Urbana City Mayor Diane W. Marlin | City of Urbana Website
Urbana City Mayor Diane W. Marlin | City of Urbana Website
City of Urbana Committee of the Whole met April 1
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:'
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
1. 02-01-2024 Goal Setting Session Minutes
2. 02-12-2024 City Council Minutes
3. 02-19-2024 Committee of the Whole Public Hearing Minutes
C. Additions to the Agenda
D. Presentations and Public Input
1. Mayoral Proclamation: National Community Development Week
E. New Business
1. Ordinance No. 2024-04-016: An Ordinance Amending Urbana City Code Chapter 3.5 – Ambulance Service - Exec
2. Resolution No. 2024-04-014R: A Resolution Granting an Ambulance Service Franchise with Arrow Ambulance - Exec
3. Ordinance No. 2024-04-017: An Ordinance Amending Schedule H of Section 23-93 of the Urbana Local Traffic Code Requiring Stop Signs at a Certain Intersection (Trails Drive at Myra Ridge Drive) – PW
4. Resolution No. 2024-04-015R: A Supplemental Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code (State Motor Fuel Tax for Philo Road Resurfacing) – PW
5. Resolution No. 2024-04-016R: A Resolution Approving an Increase in the Number of Liquor Licenses in the Class A Designation for Yellow Rabbit LLC d/b/a Yellow Rabbit, 136 West Main Street, Urbana, Ill. - Exec
F. Staff Report
1. Quarterly State of UPD
2. Capital Improvement Plan
3. Ward Maps Discussion
G. Council Input and Communications
H. Adjournment