City of Urbana Committee of the Whole met July 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
a. June 6, 2022
4. Additions to the Agenda
5. Public Input and Presentations
a. Public Input
6. Staff Report
7. Ordinance No. 2022-06-026: An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit (Champaign County Jail Consolidation at 502 South Lierman Avenue / Plan Case 2449-SU-22) – CD
8. Ordinance No. 2022-06-023: An Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 3, Liquor – Exec
9. Council Input and Communications
10. Adjournment