Champaign County Facilities Committee met April 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members
Present: Steve Summers, Jodi Wolken, Jenny Lokshin, Stanley Harper, Jim Goss, Leah Taylor, Bethany Vanichtheeranot.
Absent: Emily Rodriguez
County Staff: Dana Brenner (Facilities Director) Dan Busey (Recording Clerk)
Others Present: Richard VanNote (GHR Engineering), Chuck Reifsteck (Reifsteck Reid Architecture), Karla Smalley (Bailey Edward Architecture)
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Committee Chair Summers called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
II. Approval of Agenda/Addenda
Moved by Mr. Goss to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Taylor. Upon Voice Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes – March 8, 2022
Moved by Ms. Lokshin to approve the minutes from March 8, 2022; seconded by Ms. Vanichtheeranot. Upon Voice Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
IV. Public Participation
V. Communications
VI. New Business
A. Update on ITB#2021-003 Satellite Jail HVAC Replacement. Richard VanNote, GHR Engineering, delivered an update on the project. The one major issue of the project is still the lead times on the air handlers. The air handlers will not be delivered until early in the month of July. Based on the delivery date they will be held until around September or October and then be installed, so the work will not be done in warmer weather. By this time all the infrastructure should be in place. Mr. Brenner reminded the committee that this is a supply chain issue and that the air handlers were in fact ordered back in June of 2021. Mr. Summers enquired about the AMEREN credits that apply to this project. Mr. Brenner and Mr. VanNote went over the extension of the grant and fully believe that the credits will still be received. Ms. Lokshin and Mr. Brenner discussed the plan if the HVAC system were to down in the summer months. The contractor has agreed to be on call 24/7 to make sure AC is provided to the facility.
B. Update on County Plaza and Program Statement Discussion for County Departments Space Needs. Karla Smalley, Bailey Edward Architecture, delivered an update on the project. Eight to ten meetings were held in the last week to gather more information. There is an additional meeting with IT and the Sheriffs Office in the coming week. After this the information will be supplied to the design committee. Mr. Brenner stated that RPC could also potentially be doing some programing at County Plaza and that a proposal is being put together for them. Mr. Brenner went on to speak about how IT will route the fiber optics into the new building. Mr. Harper and Mr. Brenner has a conversation about the needs of new generators for the building. Mr. Goss and Mr. Brenner had a conversation about redundant IT that is in place with the Courthouse and the Sheriffs Department already being next door. Mr. Summers asked about the timeline that has been put forward on the process. Ms. Smalley said that all the information is being gathered on what square footages different offices are occupying now as well as in 5-10 years. All that information is being put together to see how it will fit within the new facility, the goal is to move everyone out of the Brookens Building. Schematic Design will hopefully be done by late October.
C. Update on Satellite Jail Consolidation Schematic Design Phase. Chuck Reifsteck, Reifsteck Reid Architecture, delivered the update. The schematic design phase documents were approved, and the project is now in the design development phase. The target date of design development is May 18th, the cost estimate seems to be on target as well.
D. Approval of Contract for ITB#2022-003 Circuit Clerk Carpet Replacement Project. Mr. Brenner went over the bid process. TSI Commercial Flooring were the low bidder at $39,300. If approved the project would tentatively begin May 31st. Mr. Goss moved to approve the Contract for ITB#2022-003 Circuit Clerk Carpet Replacement Project; seconded by Ms. Taylor. Upon Voice Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
VII. Other Business
A. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes. Ms. Taylor moved to open the minutes from the February 6, 2018 Facilities Meeting; seconded By Ms. Vanichtheeranot. Upon Voice Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Brenner informed the committee of several Budget Amendments for projects that have crossed the FY21 and FY22 fiscal year. This will be done prior to July.
VIII. Presiding Officer’s Report
A. Future Meeting – Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 6:30pm
IX. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda VI. D
X. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.