Director Steve White, and Public Works Director Dave Ruwe.

There were 7 audience members and two news media in attendance.

#2....INVOCATION was given by Rev. Greg Taylor, Pastor, Second Church of Christ, followed by

#3....THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Wilson

#4....THE MINUTES of the regular meeting held, May 21, 2024, having been published and distributed, were presented. Alderman Ludwig moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Poshard. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#5....THE AGENDA for the evening was presented. Alderman Wilson moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Wands. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.


#6-A…Proclamations – none presented.

#6-B…Board/Committee/Personnel Appointments

#6-B-1-a) Appoint Ashton Greer to the Planning & Zoning Commission, to replace Justin Fleming, term to expire 06/2025. Alderman Puhr moved to concur, seconded by Alderman Wands. There being no questions, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#6-C…Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions – none reported.

#6-D... Items of Information

• Mayor Williams stated he presented a proclamation to the Danville Garden Club women for their 100th anniversary at a luncheon at Harrison Park Clubhouse today. The club has done everything from planting victory gardens during World War II to planting beautiful flowers downtown. The community appreciates them and the ways they make our community more beautiful.

• Mayor Williams reminded everyone the First Friday Midsummer Luau will take place Friday, June 7, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Temple Plaza.

#7 AUDIENCE COMMENTS none presented.

#8 ZONING PETITIONS none presented.


Mayor Williams presented the Payrolls, having been published, posted, and distributed, for May 24, 2024, of $107,957.15 and May 31, 2024, of $766,820.92. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Strebing, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.


Mayor Williams presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed for the special run of May 23, 2024, of $47,044.58, and regular runs of May 28, 2024, of $2,022,604.79, and June 4, 2024, of $1,470,241.67. Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Butler. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.


#11-A) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-62 Approving an Application to Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS) for ICJIA Less Lethal Alternatives Grant Program through the SAFE-T (Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today) Act with the Police Department intending to submit an application seeking approval for the purchase of 72 Taser 7 packages, (about $145,000 value) with no matching requirement. Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman York. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-B) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-63 Authorizing Budget Amendment to FY24-25, Community Reinvestment (310) Budget as the Danville City Council passed Ordinance 9390 authorizing the acquisition of 2003 E. Voorhees Street for $250,000 and the city has completed all due diligence items to proceed with the acquisition of 2003 E. Voorhees Street. The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Budget shall be amended to add the additional funds as follows: Increase Line Item:310-310-00-54173Real Estate Purchase in the amount of $265,000.00 with funds for the budget amendment to come from the Community Reinvestment Fund Reserves Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman York. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-C) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-64 Approving a Redevelopment Agreement with GP Cole, Inc. dba Dines Machine & Manufacturing for the Garfield Park project to include the following: 

1. The City will exercise its option to acquire 2003 E. Voorhees Street Property owned by Del Storm Products,  Inc; and

2. The City will convey the Voorhees Property to Dines Machine and Manufacturing; and

3. The City will undertake or cause to be undertaken the renovation of the structure on the Voorhees Property consistent with the design plans and specifications provided in Exhibit A of the Agreement; and

4. The City will move or caused to be moved Dines Machine and Manufacturing equipment to the Voorhees Property and place said equipment as specified in Exhibit A of the agreement; and

5. Upon completion of the aforesaid construction and renovation and moving and placing the aforesaid equipment, Dines Machine and Manufacturing will convey to the City the Industrial Property at 1120, 1114, 1128.5 Industrial Street in Garfield Park.

Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Poshard. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Ludwig

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-D) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-65 Approving the Purchase of Two Light Duty 2023/2024 Pickup Trucks for Code Enforcement Division and Public Works Department for a combined total amount not to exceed $65,000.00 with funds for the purchase to be paid from the Capital Improvements Fund, Vehicles budget, line item 302-302-00-55015 from FY 2024-2025 via governmental cooperative purchasing contracts by purchasing existing vehicles already outfitted to meet the needs of the City’s intended use from a private dealership and waiving public notice provisions and bidding requirements of the purchasing policy.

Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Ludwig, Teague

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-E) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-66 Approving an Application to Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) for an EMS Assistance 2025 Grant for the Danville Fire Department for the purchase of 5 new pulse oximeters that have a combined use on adult and pediatric patients. The total application amount is $4,500 with no matching funds required. Chairman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval without recommendation, but was discussed by Committee, seconded by Alderman Wilson. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O’Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Ludwig, Teague, Williams

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Pickering

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-F) Items of Information

#11-F-1) City of Danville – Compensation Administration Guide

Comptroller Massey stated the compensation administration guide was provided to the Aldermen a couple of months ago and she wanted to make sure to offer plenty of time for discussion before it is brought forward for a vote. Alderman Teague asked when it will be brought forward for a vote. Mayor Williams responded it will likely be brought to the next Public Services Committee meeting for a vote.

[The next Public Services Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.]


#12-A…Items of Information

Chairman Puhr announced the next Public Works Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.


• Mayor Williams wished all fathers an early “Happy Father’s Day” and shared that good fathers are critical to the structure of our community and to our world.

• Alderman Ludwig announced the Center City Neighborhood Association is meeting will take place Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Central Christian Church.

#14…CLOSED SESSION was not needed.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m. following a motion by Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Strebing. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 
