Village of Ogden Conservation Board met Nov. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Present: D. Agostini, H. Ewell, G. Hartman, D. Pulhamus, T. Smith, B. Taft
Absent: W. Parkhurst
Guests: None
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
I. Subdivisions:
II. New Business:
III. Old Business:
1. Granite Ridge, Southwest corner of Whittier and Hutchings Roads. Please refer to notes from the 8/31/2021 (September meeting) and 10/5/2021 meetings.
Findings: The Conservation Board has no additional Environmental Concerns.
2. 2785 Group, LLC; Southeast corner of intersection of Route 31 and Union Street (Walgreens) Refer to meeting notes from 10/5/2021.
Findings: The Conservation Board has no additional Environmental Concerns.
3. Bozinovich; 59 McCleary Road. Refer to meeting notes from 10/5/2021.
Findings: The Conservation Board has no additional Environmental Concerns.
IV. Concepts:
1. Parkview Center Townhomes; Located behind 22 Big Ridge Road
• The project density is not in character with the neighborhood adjacent and across Big Ridge Road.
• Traffic increase, in addition to the other units that have been built, may present issues.
• Being a wet, flat area, proper drainage of the area must be a paramount concern. Recommendations:
• Install and maintain proper erosion controls.
• Design the project to be more in character with the neighborhood to the south and east.
V. Meetings: David Pulhamus reported on the October Planning Board meeting.
VI. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.