
Chambana Sun

Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met May 8

City of Gibson City Council met May 8

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey.

Roll Call: 

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P    Vacancy:

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P     Ray Hankes :P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: A         Vacancy:

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P      Laura Miller: A

Visitors: (Sign-in sheet attached) Chief Rosendahl & Lt. Acree, Supts. Martin and Nolte, Treasurer Lorenzen, Admin Scott Shull, Los Caminos owners Blake & Maria Adams, GC Restoration President Sharon Heavilin, Cherry Fisher, Mike Lorenzen, Farnworth Engineer Mike Friend, Ellen Hankes, GAHS CEO Rob Schmitt, Terry Roesch, and Fred Sarantakos.

Alderman Tongate led the pledge.

Approval of Minutes Regular City Council Meeting held on April 24, 2023 Alderman Fisher made a motion approve minutes as submitted –2nd to the Motion by Alderman Hankes. Motion carried 4/0.

Swearing in of newly elected officials: City Clerk Jan Hall administered oath of office to the following : Ward 1 – Sarah Sarantokos, Ward 2 – Ray Hankes, Ward 3 - Doug Parsons, Ward 4 – Denis Fisher, and Treasurer Vickie Lorenzen. Aldermen Scott Davis and Laura Miller were absent and will be sworn in as soon as possible.


A. Los Caminos Façade Grant – Discuss & Consideration. Façade Grants are a 50/50 match after work is done and bills are submitted, with City’s portion maximum being $5K. Mayor Dickey explained that the City has made a practice to only approve actual ‘façade’ improvements, specifically improvements seen by the public, and has not approved roofs / roof-top AC’s in the past. Mayor Dickey advised Blake & Maria Adams, owners of Los Caminos, they are welcome to submit a different application for façade improvements that can be covered, such as sidewalks, windows, siding, etc. City will be happy to work with them. A motion to table this application was made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, Los Caminos Façade Grant is tabled to old business.

Approval of Bills:

Motion made by Alderman Wyant to pay 2 T.I.F. 2 checks the amount of $360,056.00, 2nd by Alderman Hankes. Explained that the $360K was approved as an eligible transfer to Downtown TIF to make the city whole in the General fund due to the complete and unexpected roof replacement. Roll call vote, motion carried with 4 in favor, and Aldermen Sarantakos & Fisher abstained, due to owning property in the Downtown TIF.

Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay 1 T.I.F. 4 checks the amount of $48.00, (legal publication notice) 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 6/0.

Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay General Fund bills in the amount of $93,638.88, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 5/0, with Alderman Sarantakos abstaining because she had not reviewed the bills.

New Business

A. Consideration of 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Committee Appointments. (see attached) Mayor Dickey presented his new committee appointments, Alderman Tongate made a motion to approve, 2nd to her motion made by Alderman Parsons. Discussion – Alderman Sarantakos requested to be considered being placed on Finance Committee due to her past years of experience as an administrative assistant in the Gibson City office, stating she felt her experience could be an asset, and Alderman Parsons offered to switch with her, from Finance to Personnel. Mayor Dickey and council discussed, and Alderman Tongate amended her motion to approve the Committee appointments with that one change, putting Sarantakos on Finance, removing her from Personnel, and Alderman Parsons moving to Personnel from Finance, motion approved 6/0.

B. Discussion and Consideration of Presentation to Discuss Summer Bash Special Liquor License (Revised Date) Alderman Tongate and GAHS CEO Rob Schmitt confirmed the date to be August 19th, not the 20th. Council approved the change in dates.

C. Discussion and Consideration of Presentation by ACT Theater Regarding Summer Play Dean Kidd, president of the ACT Theater Group addressed the council with dates for this year’s rehearsals and performance, noting this is their 22nd year, and voiced concerns about assuring the bathrooms in the park at cleaned daily, and lastly, requested the City to set-up the snow fence around the pavilion, move the tables out and move bleachers in. Supt. Martin stated he would work with them to meet all their requests. Alderman Tongate suggested that when the park has been reserved and is being used, by anyone, the people using it check the restrooms upon arrival and when leaving and notify Supt. Martin immediately of any issues.

D. Discussion and Consideration of Clean Up Day. Mayor Dickey phoned Mike Bleich, who chairs the coordination of Clean-Up Day, and confirmed the date of Saturday June 3rd. The location of dumpster will be at One Earth Energy, outside the fence.

E. Discussion and Consideration of Quote by Central Illinois Disposal (G & N Transfer) Regarding Dumpsters for Clean Up Day. Motion by Alderman Sarantakos to approve paying Central Illinois Disposal Company $4,650.00 for 4–30-yard dumpsters and 2–40-yard dumpsters, 2nd to her motion was made by Alderman Fisher, motion carried 6/0.

F. Discussion and Consideration of Presentation by Gibson City Restoration Association Regarding Special Liquor Licenses for Each Cruise Night. President of the Restoration Committee Sharon Heavilin requested that their group be permitted to have a Special Event Liquor License for each of the 4 Friday night downtown ‘Cruise Nights’ and for July 1st, “Red White & Tunes” event. They are a non-profit organization and she is working with the State Liquor Commission to meet their requirements. Alderman Sarantakos stated that she felt the downtown bars, Horsch Radish, American Legion, Burgers & Beers, and Firkin Bar should be supported because they all pay an annual fee for their liquor licenses. Alderman Tongate stated that she has encouraged the ‘side street’ bars to be more involved, but to date they haven’t shown interest in the Cruise Nights. Ms. Heavilin stated the alcohol would be sold inside the Burwell building, and it was confirmed by Mayor Dickey that open alcohol is not to be taken from an establishment, it stays where it is purchased. Alderman Parsons made a motion to grant the special event liquor license at a cost of $1.00 per dates for the 4 Cruise Nights (3rd Fridays of May, June, July and August) and the July 1st “Red White and Tunes”, 2nd to his motion was made by Alderman Hankes, and the vote carried with 4 in favor, Alderman Fisher abstaining, and Alderman Sarantakos voted ‘no’.

G. Discussion and Consideration of Purchase of Vehicle for Parks. Supt. Martin addressed council with a request for a cap of $40K to purchase one or two ‘park vehicles’, either a used truck or a utility vehicle with a dump-bed, that can be driven easily into the parks without making ruts. He explained that currently the City is short on vehicles and when the employee takes one to the park, other work is on hold until that vehicle is returned. He also said the market has such a fast turnaround, giving him this authority will make a purchase more likely. Alderman Parsons stated that he is not in favor of approving a purchase of this size without council having some information on the vehicle. Supt. Martin assured council he will inform chairmen and Mayor or anything he is hoping to purchase. Motion to approve the $40K cap for purchase of 1 or 2 trucks/utility dump vehicles for Parks cleaning and Streets and Alley use was made by Alderman Tongate, 2nd to her motion made by Alderman Sarantakos, motion carried 6/0.

Motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. made by Alderman Tongate, 2nd made by Alderman Parsons, all in favor, meeting adjourned.
