Champaign County Board Highway & Transportation Committee met Aug. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Champaign County Highway &
Transportation Committee 1 August 11, 2023
Champaign County Board
Committee Members
Present: Lorraine Cowart, Diane Michaels, Brett Peugh, Tom “Ed” Sexton,
Absent: Samantha Carter, Jennifer Straub, Leah Taylor
County Staff: Jeff Blue (County Engineer), Michelle Carter (Office Manager/Accountant), Jenni Marner (Assistant County Engineer), Ryan Mumm (Assistant County Engineer), Steve Summers (County Executive)
Others Present: Margie Croom (family member of Lorraine Cowart)
I. Call to Order
Committee Chair Cowart called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken, and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda/Addendum
MOTION by Michaels to approve the agenda; seconded by Sexton.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes – May 5, 2023
MOTION by Peugh to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2023 meeting; seconded by Michaels.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously
V. Public Participation
VI. Communications
VII. County & Township Motor Fuel Tax Claims May-July 2023
MOTION by Sexton to receive and place on file the County and Township Motor Fuel Tax Claims for May-July 2023; seconded by Peugh.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
VIII. Resolution Approving Additional Funds for CH 18, Section #20-00453-00-SP
Mr. Blue stated with prices increasing, additional funds need to be appropriated for an upcoming project on CH 18 between Philo and US 45. Mr. Blue notified the committee that IDOT is requiring the use of a new resolution form; signature lines for the County Executive and the County Board Chair have been added to the form.
MOTION by Sexton to approve the resolution; seconded by Peugh.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Michaels questioned if the new resolution forms are acceptable for Champaign County. The new forms have been sent to the State’s Attorney. Mr. Summers said we will go with it (using the new form) at this time.
IX. Resolution Appropriating Funds for CH 22, Section #23-00466-00-SP
Mr. Blue requested an appropriation of $100,000 to get a project started on CH 22. The project extends from Royal to North of Penfield. Mr. Blue has applied for federal funding for this project.
MOTION by Michaels to approve the resolution; seconded by Sexton.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
X. Resolution Appropriating County Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Champaign County’s Share of the Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study Section #23-00000-00-ES
Mr. Blue stated the County share for the 2023 annual billing for CUUATS is $36,984.00. Mr. Blue requested approval of this resolution.
MOTION by Peugh to approve the resolution; seconded by Michaels.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
XI. Petition Requesting and Resolution Approving Appropriation of Funds from the County Bridge Fund, Pesotum Township, Section #23-18138-00-BR
Mr. Blue informed the committee that after further review, the culvert needs to be larger than proposed.
MOTION by Michaels to extend the resolution to the next meeting; seconded by Peugh.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
XII. Other Business
Mr. Blue introduced Jenni Marner and Ryan Mumm as the new Assistant County Engineers replacing John Cooper.
XIII. Chair’s Report
XIV. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
Cowart stated that items XIII thru X be placed on the consent agenda.
XV. Adjournment
There being no further business, Chair Cowart adjourned the meeting at 9:37 AM.
**Please note the minutes reflect the order of the agenda and may not necessarily reflect the order of business conducted at the meeting.