
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met May 13

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Daniel Dickey, Mayor | City of Gibson Website

Daniel Dickey, Mayor | City of Gibson Website

City of Gibson City Council met May 13

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey at the Moyer Library.

Roll Call:

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P Sarah Sarantakos: P

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes : P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Doug Parsons: P

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P Laura Miller: P

Pledge led by Alderman Tongate.

Motion to approve Minutes of April 22, 2024 made by Alderman Miller, 2nd made by Alderman Fisher, motion carried 8/0.

Visitors: Chief Rosendahl, Admin Shull, Supt. Martin, Asst. Supt. Nolte, Farnsworth Engineer Dennis Cummins, Residents Mike Bleich, Ellen Hankes, Rob Schmitt, Terry Roesch and Max and Marsha Moody.


Motion made by Alderman Wyant to pay 1 check from T.I.F. 2 account in the amount of $515.00 to Getty Lawncare, 2nd made by Alderman Sarantakos: motion approved 8/0. Mayor Dickey stated that one check was being held for questions.

Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay 11 checks from the Bond Account in the amount of $69,670.65, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 8/0.

Motion made by Alderman Parsons to pay General Fund checks in the amount of $ 320,151.59, 2nd to this motion made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion approved 8/0.

New Business:

A. Resolution #2024-R-3 / Meeting Dates for fiscal year 2024-25 presented by City Clerk Jan Hall. Council meetings are scheduled to be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.

Due to repair work at city hall, Council meetings are scheduled to be held at Moyer Library through October. There are 2 dates the library is previously reserved, and Mayor Dickey spoke with Attorney Miller to see if we can skip those two dates: May 28th and August 12th.

Mayor Dickey will call a special meeting if needed. CEO Rob Schmitt offered to provide a room at the hospital if we run into scheduling problems. Alderman Tongate made a motion to approve Resolution 24-R-3, meeting dates, as presented. 2nd to this motion made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 8/0.

B. Fiscal Year Committee Appointments were presented by Mayor Dickey, who stated that he left all standing committees the same and filled 2 vacancies on the Plan Commission and 1 vacancy on the Pool Board. Motion to approve Mayoral committee appointments made by Alderman Sarantakos, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 8/0.

C. & D. Mike Bleich addressed the council on plans for the annual Clean-Up Day and provided a draft of the flyer – showing the date of Saturday June 15th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Location will be on One Earth Energy property just west of Strebeck Salvage since it is closed at this time.

Mr. Bleich announced that he again wrote for a grant from Thrivent, which provides funds to dispose of old tires. Hull Tire has agreed to work with the Clean-Up committee and receive the tires. The cost of the dumpsters is the same as last year, $4,650. Alderman Parsons made a motion to support the plans and date of the annual clean-up day and approve the $4,650 dumpster fee, 2nd made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion carried 8/0.

E. Supt. Martin explained the agreement with Tonkawater for refurbishment and cleaning of the aerator at the water plant for a total not to exceed $28,990.00 to be paid from CoVid grant funds that were set aside for water projects. Alderman Wyant made the motion to approve the not to exceed amount of $28,900.00 for this project, 2nd made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 8/0.

F. Supt. Martin presented a request to purchase a mini-excavator from Birkey’s Farm Equipment.

Martin explained this smaller excavator will be helpful in all departments in working smaller areas and easements. The cost will be divided equally between Water, Wastewater and Streets & Alleys because all departments will use this. Alderman Miller made a motion to approve this purchase in the amount of $57,800.00, divided equally between the 3 departments, 2nd made by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 8/0.

G. Council heard a presentation by Max Moody about his plans for his Eagle Scout Project. Max is requesting to name the park area at Jordan Pond in honor of a fallen local Viet Nam veteran, William Eugene Campell. His plans include erecting a flagpole, purchasing and placing a bronze memorial plaque, and landscape the area with help from Ropps Flower Factory. Max is still collecting prices and will return to council when he has collected all estimates. Alderman Wyant made a motion to approve Max’s request to place the flag and plaque at Jordan Pond, 2nd by Alderman Hankes, motion approved 8/0.

Mayor Dickey announced that he had written to Earthrise Energy for a grant to help pay for running electricity to the pavilion at Jordan Pond. Grant was approved in the amount of $20,000.00.

Reminder / Next meeting will be held on Monday, June 10th at Moyer Library.

Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Davis, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
