City of Hoopeston City Council met Nov. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pro Tem Florek
II. ROLL CALL: All eight council members present: Eyrich, Ferrell, Florek, Garrett, Lawson, Porth, Richards and Wise.
III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Garrett, Seconded by Richards. Approved 8-0.
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Richards, Seconded by Garrett. Approved 8-0.
V. PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion by Porth, seconded by Eyrich. Roll call vote 8-0 approved bills.
VI. PRESENTATIONS: Kristi Hudson regarding Pool stats and successes for the season.
A. Eyrich: Cemetery: One bid received for grave blankets by Jason Longfellow: $65 per blanket for 39 blankets, total $2,535. Eyrich moved to accept the bid seconded by Garrett. Roll call vote approved 8-0. Iroquois Paving has completed road work at cemetery. One employee left leaving one fulltime and one temp at the cemetery.
B. Ferrell: Civic: Thank you to Silver Brothers for clean-up of Suiter property. Thanks to volunteers, 285 tires have been collected for disposal.
C. Florek: Water and Sewer: Swimming pool trial needs voted on for next year. Eyrich moved to reopen the pool next season seconded by Wise. Roll call vote taken: Eyrich, Ferrell, Garrett, Lawson, Porth, Richards and Wise voted yes. Florek voted no. Motion passed 7-1 to open pool next season. Florek reported a water main break in Sprague Addition. A boil order will be in effect for area affected when water is back on. A new water main will be installed.
D. Garrett: Police: Garrett moved to approve the maintenance contract with Supreme Radio for police radios. Wise seconded the motion. Roll call vote 8-0 approved the contract. Garrett moved to void the bid from Quality Construction for the EMA building due to an unauthorized bid. Ferrell seconded the motion. Roll call vote 8-0 approved voiding the bid. Garrett moved to approve the bid from Silver Bros. in the amount of $59,450.75. Richards seconded the motion. Roll call vote 6-2 with Eyrich, Florek, Garrett, Lawson, Richards and Wise voting aye and Ferrell and Porth voted no.
E. Lawson: Fire/Ambulance: Nothing to report.
F. Porth: Finance: Nothing to report.
G. Richards: Parks: Nothing to report.
H. Wise: Street and Alley: The Street and Alley department was looking at purchasing a UTV to be paid from ARPA funds. Wise made a motion to purchase a UTV from Lithgow Automotive for the Street and Alley department. Lawson seconded the motion. Roll call vote 8-0 approved the motion to purchase the UTV. The department continues to remove trees but property owners are responsible for trimming overhangs from trees and bushes. Alley clean-up will begin next week. Wise stated the agreement with Justin Acton/Essex Building needs to be acted on. Mayor Pro Tem Florek will confer with Mayor Crusinberry to verify most recent conversations.
IX. COMMUNICATIONS: Thank you and correspondence from the community pool committee.
X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Suiter building: The two vehicles towed from the building are stored at Knuth’s. Garrett will follow up with Knuth’s on disposal/junk titles of the vehicles.
XII. MAYOR COMMENTS: no additional
XV. ADJOURN: Motion made by Wise seconded by Ferrell to adjourn council adjourned at 7:43 p.m.