City of Paxton City Council met Sept. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The monthly meeting of the Paxton City Council was held at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Ingold called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll call showed the following aldermen in attendance: Cox, Crutcher, Evans, Geiken, Hoedebeck, Pacey, and Withers. Also, in attendance were: Mayor Bill Ingold, Treasurer/Comptroller Tammy Jensen, Water/Sewer Supervisor Bob Carleton, Street/Alley Supervisor Jesse Houtzel, Police Capt. Chad Johnson, Attorney Marc Miller, City Clerk Suzie Shell, and members of the audience and press.
Mayor Ingold led the meeting in the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES: Mayor Ingold asked if there were any changes, corrections or additions that needed made to the minutes from the August Council meeting. Supervisor Carleton stated that the notes reflected the fire hydrant was repaired and at the time of the minutes, it was still broken however all repairs are done now. Alderman Withers made a motion to approve the minutes of the August Council meeting. Aldermen Geiken seconded the motion. All approved on a voice vote.
LIST OF CLAIMS: Alderman Withers made a motion to approve the lists of claims, excluding EIEC. Alderman Cox seconded the motion. Roll Call: ayes - Alderman Cox, Crutcher, Evans, Geiken, Hoedebecke, Pacey, and Withers. Seven ayes, motion carried. Alderman Hoedebecke made a motion to approve the EIEC bill. Alderman Pacey seconded the motion. Roll Call: ayes - Alderman Cox, Evans, Geiken, Hoedebecke, Pacey, and Withers. Abstain – Crutcher. Six ayes, one abstains, motion carried.
The reports have been emailed to all Aldermen. Alderman Withers made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report and Investment Register. Alderman Hoedebecke seconded the motion. All approved on a voice vote.
The joint review TIF board will be on Monday, October 4th, 2021 at 6pm. Mayor Ingold also stated that he would like to have a long-term planning meeting where he is seeking community and council input for the use of CARES money and some stimulus package money.
Discuss Draft proposal for Drainage Issues Work – Mr. Friend from Farnsworth stated that they have not been able to put together any estimates yet but will be working on that. Jesse reports sidewalks are getting finished up and they are getting ready for Swine and Dine. Bob reports they are still working on water meters. There are about 200 left on the west side of town. He reports that the fire hydrant is all fixed and online now. He also asked that the VFD (variable frequency drives) be looked at and to consider more efficient models. Alderman Withers stated that if new drives are installed, they are frequently given tax incentives and breaks on pricing so it would be financial savings in the long run. Mayor Ingold stated that two years ago a University of Illinois study was done on the water plant and they are going to come up and do another study. Water, sewer, and broadband are items that can use the stimulus money available for updates. Pump problem is about a $25,000 fix of which the pump is $20,157 plus labor and delivery. One pump went down and while that one was being repaired the other pump went down. Bob suggested that the broken pump be repaired for the $10,000 estimate to be on hand as a replacement in case of a future emergency. The new pump has been ordered and will be replaced this coming Friday. Alderman Withers asked if both pumps were needed to be in use at a time and Bob stated that in the case of heavy rains both pumps are used simultaneously. During these times it would be beneficial to have a backup on hand since the average repair time frame is approximately 6 weeks. Press Will Brumleve asked if this was all wastewater and it was confirmed.
Mr. Friend stated that he would be working with the LPZI committee on the maps. He will be getting the estimates for the cost to do the evaluations.
Discuss and Approve 4-Way Stop at Corner of Pine St/Maple St – Alderman Withers stated that he was approached by a citizen that now that the roads are improved the traffic on this corner has increased and there is more speeding in this area. This intersection had a two way stop and now the need is more for a four way stop. Alderman Pacey stated that this was a concern in the past because of the traffic pattern. Alderman Pacey made the motion to put a 4-Way Stop at the Corner of Pine St/Maple St. Alderman Withers seconded the motion. Roll Call: ayes - Alderman Cox, Crutcher, Evans, Geiken, Hoedebecke, Pacey, and Withers. Seven ayes, motion carried.
Capt. Johnson reported that the police department has been busy helping at the school and in other locations. Mayor Ingold stated he read that Capt. Johnson has announced his run for the position of Sheriff of Ford County.
Alderman Evans asked if thought has been given to putting more lighting in the park. Capt. Johnson agreed that it is dark in the park and additional lights would help the police with seeing what is going on in there. Mayor suggested changing the hours of the park. Discussion was that changing the hours would likely not impact the people out in the park after hours. Alderman Evans wasn’t sure if that
would change the people using the park but an increase in lighting would help. Alderman Withers stated he would prefer the lighting to changing the park hours. Mayor Ingold stated that money is available to update the park and they are looking at items to add to the park. The mayor was approached about the school using the Pavilion for Homecoming. He consulted with the council members and homecoming will be held in the Pells Park Pavilion this coming Saturday with the dance ending at 11pm.
Discuss proposed changes to Zoning Map – Alderman Geiken stated that a meeting was held prior to this meeting and the changes will be turned over to Farnsworth Group so that when this is proposed to the Planning Commission, they will have an easier way to compare old to new recommendations.
Discuss and Approve changes to Ordinance 32.03 (Planning Commission) and Ordinance 151.157 (Zoning Board of Appeals). Mayor Ingold stated that in an effort to streamline the process he would like the council to consider combining the Planning Commission and ZBA. Attorney Marc Miller stated that he would draft up an ordinance that will go to the planning commission and they can decide if they are good with it or not. Both meetings will be posted as public hearings for the community to be involved as well.
The Planning Commission plans what is going on with the town and the ZBA listens to concerns for changes to an ordinance or special use requests that affects their property. He states that this combination has worked well in other small rural communities. Press member Brumleve asked what it would be called - Planning and Zoning Commission with 7 members. He stated that the ZBA would probably need to meet one more time this month. The mayor asked Brandon Magers if he would be the chairman of the new Zoning Board and Planning Commission but also to be the Chairman of the Zoning Board until this can all be completed. The mayor stated that Claude Wilson is another person who is a resident on East Orleans Street. The mayor asked for concurrence from the council to appoint Claude Wilson to ZBA. Motion by Alderman Evans and seconded by Alderman Withers to appoint Claude Wilson to ZBA. All ayes – motion carried.
Swine and Dine coming up this weekend. Wine and Chocolate walk is scheduled for October 2. Presentation at IML on 9/25 on the Streetscape.
Mayor would like to schedule a meeting for the money, approximately $560,000 from stimulus package and $300,000 from Re-Build Illinois, that will be coming available and to plan on how to follow the interim treasury document. Alderman Withers asked if there would be any way to find some more money to finish another couple of areas with the streetscape and Mayor Ingold stated that upon some investigation there is another streetscape type grant that will be made available to apply for so the City of Paxton can apply for that money to try and update the additional blocks.
Bob stated that hydrants will be flushed September 27-October 1st in the City of Paxton. There will possibly be dips in water pressure and the water may be a little rusty. Brush pick up will also be that week. Mayor stated that all the departments are moving along well and getting things done.
Motion to adjourn by Withers, seconded by Cox. All ayes; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm.