City of Gibson City Council met Oct. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Call to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dan Dickey.
Roll Call: Ward #1 Susie Tongate, Present Vacancy
Ward #2 Randy Wyant, Present Aaron Franks, Absent
Ward #3 Scott Davis, Present Michelle Celeschi, Present
Ward #4 Denis Fisher, Present Laura Miller, Present
Junior Alderman Haley Wahl Present
Others present Water Superintendent Tyler Martin, Officer Rosenbaum, Mike Friend of Farnsworth; Matt Heideman, New Beginnings Church; Ross Brown, Ford County Chronicle.
Alderman Michelle Celeschi led council in Pledge of Allegiance.
Alderman Randy Wyant made a motion to add to council Minutes of September 27, 2021, additional language indicating committee and council approved ‘flex-time’ instead of ‘overtime’ for on call weekend hours in water department., 2nd by Alderman Celeschi, Motion carried 7-0.
Motion to approve Minutes of September 27 with the additional language as stated regarding flex pay, made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd by Alderman Miller, Motion carried 7-0.
Visitors: Matt Heideman representing New Beginnings Church requested approval to close the north half of the public parking lot south of the Church on October 25th-27th so the church can participate in the Downtown Halloween Festival on the 26th by setting up an obstacle course for kids. It will be set up the 25th, torn down the 27th. Council agreed and City Crew will provide 4 barricades.
Committee Reports:
Alderman Randy Wyant stated that the Water Sewer Committee meeting on the 20th discussed increase to water rates and this will be discussed under Agenda Item G, Water Rates Ordinance 2021-O-13.
Approval of Bills:
TIF #2 (2 checks) $99,024.03 Motion to approve by Alderman Miller, 2nd by Alderman Fisher, Motion carried 7-0.
General Fund: $132,242.78 Motion made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, to approve all General Fund checks as presented. Motion passed 6 with Alderman Wyant abstaining due to having invoices in the bills.
New Business:
Agenda Item A –Co-op Advertising with WCIA and WGCY. Mayor Dickey stated last year the City paid $5,000 to WCIA and $1,500 to WGCY for holiday advertising. His recommendation is to continue with the same amounts this year. Alderman Davis reminded council these amounts are in the current Marketing line item. Motion to approve made by Alderman Davis, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, Motion carried 7-0.
Agenda Item B Consideration of hiring Donohue & Associates to update the Storm Sewer Map at a cost not to exceed $2,500. Supt. Martin reported that the maps need to be updated and that Donohue will include water line maps too. Motion to approve $2500 to Donohue for new maps made by Alderman Celeschi, 2nd by Alderman Fisher, Motion carried 7-0.
Agenda Item C Change Order in the amount of an additional $12,642.00 to Clock Tower Bid for repairs to the concrete cap. (see attached details and diagrams) Mayor Dickey and Alderman Wyant discussed this with the contractors and recommend approving this change order. Motion to approve Change Order for additional work at a cost of $12,642.00 was made by Alderman Miller, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, Motion carried 7-0.
Agenda Item D Gibson City Police Dept. front face brick repair. Motion to approve a work order prepared by Farnsworth & Associates to prepare plans and follow-up for brick repair on the face of the Police Department. Alderman Celeschi voiced concern about the safety and asked for barricades to be considered. Mayor Dickey asked Supt. Martin to speak with the contractors working on the Clock Tower and find out if they will provide scaffolding or some type of protection. Farnsworth Work order approved not to exceed $5,000 plus reimbursable expenses as presented (see attached). Motion made by Alderman Wyant, 2nd by Alderman Celeschi, Motion carried 7-0.
Agenda Item E Consideration of donation of Emergency Funds to GAHRF 503c. Mayor requested this item be tabled until further details of the needs and expenditures can be obtained from the GAHRF committee. Alderman Celeschi asked if this was different than transferring donations from the City account into the GAHRF account. Mayor Dickey stated that he is concerned they may need more funds that council can consider donating from City emergency funds. Item to be added to next meeting Agenda.
Agenda Item F– Motion to move the American Recovery Act funds received in the amount of $219,753.81, and the 2nd payment in the same amount next year, from General Fund to the Water Department fund. Council agreed that the funds can best be used for the ongoing upgrades in the Water Department. Motion made by Alderman Miller to move all American Recovery Act Funds from General into Water Budget, 2nd by Alderman Celeschi, Motion carried 7-0.
Agenda Item G Motion to approve Ordinance # 2021-O-13, Amending and increasing water rates and charges for water service (see attached) Alderman Wyant stated the rate increase has been needed for over a year and delayed due to CoVid, and recent storm and flood damage. Alderman Tongate reminded council this was recommended by Mr. Hartman who provided the report on our Water and Sewer facilities, and Supt. Martin concurred that the increases are a must to keep up with the upgrades and improvements and possible new Well #6. Alderman Davis explained that a family of 4 would likely see an average of a $10.00 per month increase in their water bill.
Motion to Approve Ordinance 2021-O-13, amending and raising the current rates made by Alderman Wyant, 2nd by Alderman Celeschi, Motion carried 6-1, with Alderman Fisher casting the ‘nay’ vote.
Motion to adjourn made by Junior Alderman Haley Wahl, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, meeting adjourned at 7:50.