
Chambana Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Danville Planning & Zoning Commission met June 1

City of Danville Planning & Zoning Commission met June 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Members in Attendance:

Pete Goodwin – Chair

Tammy Wilson

Adam Brown

Michael Hall


Aaron Troglia

Justin Fleming

Troy Savalick

City Representatives:

Sam Cole

Christina Turner

I. Call to Order, Roll Call & Declaration of Quorum

a. Chair Goodwin called the meeting to order at 5:15pm with declaration of a quorum.

II. Announcement that the P&Z Commission is Advisory to the City Council

a. Announcement made.

III. Approval of Agenda: 06/01/2023

a. Motion: Brown Second: Hall ALL: AYE

IV. Approval of Minutes: 05/4/2023

a. Motion: Hall Second: Wilson ALL: AYE

V. General Oath of Audience:

a. Goodwin: Oath to Swear Witness: (Attorneys need not be sworn) Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the matter now pending before this commission?

b. Witnesses – I do.

VI. Items of Information:

a. No report

VII. Public Hearings

a. Special Use Permit #256 – MariWorks, LLC is requesting for a Special Use Permit to operate an Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary at 500 Eastgate Drive.

i. Petitioner – Laura – Gave presentation on facility.

ii. Vanessa (Seven Point) – If the Commission denies this Special Use Permit, they are able to go to Tilton. If they go to Tilton then both Danville and Tilton would have 2 dispensaries. The Lynch Road area does not need another dispensary. Adding another cannabis dispensary in the area does not mean more revenue for Danville – there is only so much demand in Danville for cannabis. The demand will be meet by Sunnyside and Seven Point. Seven Point will be starting construction in July of this year. Seven Point plans on investing 6 million dollars in this community. We are asking the Special Use Permit to be denied.

iii. Pete Williams – We do not want to over saturate the area with cannabis dispensaries. There is room for growth out in that area but I think it would be more useful to build places to eat and stuff for people who are coming into town to help build new revenue. I am asking that this petition to be denied.

iiii. Vince – 50 year resident of Danville – I would like to see the money being generated from local people – yes they will pay taxes, they pay local people, but the profit from these businesses is not staying in Vermilion County. I asked that you denied this Special Use Permit.

iiiii. Brown – I feel any business should be placed where they want to be placed. To tell someone that they cannot put their business there is not capitalism, that’s not free market, and that is what in this country stand for. How many fast food places do we have next to each other, carwashes next to each other? I am thinking hard about how I am going to vote on this.

iiiiii. Goodwin – Big question I have is why was this location chosen? Laura – The first reason was because of the stipulations on the locations. We looked up and down this area and we had found some places that were closer to the casino, but was told by some City staff that traffic in that area may be of some concern. This location has accessibility, land, and visibility.

iiiiiii. Wilson – If the casino was not approved would you still wanted to build in this area? Laura – Yes we would. We applied for a license in Vermilion County before we knew there was a casino development there.

iiiiiiii. Goodwin – Has there been any studies on having so many so close together? Laura – With the 3 dispensaries in Champaign area – the first 2 dispensaries did not see a drop in revenue when the third one opened. The current dispensary has a lot of Indiana customers and customers will drive a little further if the deal is better. How much of the pie is Danville wanting to keep.

iiiiiiiiii. Frank Neil (Lobbyist) – I have been hired by Seven Point. Springfield has 4 dispensaries and they could not be farther apart. They do not create additional revenue when stacked together. Clumping all the dispensaries in one area, I do not think is good planning.

iiiiiiiiiiii. Brad (seven Point) – In our letter we showed you the rule on reassignment – they can be reassigned if they cannot get zoned in Vermilion County.

iiiiiiiiiiii. Bob (Petitioner) – We spent a year looking for sights, we were told only the Lynch Road area.

iiiiiiiiiiiii. Sam (City of Danville) – This area is going to be developed, it will develop into an arear that creates traffic and revenue and stuff like that. Some of the things that

1. Motion: Brown Second: Wilson

2. Roll Call –Wilson-No, Brown-No, Goodwin-No, Hall-No

VII. Adjournment

a. Goodwin: Entertained a motion to adjourn at 6:03 pm

1. Motion: Hall Second: Wilson All: AYE
