Village of Ogden Conservation Board met March 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
I. Subdivisions:
Gottorff Subdivision: Northwest corner of Washington and Chambers Streets
1. Previous name was Della Fave. Refer to Conservation notes of 2/5/2019.
2. Bedrock is exposed or just underneath the surface.
3. The three main soil types are ChA, Churchville; OdA, Odessa and OW, Ovid. All soils types have seasonal high water with a depth to the water table being 6 to 12 inches. Slow permeability, which would affect septic systems.
4. An Agricultural Data Statement was supplied, as there is active farming in the area.
5. Percolation rates were from 4 to 29 minutes. The fast rates are a pollution hazard.
6. Lot 1 had bedrock at 4 feet at the house location. Lot 2 had a statement of no bedrock in the deep hole, but bedrock is noted on the print next to the house location.
7. A tremendous amount of fill will be required.
8. Proper erosion control will have to be constructed and maintained during the construction phase.
9. Water drainage will be an issue due to the wetness of the area and due to potential volumes. The area is relatively flat so the drainage should be designed to accommodate the flow and directed properly to a receiving body of water.
10. Part 1 of the Full EF was supplied.
1. Ensure that the erosion control is properly installed and maintained.
2. All drainage issues should be resolved before construction begins.
3. Part 2 of the Full EAF was completed.
4. The Conservation Board views this project as a SEQRA Type 1 action due to the amount of disturbance on the lot and Recommends a Negative Declaration, if the concerns of the Town Engineer and Planning Board Advisor are satisfied.
II. New Business: None
III. Old Business:
Fowler and Sons, LLC; 4000 Buffalo Road. Refer to Conservation Board notes from 10/5/2021 and 1/4/2022.
1. The Conservation Board has no additional environmental concerns.
1464 Vroom Road: Ben and Samantha Hicks Subdivision; 1464 Vroom Road. Refer to Conservation Board meeting notes from 2/1/22.
1. The Conservation Board has no additional Environmental concerns.
2. Part 2 of the Short EAF was completed on 2/1/22,
3. The Conservation Board views this as a SEQRA Unlisted Action and recommends a Negative Declaration, if the concerns of the Town Engineer and Planning Board Advisor are satisfied.
IV. Concept:
Casciani Self Storage; East of Sherriff’s substation at intersection of Colby and Union Streets. Findings:
1. As this project is an Overlay District, SEQRA is done at the Concept Phase of the process.
2. Part 1 of the Short EAF was not supplied.
3. Erect and properly maintain erosion control during construction.
1. This is a good location for this project.
2. Part 2 of the Short EAF was completed.
3. The Conservation Board views this as a SEQRA Unlisted Action and recommends a Negative Declaration, if the concerns of the Town Engineer and Planning Board Advisor are satisfied.
VI. Meetings: Harry Ewell reported on the January Planning Board meeting and Bill Parkhurst sent a review on the recent EMC meeting.
VII. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.